Who ISN'T One of My Brothers??
The Book of Siryn

Comic PDF

Mini PDF
The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Giant-Size X-Men set.
Its model number and name are #027 / Siryn.
Character Bio - Born while her father, Sean Cassidy, also known as Banshee, was away on a mission for Interpol, Theresa Maeve Cassidy was raised by her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy. She first took the name Siryn while helping her uncle with his criminal activities. When Black Tom was arrested and sentenced to prison, he sent Siryn to live with the X-Men, where she was reunited with her father. Siryn was one of the founding members of the the goverment-run mutant team X-Factor. Here she first worked alongside Mutiple Man and Strong Guy, as well as beginning an ongoing flirtation with Deadpool. Her time with X-Factor came to an end when she was temporarily rendered mute, but she would later join Madrox, as well as Strong Guy, M, Rictor and Wolfsbane, when Jamie restarted the team as a detective agency called X-Factor Investigations.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-
Incoming Synergy:
- As a Mutant, Siryn has these Mutant Synergies.
- As an Investigator, Siryn has these Investigator Synergies.
- N/A
-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-
- As a figure with the Flying special power, Siryn cannot be affected by aspects of certain special powers. Special Powers that Interact Differently with the Flying special power.
- Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense die when defending againat Siryn's Sonic Scream Special Attack. Current Symbiotes.
- As a figure with a special power that takes temporary control, Siryn interacts differently with certain special powers. Special Powers that Interact Differently with Special Powers that Take Temporary or Permanent Control.
- As a figure with a special power that takes temporary control, Siryn interacts differently with certain special powers. Special Powers that Interact Differently with Special Powers that Take Temporary or Permanent Control.
- As a figure with the Flying special power, Siryn interacts differently with certain special powers. Special Powers that Interact Differently with the Flying special power.
- As a Mutant, Siryn interacts differently with certain special powers. Special Powers the Interact Differently with Mutants.
- As a figure with a Special Attack, Siryn can be affected by aspects of certain special powers. Special Powers that Interact Differently with Special Attacks.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- N/A
- Initial playtest: Margloth
- Second playtest: Hidicul
- Third playtest: Flame Gryphon
- Fourth playtest: Red Eyed Jedi
- Art: Comic Art, Figure Pics, Backgrounds
- Art by: Scapemage
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