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The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers)


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Civil War set.
Its model number and name are #006 / She-Hulk.


Character Bio - After being shot by mobsters, Jennifer Walter received a life-saving blood transfusion from her cousin Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk. Due to Banner's irradiated blood, Jennifer gained the ability to transform into the Sensational She-Hulk. She is a recurring member of the Avengers, and an expert attorney. -Comic Vine

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • She-Hulk's Aiding Avenger has synergy with figures with an Avenger Marker.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: (Arkham)
  • Second playtest: (Skinderella)
  • Third playtest: (Arch-vile)
  • Fourth playtest: (Ericth)
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by Arkham
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Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 370

At the start of the game, place a white Avenger Marker on the card of a friendly Unique Hero. At the end of your player turn, if the card you revealed a numbered Order Marker on this turn has an Avenger Marker, and if neither that figure nor She-Hulk took a turn, and if you only took a turn with up to one other figure, you may take a turn with She-Hulk.

Once per game, if a figure starts its turn engaged with She-Hulk, you may immediately end that figure's turn.

Instead of moving She-Hulk normally, you may choose She-Hulk and up to one adjacent friendly figure. Place each chosen figure on an empty space within 8 spaces of its current placement. If you choose two figures, they must be placed adjacent to each other. If you choose only one, after placing it, you may roll an unblockable attack die against one figure adjacent to the placed figure.

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Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Can figures have more wound markers on them than their life number?

Is the thought behind Sensational Smash that she can jump alone, jump with her ally, or throw her ally?
Yeah that's the idea of the last power. Not sure on wounds vs. life number, I just know we have powers that state how many wounds to put on the card after they are destroyed for potential resurrection purposes.

One thing that would make sense to alter, would be:
Instead of moving She-Hulk normally, you may place her and/or an adjacent friendly figure on an empty space within 8 spaces of its current placement. If you place both, they must be placed adjacent to each other. If you place only one, after placing, you may roll an unblockable attack die against one figure adjacent to that placed figure.
Sells that idea bit more that either you can leap with She-Hulk, smashing the target on landing, throw an ally fastball special style, or carry them while leaping without woundage potential.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Not terribly a fan of how customy "and/or" looks on a card, but we've done it before on Talon, so I guess it's C3G precedent at this point. I do like being able to drop the (s) with your above change.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

We've also used parenthesis, believe it or not. I never thought we had but it turns out we have.

"and/or" is such a commonly used thing, I feel like it's fine, personally. But there are other ways to word it if we want to avoid it.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Can figures have more wound markers on them than their life number?

Yes, they technically receive all their wounds, it's just generally irrelevant if they receive excess. Here it would be a big boost.

I dig where this design ended up. :up:
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Honestly looking at the design more I really don't think she needs the attack boost thing at all.

Like the power is already really good, her other powers are also really good, she already has 7 attack. Being able to hit people for 16 attack the whole game because you killed your own Teekle doesn't seem needed IMO.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Hmm, yeah, that big of an attack boost added onto 7 attack is probably overkill. Probably wouldn't want to start her above 4 or 5 attack if using that boost. And even then the ceiling on it could get crazy.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

I’d probably do 6 with a +4 cap, or 7 with a +3 cap. The fact that the attack boost can’t really be “cancelled” once the figure is destroyed makes me think it doesn’t need to be too huge.

I’m with Bats that I kinda don’t love and/or, but it’s not the end of the world and there’s no arguing that it’s C3G precedent at this point.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

So you'd be revealing OM's on your dead cards? That's the intent? Kind of a weird strategy, but I'm not opposed.

Not a fan of the wound boost thing because of cheese like SW said. If we want to keep an attack boost, maybe cap it at 4 or something, so you're not encouraged to bring Teekl or Catwoman or whatever.

The other powers are really good too, yeah. I could see dropping the attack boost and still having her be real solid.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

I'd put her at about 450 on the calculator right now, fwiw. :2cents:
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

The attack bit can go. No real need to play with caps and all that to make it work, as the point was never to incentivize destroying your own figure, a cheap high life one no less.

I don’t see 450 with that gone, personally, not with no defensive power to aid those stats, the 3rd power still taking LEAs, and the niche aspect to the first power. So I’m assuming you’re calculating that with the attack boost being cheesed up.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

450 was based on the SP. It’d certainly be lower without the attack boost.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

As currently worded, She-Hulk and her ally would "smash" into each other on landing and potentially harm one another. I'm assuming that's unintentional, unless you're going for something thematic.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

The wording says "may," so you wouldn't have to roll the unblockables if you didn't want to!
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Yeah it’s a may, but I plan to make the unblockable only happen when you place one of them rather than both, offering a decision to have to make on when to use each option.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Here's what I'm looking to run with:



LIFE = 7

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 370

At the start of the game, place a white Avenger Marker on the card of a friendly Unique Hero. At the end of your player turn, if the figure's card you revealed a numbered Order Marker on this turn has an Avenger Marker and that figure did not take a turn, you may take a turn with She-Hulk. During this turn, add 1 to her Attack number for each Wound Marker on that friendly figure's card, to a maximum of its Life number.

If a figure engaged with She-Hulk would take a turn, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, that figure cannot take a turn and, the player controlling that figure may instead take a turn with a different figure they control, if possible.

Instead of moving She-Hulk normally, you may choose She-Hulk and up to one adjacent friendly figure. Place one or both chosen figures on an empty space within 8 spaces of their current placement. If you place both, they must be placed adjacent to each other. If you place only one, after placing, you may roll an unblockable attack die against one figure adjacent to the placed figure.

Other than ditching the attack boost, the other bits are pretty much just wording changes for clarity and simplicity. Defender for the class, and Impulsive for the personality seem fitting.

Objection disallows the turn altogether for that figure, so there's less confusion potential on weird cases, but still allows the opponent to pick a different figure to take a turn with.

Sensational Smash(which we can use a different name if there's a good one to use) is the same, just wording altered to avoid "and/or" if people would prefer we don't use that.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Looks solid to me. It'll be nice to base Avengers builds around Wasp & She-Hulk.

As-written, does Aiding Avenger work alongside Professor X's Mutant Mind Link? That seems like a great combo, but probably prohibitively expensive to make use of it in most builds.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

Yeah I believe it would work with him, though not sure that'd be much better than Wasp when paired with more Avengers(rather than Mutants). Hard to say for sure, but it's certainly something to try. If that is an issue, perhaps we take a different course, key it in directly to Wasp more, require an OM, or add verbiage to him to disallow more turns(surprised he doesn't already have that).
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

We could always add that to Prof X if needed. :2cents: He's old enough that he predated awareness of such concerns.

Mechanics look good, wording looks good, and 370 price tag looks good. :up:
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Breathing)

I propose we move to Initial Playtesting.
Re: The Book of She-Hulk (Avengers) (Vote 4 Initial Playtest

Need some votes here or further discussion if people are unhappy with it as-is.