Sir Heroscape
Sir Formerly Known As adoney
The Book of Shadow Fiend
Looming Shadows
Basic Side Army Card
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Looming Shadows
Basic Side Army Card
Spoiler Alert!
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The figure used for this unit is Shadow Demon figure from Reaper Miniatures.
Biography : TBA...
After moving and before attacking, if a Shadow Fiend used its Flying special power this turn you may choose a Squad figure it passed over this turn and roll the 20-sided die. Add 1 to your roll for every other Shadow figure you control adjacent to the chosen figure. If you roll a 13 or higher, the chosen figure receives a wound.
When counting spaces for a Shadow Fiend's movement, ignore elevations. A Shadow Fiend may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If a Shadow Fiend is engaged when it starts to fly, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
- Rulings and Clarifications -_____________________________________________________________________
- Combinations and Synergies - Synergy Benefits Offered:
XUNDAR: Shadow Cast Special Attack
As a Shadow figure, the Shadow Hound may assist Xundar by providing potentially 1 additional attack die for his Shadow Cast Special Attack.
Synergy Benefits Received:
XUNDAR: Master of Shadows
As a Shadow figure, the Shadow Hound may benefit from Xundar's Master of Shadows ability to take a turn.
Synergy Imposed / Other:
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-Power Ranking and Master Index
Unit Strategy Review
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