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The Book of Siryn


Who ISN'T One of My Brothers??
The Book of Siryn



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Giant-Size X-Men set.
Its model number and name are #027 / Siryn.


Character Bio - Born while her father, Sean Cassidy, also known as Banshee, was away on a mission for Interpol, Theresa Maeve Cassidy was raised by her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy. She first took the name Siryn while helping her uncle with his criminal activities. When Black Tom was arrested and sentenced to prison, he sent Siryn to live with the X-Men, where she was reunited with her father. Siryn was one of the founding members of the the goverment-run mutant team X-Factor. Here she first worked alongside Mutiple Man and Strong Guy, as well as beginning an ongoing flirtation with Deadpool. Her time with X-Factor came to an end when she was temporarily rendered mute, but she would later join Madrox, as well as Strong Guy, M, Rictor and Wolfsbane, when Jamie restarted the team as a detective agency called X-Factor Investigations.

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Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)





LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 140

Range Special. Attack 4.
Choose 4 spaces in a straight line from Siryn. All figures on the chosen spaces, and all figures other than Siryn within 1 space of the chosen spaces, are affected by this special attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense die against this special attack.

Instead of attacking, you may choose a Unique Hero within 3 clear sight spaces of Siryn and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, take temporary control of that Hero and immediately take a turn with the chosen Hero. At the end of that turn, control of the chosen Hero returns to the player who controlled the Hero before the Vocal Trance.

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Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

How about this for Siren's Song:

Before attacking or defending with Syrin, you may choose an adjacent figure and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher, take temporary control of the chosen figure and that figure must attack or defend in Syrin's place. After attacking or defending with Siren's Song, control of the chosen figure returns to the player who controlled the chosen figure before using this special power.

I think it's slightly more original and takes care of some messy mutant bonding situations that could occur.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Another thing is that since it's a song, it doesn't need to be adjacent.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Unless you're going to switch the figures, having someone else out of the attacker's range defending in her place could be problematic.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

I think she is too much like Banshee, she's even a mutant as well. Why don't we change the special attack to something like pied piper, where she takes control when she damages, (maybe adda a 20 sided die roll). Then give her some other special

From wikapedia - "She can also vary the pitch to deflect projectiles, and she even used it to deflect lasers once" How 'bout a dodge or defensive special?

I just don't want a unit who is identical to banshee, she is supposed to be very different and much more powerful

Oh yeah, she should have sonic flying, she can fly exactly like banshee can so they should both have that special (unless there isn't enough room)
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

How about this for Siren's Song:

Before attacking or defending with Syrin, you may choose an adjacent figure and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher, take temporary control of the chosen figure and that figure must attack or defend in Syrin's place. After attacking or defending with Siren's Song, control of the chosen figure returns to the player who controlled the chosen figure before using this special power.

I think it's slightly more original and takes care of some messy mutant bonding situations that could occur.

That's a cool power, but as SirG brought up, there's a few issues with range and few other attack powers I can think of.

Smithy, keeping her distinct from Banshee is definitely one of our goals, but she is his daughter and has the exact same powers, with the addition of being able to influence people with her voice.

Whereas Piper's mind control is linked to his powers, Siryn's scream and her mind control are different aspects of her power, using both at the same time is physically impossible for her.

Deflecting projectiles is not something I've seen her use very often, while her scream is used constantly. Like Banshee, it's the most iconic part of her power.

Sonic flying was dropped because that was going to make her too close to Banshee. That, plus Siren's Song, one less defense and no Agent synergies should give her a different play style from her Da.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

I think the SP looks great TrollBrute. Nice work taking all the feedback we've given you and working it into a good design. She should be similar to Banshee, but they are different enough as it is that they will both be playable.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Yeah, I like her as-is, too. Might want to move the roll on Siren's Song around a bit (and maybe name it that roll - like, Siren's Song 14, as I feel like this is a power we could re-use), but otherwise good. :up:
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Since we are still in the brainstorming phase, what if we gave her a normal range, reduced her attack to 3 and then gave her Sensory Assault? That would certainly make her different than Banshee.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

My advice: use this first 24 hours to ask anything about the design you might be unsure of. If there's nothing you're unsure of, line up a hero for an initial playtest.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Since we are still in the brainstorming phase, what if we gave her a normal range, reduced her attack to 3 and then gave her Sensory Assault? That would certainly make her different than Banshee.

Why would she have Sensory Assault? That's a bit too wonky theme-wise for me... all use so far as been light and eye-based.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

I could probably grad the initial soon, I just want to make sure we have discussed ALL possibilities and once I start the initial I would really like the LD to be happy with the current state of the design and keep it that way unless the playtester requests tweaks for balance. That is the biggest issue the Heroes have with these designs. So get all your suggestions out because once the initial is requested and started, we're gonna start dismissing design changes.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Since we are still in the brainstorming phase, what if we gave her a normal range, reduced her attack to 3 and then gave her Sensory Assault? That would certainly make her different than Banshee.

