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The Book of Sir Gilbert


Well-known member
The Book of Sir Gilbert
Crest of the Valkyrie - Jandar's Flag Bearer​


If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: Sgt. Drake Alexander adjusts his uniform as he approaches an encampment of beautifully adorned tents. He has always felt the urge to make himself ³presentable² when he enters the camp of the Westons. Something about looking up at the proud lion flying against the azure field of the Weston¹s banner that makes a man feel the need to show a sort of humility and reverence.

"Hail, Sir Drake," calls one of the knights of Weston. "You¹ve come to see the progress, have you?"

"I have. How is it looking?"

"Come and see for yourself, he is just finishing now."

Drake is ushered into a nearby tent, the inside of which casts a warm glow by the series of lanterns that light it. A wooden dummy in the corner wearing a stunning breastplate, wrought of gold and silver, catches Drake¹s eye. A tall; well-built man steps forward to greet Drake with a hardy handshake. The man grabs onto a wooden staff leaning against the wall of the tent and swings it over in front of Drake. It is not just a staff, but a flag: Weston blue, finely embroidered in gold and white, bearing both the lion crest of Weston and the mark of Jandar.

"Ah, the new standard. It is wonderful! Jandar will be very pleased. And that must make you Sir Gilbert! Well met!"

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • - JANDAR’S DISPATCH : Moving Multiple Squad Figures
    If I use Jandar’s Dispatch, do all Jandar squad figures I move have to belong to the same squad?
    No. Using Jandar’s Dispatch, you can move ANY Jandar squad figures, (unique or common), within range
    and clear sight. (dnutt99)

    - JANDARS’S DISPATCH : Using Human Champion Bonding
    If I use Knights of Weston Human Champion Bonding to activate Sir Gilbert, do I still get to use Jandar’s Dispatch?
    Yes. By activating the Knights of Weston, you may first take a full turn with Sir Gilbert, use Jandar’s Dispatch
    to move any desired figures, and finally activate the Knights of Weston. (dnutt99)

    - ATTACK AURA 1 : Adjacent Ranged Unit Attacking Engaged Figure
    Can Sir Gilbert’s Attack Aura affect a figure you control that has a range >1 if that figure is attacking an adjacent figure?
    No, because the figure has a range >1. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - ATTACK AURA 1 : Friendly Figures
    What figures are considered friendly?
    Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control
    are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any
    figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change
    anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you
    have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • - KNIGHTS OF WESTON / MAC DIRK WARRIORS : Human Champion Bonding
    As a Human Champion, Sir Gilbert may benefit from Knights of Weston and Mac Dirk Warriors HUMAN
    CHAMPION BONDING activation bonus.

Synergy Benefits Offered
  • - ATTACK AURA 1 : Adjacent Friendly Figures With a Range of 1
    * ATTACK AURA 1 benefits all friendly units adjacent to Sir Gilbert with a range of 1.

- JANDAR’S DISPATCH : Jandar Squad Units

- 4th MASSACHUSETTS LINE : Valiant Army Defense Bonus
  • * Having a Valiant personality, Sir Gilbert may aid the 4th Massachusetts Line with their VALIANT ARMY
    *NOTE: See The Book of 4th Massachusetts Line for proper application.

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

  • - TBA

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index
MKSentinel said:
Power Ranking
Sir Gilbert- The best flagbearer, Gilbert solved the largest problem of the knights: movement. And with decent stats, Gilbert can deal some damage on his own. A

Sir Gilbert
General Assessment? http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=3643
LOS? http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=7965
Dispatch from Different Squads? http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=7272

Unit Strategy Review
  • - TBA
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How does he only cost 5 more points than Denrick, when he has 1 more life and only 1 less attack? Both his abilities are used to a far greater extent than Denrick's abilities. I'm not knocking Denrick's abilities, they just seem a lot more situational than Gilbert's abilities.
I think Gilbert works alot better with Jandar squads, that have Human Champion Bonding, than Denrick does.
I would place the markers on the Knights of weston (for example) and move Gilbert first, who then rolls for Jandars Dispatch; moving the knights for every Jandar symbol, then move the Knights after 'Berts turn is over. I like using this, it annoys my dad because i get to move quite a few figures in just one turn!
I was wondering if anyone would get an A powerrating...

