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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Superman set. Its model number and name are #029 / Silver Banshee.
_________________________________________________________________ Character Bio - When Siobhan of the McDougal clan inherited the responsibility of clan patriarch, her uncle Seamus plotted to supplant her with her brother Bevan because he did not believe that a woman should lead the clan. While Siobhan was performing the ritual to proclaim herself as clan patriarch, her brother Bevan interrupted her and the spirits she had conjured pulled her into the Netherworld. There, Siobhan was possessed by the evil spirit The Crone. The Crone granted Siobhan her powers and the two returned to Earth. The Crone allowed Siobhan to take her revenge on her deceitful family, but first she would have to retrieve an old spell book for the evil spirit that now had possession of her. As her quest for this mysterious book led her to Metropolis, Superman encountered her and helped to bring the book back to the Siobhan family castle where he and Batman would attempt to help deliver Siobhan from this evil spirit. Though Superman and Batman were able to banish the villain, she has found ways to return every so often, and always with her own agenda. Now known as the Silver Banshee, this horrific specter is a deadly omen to all mortal men, even to Kryptonians.
LIFE = 5
MOVE = 6
POINTS = 290
Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, if there are any Wound Markers on this card, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from her. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces, and all figures other than Silver Banshee within 1 space of the chosen spaces, are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound.
When Silver Banshee is attacked by an opponent's figure that does not have the Magical Defense special power, the most wounds Silver Banshee can take for this attack is one.
I'm loving the theme behind her accursed wail with the wound modifier. Love more Undead too. And love how Magical Defense helps her stick around to really get the full value of her wail. Good stuff.
LOL, but you probably are a bit. I am kinda going overboard right now on Superman, but I am having a blast doing it, and I want to have most of these done for when the new movie comes out next year. Just like how we need Bane before you know what movie.
When the Superman Revenge Squad booster and some future stuff is done, I'll be pretty good on Superman for a long, long time. But I definitely do want Lobo, Zod, Ursa, Non, and all that jazz still. Oh, and Krypto. Krypto too.
As long as anyone has a good design, I'm ok with anything being designed. I don't know anything about most Superman villains but Griffin usually has good designs.
ACCURSED WAIL Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from herSilver Banshee. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces and all figures adjacent to the chosen spaces are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound. Silver Banshee is not affected by this special power.
ACCURSED WAIL Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from herSilver Banshee. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces and all figures adjacent to the chosen spaces are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound. Silver Banshee is not affected by this special power.
To me, it is simple to know that 0 spaces is "no space", and there are no adjacent spaces to "no space". But Maybe that's just me.
Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, if there are one or more Wound Markers on this card, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from Silver Banshee. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces and all figures adjacent to the chosen spaces are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound. Silver Banshee is not affected by this special power.
Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, if there are any Wound Markers on this card, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from Silver Banshee. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces and all figures adjacent to the chosen spaces are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound. Silver Banshee is not affected by this special power.
Before taking a turn with Silver Banshee, if there are any Wound Markers on this card, you must choose X spaces in a straight line from Silver Banshee. X equals the number of Wound Markers on this card. All figures on the chosen spaces and all figures adjacent to the chosen spaces are affected. Roll the 20-sided die once for all affected figures. If you roll 14 or higher, all affected Symbiotes receive two wounds and all other affected figures receive one wound. Silver Banshee is not affected by this special power.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. Pass
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Pass
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. Pass
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak. Pass
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. Pass
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. Pass
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. Pass
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. Pass
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Pass
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Pass
Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 290-300, I feel 290 best represents her in terms of her being a bit outclassed by other 300 point figures, but maybe she makes up for her shortcomings in powers against squads. For now, I leave it open between 290 and 300, but I am leaning towards 290. Magical Defense is definitely her biggest asset, because reducing all attack's damage down to just one is huge and prolongs her life, letting her stick around long enough to hit with her scream and normal attack. - Give a brief overview.Her scream doesn't kick in as often as I thought it would, but I do like the current power level.
Spoiler Alert!
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Superman II. The Wail hit Superman 3 times, and she got in one solid two wound punch. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Superman wins with 5 wounds out of 8.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Superman II. Same as last match, only this time, Banshee blocked a couple more attacks from Superman, which gave her more opportunities to hit/scream him back, which she did. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Superman wins with 6 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Wonder Woman. WW lassoed SB early on, but missed her attack. SB broke engagement safely, reingaged, then started fighting. WW decided at the end of that round to leave engagement herself (safely) to gain height from a non-adjacent location and set herself up for another lasso if she won initiative. But she didn't, so SB engaged her to avoid the lasso, however, WW did keep height advantage all game. SB screamed just twice this game. Who won and how many wounds did they have?WW wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Wonder Woman. WW lassoed SB right off, then put 3 wounds on her. SB tried to escape, but took a wound from the attempt to leave engagement. SB succeeded in leaving, then she returned and somehow held her ground against WW with her Magical Defense. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Silver Banshee wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Doctor Strange. DS gets and keeps height, and because of Sorcerer Supreme, Silver Banshee could not use any of her powers. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doctor Strange wins with 3 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Doctor Strange. DS got that height advantage again and kept it. His mastery over magic is just too much for Silver Banshee. DS is the perfect counter to any wouldbe Magic User. Silver Banshee did get in some good hits. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doctor Strange wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Fatality. Back and forth these female furies exchanged damage until it ended with Fatality dead, though Fatality had height advantage all game. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Silver Banshee wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Fatality. Early on, Fatality used her SA to stack a few wounds on Banshee, and Banshee's scream only kicked in once. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Fatality wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Omega Red. OR healed several times over, but Banshee only screamed once. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Omega Red wins with 5 wounds.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Omega Red. In this game, Death was a Factor. Banshee only wailed once, but OR did drain a bit. They both ended up one away from death at the end of the 3rd round, then Death claimed OR. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Silver Banshee wins with 4 wounds.