Why would she have Sensory Assault? That's a bit too wonky theme-wise for me... all use so far as been light and eye-based.

Because hearing is a sense and your ears are usually near the target point. The name of the power works fine for hearing and visual Sensory Assault.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Since we are still in the brainstorming phase, what if we gave her a normal range, reduced her attack to 3 and then gave her Sensory Assault? That would certainly make her different than Banshee.

Why would she have Sensory Assault? That's a bit too wonky theme-wise for me... all use so far as been light and eye-based.

Because hearing is a sense and your ears are usually near the target point. The name of the power works fine for hearing and visual Sensory Assault.

The theme for Sensory Assault works fine, but why would Siryn be immune to Dazzler and Doctor Light's powers? It muddies the theme of a "staple" power too much for me.

That said I wouldn't be against giving her basic range, but I'm not familiar enough with the character to be sure.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Marvel Comics Database said:
Audiokinesis: ability to create various sonic effects through the combined action of her vocal cords and limited psionic powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces.
Sonic Scream: Siryn can cause her vocal cords to vibrate over a wide range of sonic frequencies and produce a volume of sound ranging up to at least 140 decibels. Siryn has thus the ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream
Flight: Siryn can use the sonic vibrations of her scream as a carrier wave.
Sonic Lance: By focusing her sonic vibrations while screaming into an intense beam. This is used as a sort of "battering ram" that can stun or even destroy most solid objects.
Sonar: can use her sonic powers as a form of sonar. By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
Sonic Null Field: can project a field of silence in a area making no sound reach outside the area or no sound outside the area in.
Sonic Amplification: can amplify sound carrier waves allowing her to hear conversations or noises from far off.
Sonic Shield: can tighten sound waves around herself or others near her, making a barrier against outside attack.
Vocal Disorientation: ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.
Vocal Trance: ability to subtly influence peoples subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of her voice using sonics, the effects tend towards blatant hypnosis
Vocal Unconsciousness: ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
Siren's Song: ability to influence human beings with a certain pitch of her voice, causing them to fall in love with her without regard to gender or sexual orientation.
Sound Immunity: Siryn's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by the effects of her scream and similar abilities.
Superhuman Vocal Stamina: Her vocal cords are tremendously strong, so that she can produce sonic effects through screaming constantly for hours at a time without noticeably tiring or injuring her vocal apparatus. Siryn’s vocal cords and the interiors of her throat and mouth are also superhumanly tough, so that the intense pressures and constrictions that she produces do not cause her any injury.

Just so that this is out there and someone doesn't chime in at the 9th hour saying "Why can't this design do this since Siryn can?"
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

I am liking this already. She's similar to Banshee, which is cool IMO. She's not an Agent, but she does her cool mind control stuff, which is definitely thematic to the Sirens of mythology.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Adding normal range and Sensory Assault is an interesting idea, but I agree with Johnny that making her immune to the light-based characters (and vice versa) is kinda wonky. Sonic Scream feels best to me, I've seen her use an area affect scream like that more often than Banshee. 'Course, I only know Banshee from the Claremont run, most of which he spends unable to use his powers. :)

Thanks for the list, Tickle. :up: I definitely want to be set on the design before we do any testing.

How does everyone feel about the roll on Siren's Song? Given that it's the main difference between her and Banshee right now, I want to make sure it'll get used often enough. Is 14 low enough to make it worth not attacking? We do have to be careful with 20-sided die powers on Mutants, so that the +3 from Destiny/Magneto (II) doesn't overpower anyone.

Also what about the class/personality? Investigator isn't as perfect a fit for her as for Multiple Man, but she does work for X-Factor Investigations, even running it for a while. My familiarity of her is all based off the recent X-Factor stuff. Anyone with other knowledge of the character have a class they think would be better?
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

I might bump up the roll a bit - maybe to something around 16. I think a 25% chance would be worth using now and then... anything between 14 and 16 sounds good, though.

I like Investigator; I'm mostly familiar with her from the same era as you (though I've never actually read any of it :lol:), but I don't think that's a bad thing. The only other I can think of is Adventurer and that's sort of lame.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Way to bust out the Marvel Comic Database Tickle, now I'm not the only one pulling it out of a hat. :)

Well considering that list of powers she has, it seems like Vocal Trance might be a better title than Siren's Song. Siren's Song looks like it's about getting humans to fall in love with her, while the description of Vocal Trance seems more to imply hypnotizing others, and not limited to human.
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

Vocal Trance would be more re-useable too. :up:
Re: The Book of Siryn -(Design Phase)

When she forces people in love with her, she can get them to do just about anything for her, so that's what I was playing off of. That said, Vocal Trance is definitely more re-useable, so I'm good with that. Save Siren's Song for the release title maybe.