105 points seems kind of a weird cost number to me.
Roufus said:
I was wondering if anyone would get an A powerrating...

105 points seems kind of a weird cost number to me.

There are a decent amount of As in Spider's rankings, actually - if you're curious which ones, just head over to the comeptitive armies section and dig up Spider's power ranking thread. I believe Q9, Kravs, Charros, and Braxas, and Deathreavers all scored high, if not others.
Some useful information from the original Sir Gilbert thread which should probably go in here:

Rhydderch said:
Just a few numbers for Dispatch. Number refers to how many Jandar symbols are rolled:


0............. 11.22
1............. 26.92
2............. 29.61
3............. 19.74
4............. 08.88
5............. 02.84
6............. 00.66
7............. 00.11
8............. 0.014

So you'll roll between 0 and 5 Jandar symbols 99% of the time. What about 9-12? Its not likely that you'll roll that many. The percent chance for rolling these numbers combined is only about 0.006 so I'd be checking my opponent's dice if he rolled 12 Jandar symbols :p

Aldin said:
MKSentinel said:
Anyone convert this into a 1 or more format...


At least.....Percent

1............. 88.78
2............. 61.86
3............. 32.25
4............. 12.51
5............. 03.63
6............. 00.79
7............. 00.13
8............. 00.02
9............. 0.006

~Aldin, with props to Rhydderch

Aldin said:
To Hasbro said:
When using Sir Gilbert's ability - Jandar's Dispatch, can the special movement related abilities of the squad figures be used. For example, could the Sentinals use their flying ability? If there were a Jandar squad with disengage would the figure be able to disengage without a passing swipe?

In replying said:
Yes, when using Jandar's Dispatch, the squad figures would be able to disengage if they had that ability. Please note that Jandar's Dispatch will only affect only figures that follow Jandar, and currently, no figures that follow Jandar have either stealth flying or disengage.
War Solves Everything said:
Man, once the knights come out in wave 7, he's going to be used a lot more.

Unless there Unique, I doubt it though.

As for him being 105pts. compared to Denrick, 105 is hard to fit in sometimes since its such an odd point value.
I was brainstorming possible Templar/Knights teams and i had Concan in as the Knight Enhancement guy but i was thinking that Gilbert may be a better substitute as he gives Attack +1 to adjacent figures (w/range 1) but not the extra defense. His Jandars Dispatch ability would be great to give the Templar added movement or even help keep the KoW close to the Templar. The KoW can also use Human champion bonding to move Gilbert first who in turn can move Templars/Knights forward.
So should you replace Concan for Gilbert, spending 25 extra points?
I think i'd like to give it a try.
Jandars_Hope said:
I was brainstorming possible Templar/Knights teams and i had Concan in as the Knight Enhancement guy but i was thinking that Gilbert may be a better substitute as he gives Attack +1 to adjacent figures (w/range 1) but not the extra defense. His Jandars Dispatch ability would be great to give the Templar added movement or even help keep the KoW close to the Templar. The KoW can also use Human champion bonding to move Gilbert first who in turn can move Templars/Knights forward.
So should you replace Concan for Gilbert, spending 25 extra points?
I think i'd like to give it a try.

I would trade in Sir Gilbert for Concan.
I didn't really want to buy any of the flagbearers. I held out as long as I could. I got Gilbert first, and he's definitely worth the price of admission. For those annoyed by his point cost, get Alastair too for 215. I'd say that Alastair+Gilbert> Charos in most Valiant armies.
I've beaten my highest 'Valkyrie Dice (Jandar) Symbols Rolled'. I managed to get 9 Jandar symbols in a game the other night, the most I have had before that was 4 or 5! :eek:
Jexik wrote
For those annoyed by his cost, get Alastair too for 210. I'd say that Alastair+Gilbert> Charos in most Valiant armies.

