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The Book of Silver Sable

Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

Image Titan when?
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

Titan is the annoying one that's too on the nose to break into. At least it's for an enduring team with a lot of members though.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

Outlaw strikes me as a class that just happens to be all DC right now, not that it was planned that way or should be that way. Plenty of Marvel Outlaws too.

It's mostly Secret Six characters, so there was a pretty tight vision for the class originally. That said, there are a couple outliers in the Outlaw ranks that just fit the vibe rather than being actual Secret Six members.

I'm not hot on classes being 1-1 with team membership anyway, though. I'd be down for a Marvel Mystery Men or a DC Runaway or what have you, so long as the character feels like a natural fit. (Would actively like to see those things, in fact)
This. Absolutely this. I honestly prefer it when class/personality synergies aren't made universe specific.
Excited to see this one. More Spider-Man support and Merc synergies are always cool, and she's a fairly notable gap in our canon.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

I think the problem with Marvel Mystery Men is that most of their Golden Age characters aren't really in that "archetype" - or at least, the ones that survived to modern times weren't. Namor, Human Torch, Captain America, none of them are running around city streets in a domino mask busting up crooks.

What I'm saying is we need is guys like Angel and Whizzer that no one cares about. :p
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

I've thought about Whizzer a few times over the years. Don't think I ever got anything down, though.

Agreed though, Marvel's golden age icons don't fit the archetype.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Design)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (VOTE for Initial)

200 is exactly what I got on the calculator. :up:

Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Oops there were a few votes at the bottom of the page and I didn’t see there was another page till after I voted. I’m just excited for her okay?
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Planning on running this tonight - looking to mainly futz around with Spider-Man and the Repentant guys, with the odd Merc/Outlaw thrown in. Titanium Man, Bane, Ragdoll, Nebula are the main "not recruited by Sable" cards that I'm looking at, but open to other thoughts.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Domino likes the boost Bane offers. Silver Samurai is one of my favorite Mercs to draft. Teleportation Belt makes him pretty mobile and the SA gives you 3 attacks at -2 def, quite useful for chipping away at
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Hmm, Silver Samurai is one I hadn't really looked at, but I might give him a shot. They might have some Silver Synergy.

Domino and Omega Red are both Mutant multi-normal-attackers... might be worth trying something like Sable/Bane/Domino/Omega. Going with Mutants also brings in the Mutant Sidekicks as filler/back-up bonding options, on top of what the mercs have (Nebula, Madripoor Mercs, Orion Arm Ravagers).

Seeing a lot of defense subtraction in the Merc/Outlaw web, as I survey the options. Not lasting defense subtraction that other figures can exploit, just for the figure's own attacks. Not sure I totally know what to do with that, but interesting mechanical note.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

I want to build a Silver Sable, Silver Samurai and Silver Surfer army now.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Gotta get the DC guys to design Silver Swan and Silver St. Cloud.

(And we've also got Silver Banshee if you're willing to break alliteration)
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)

Silver Swan is one of many classic Wonder Woman enemies I'm pining for. :-D
Not as keen on Silver St. Cloud. We don't even have Vicki Vale yet!
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Waiting for Initial)



Army Test
Map: Custom
Units: Silver Sable @200, Red Hood, Spider-Man (Symbiote) (655) vs Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Robin (Dick), Batgirl (Cass), Speedy (Roy), Angel (Warren) (655)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Custom
Units: Silver Sable @200, Prowler, MACH-I, Deathstroke (810) vs Hand Ninja x3, Bullseye, Kirigi, Scorpion (Hanzo) (810)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Custom
Units: Silver Sable @200, Domino, Bane (I), Omega Red, Orion Arm Ravagers x2 (1125) vs Professor X, Angel (Warren), Jean Grey, Cable, Jubilee, Gorgon (Tomi) (1125)
Spoiler Alert!

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: Strong leadership effect, but she's relatively fragile. I could see her points coming down a tick maybe. First impression is that the Misguided/Repentant/Spider-Man stuff works a bit better at lower point costs - not enough glue there for bigger games. I think that's okay with some big staples of Sable's Outlaws not designed yet.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Initial Posted)

That makes sense when you have only one figure that offers synergy to a group. She might work well with Avengers Spidey.
Re: The Book of Silver Sable (Initial Posted)

Yeah, not super surprising, but wanted to get hands on and see how it felt. Combined it with my "how does Prowler feel" game so I could knock out two probably-not-great things at once. :p

I'd be curious to see her with most any of our Spider-Men.