Squad Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 300 felt right here. - Give a brief overview.She really is a touch better against squads because of the double "attack" likeness about her and also her area effect on that wail.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Street Thugs x4.
Spoiler Alert!
The thugs took cover behind trees and ruins throughout the graveyard while slowly taking height advantage by stepping on the graves (mounds of sand with a single battlement). This desecration of the dead angered the Vengeful Wraith known as Silver Banshee, and she let loose her wail as she flew right into their little trap.
The thugs had height most of the game and were constantly attempting to pierce that Magical D. All the while, SB was screaming effeciently and punching out thugs with ease. It came down to SB VS a single squad and she was only one life away. She killed one at the end of a round, but then the thugs got initiative, took 3 heights, and shot her down. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Street Thugs win with 3 men left.
Squad Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 290. - Give a brief overview.She has that potential to deal damage faster than a lot of Heroes, but she really is outclassed by those in the 300 point range. Doctor Strange or Wonder Woman for example could have cleaned house in this test.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee - VS - Hawkmen of Thanagar
Spoiler Alert!
Nth Metal Mace owned SB because she is Undead and she has Magical Defense, so I was taking two off of her defense total. She was able to get and keep height most of the game, but her Defense was 4 while the Hawks were hitting her with attacks of 5 from below. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Hawkmen of Thanagar win with 2 men left.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 290. - Give a brief overview.Very close game, which surprised me, because at first, the villains were stomping a hole in the heroes.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee, Solomon Grundy, Sinestro, and Lex Luthor (Battle Suit) 1190 - VS - Supergirl, Superboy, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern (Guy Gardner) 1180.
Spoiler Alert!
This was a very fast paced game as Silver Banshee, Sinestro, and Guy all rushed in and burned up, but dealt an incredible amount of damage. Lex and Grundy were camped in the cemetery by themselves as the cleanup crew, while Banshee moved against Guy and Supergirl who were both being supported by a hidden Superboy behind a Ruin. Superboy was also protecting Wonder Woman in her startzone, as she was just waiting for a surprise attack lasso on anyone who would dare to disturb this hallowed land.
Banshee's wail did a lot of good damage against against Guy, and after Guy did enough damage to Banshee, the wail extended enough to get to Supergirl as well. Grundy ran up and killed Guy when Superboy refused to save the powerless and badly wounded Lantern. Then Supergirl tried to finish off Silver Banshee, but she missed, and SB gave her the slip and went after WW before WW came looking for a fight. WW took some damage, then Supergirl finished off SB. Sinestro advanced and jacked WW by burning a battery with two very beefy SAs. Then Supergirl took Sin out. Supergirl advanced against Lex, but his personal zombie guard snapped her neck. Superboy flew in and hit Lex for 6 skull/wounds, so Lex allowed Grundy to die in his stead. Lex and Superboy went back and forth for a while, with Lex bringing Grundy back only to kill him again to survive. In the end, Lex's SA was just too perfect of a counter against Superboy, and his defensive tactics were too much for him as well. Though for Lex to kill superboy, he had to kill Grundy again with but this time with his splashing Special Attack. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Lex win with 3 wounds.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 290. - Give a brief overview.The Hawks really are the best counter to Silver Banshee, but it all balanced out, and she definitely did her fair share of damage.
Map: Custom (Graveyard Theme).
Units: Silver Banshee, Doctor Fate, and Moloids x7 (650) - VS - Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and the Hawkmen of Thanagar x2 (650).
Spoiler Alert!
Moloids and and the Hawks clashed and the Moloids were devestated with Hawkgirl's help, but the Moloids did put a wound on her and also killed 1 Hawk. Banshee jumped in and killed some Hawks with her fists, and after she took some damage, she started screaming and cleared all but one Hawk (with Doc. Fate's help giving her a D20 boost once), then she dropped Hawkgirl with a punch. It was easy for the the Hawks to deal plenty of damage to her though, and Hawkman pushed her over easily. Doc Fate and Hawkman squared off, and Doc Fate had height, but it wasn't enough to stop the love sick Hawkman. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Hawkman with 3 wounds.
Great design, Griff. Really love how her low life with Magical Defense causes her to be a real bear for Supes, just like in the comics. You really nailed the theme here!