The tough question is, if you have 110 points left in your knight army, do you go with Gilbert or Alastair?
Matthias Maccabeus said:
Jexik wrote
For those annoyed by his cost, get Alastair too for 210. I'd say that Alastair+Gilbert> Charos in most Valiant armies.

The tough question is, if you have 110 points left in your knight army, do you go with Gilbert or Alastair?

Gilbert. Next? :)

Heh, sorry I was just really impressed by him. It really depends on the rest of your army and what you expect to face. Gil and Al fill different roles in your army. Gil does his a little better, but an army with only KoW and Gilbert won't exactly scare your opponent with its offensive potential.
I love Gilbert. He's only ever gone down in one game, and that's because Mrs. TexMex thought it'd be funny to summon him into some "hot lava death!" But in the first game I played with him, he was my last figure standing in a four way battle. When it was finally down to two players, he managed to out-maneuver Drake and Raelin, killing both and grabbing the win :D
I don't know. With Alastair you get a possible of 6 attacks. 2 of them are fairly impressive (Alastair and overextended Alastair) With Gilbert you get 5 attacks and maybe 1 or 2 better than average (4 if the knights are adjacent), but at the same time, your knights can get to the battle quicker (Jandar's dispatch.) It's a tough call and I go back and forth all the time. (It's not even funny how often I change my mind.)
One of my favorite tricks with Gilbert is to use Jandar's dispatch to ford rivers. Use it to move a squad member into water, and then during the Knights' turn, have them get out and surprise your opponent on the other side of the water!
Jexik said:
One of my favorite tricks with Gilbert is to use Jandar's dispatch to ford rivers. Use it to move a squad member into water, and then during the Knights' turn, have them get out and surprise your opponent on the other side of the water!

That's a nice play - I pulled that one a few days ago and was stunned by how awesome it was. :twisted:
The highest roll for "dispatching" I got was 4

Here is a good army for Jandar: (All squads, other than gilbert)


Sir Gilbert....105
Templar Cavalry..120
Knights of Weston x3 210 (Total of 3)
4th Mass......70

TOTAL POINTS: 505 (510 point games reccomended for this army)
The highest roll for "dispatching" I got was 4

Here is a good army for Jandar: (All squads, other than gilbert)


Sir Gilbert....105
Templar Cavalry..120
Knights of Weston x3 210 (Total of 3)
4th Mass......70

TOTAL POINTS: 505 (510 point games for this army)

I try to fit Sir Gilbert in all my KoW armies, and he will be valuable with Sir Dupuis as he will help the KoWs keep up with Sir Dupuis' faster movement. If you want Sir Dupuis with KoWs, it seems that Sir Gilbert is a good fit.
The first time I ever drafted Sir Gilbert was playing my best friend on Migol's Tomb. Gilbert rolled six Jandar symbols and rallied a squad of 4th Mass up to the top of the tomb, high ground they held for the rest of the game. It was epic watching them be moved even faster than their normal movement.
The first time I ever drafted Sir Gilbert was playing my best friend on Migol's Tomb. Gilbert rolled six Jandar symbols and rallied a squad of 4th Mass up to the top of the tomb, high ground they held for the rest of the game. It was epic watching them be moved even faster than their normal movement.

Sir Gilbert is almost like a general/commander. When I don't have valiant army and use the omnicrons for range, he helps them gain height advantage faster, which boosts deadly shot considerably. Of course, the same applies to the 4th Mass. He is my favorite FB.
I used to wonder what the big deal was with this guy because I used to think that you could move 4 squad members up to X movement total, not each. When I realized it was each, pardon my caps, but... HOLY COW! HE'S AWESOME! We played two games, but with the second one keeping the original army and adding 210 more points. The first game, my friends were shocked by the number of troops moved (bonded with the KOW and had 4th Mass), the second game they decided to team up against me to take him out. Definitely worth the A ranking.
That odd number makes you work to fit him into powerful armies. Its the same reason that Nilf, Zelrig, Sujoah, Jotun, etc. all have that extra 5 points. You have to really work to get them to fit into an army. At least that's how I see it.