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The Book of Scourge of the Underworld


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The Book of Scourge of the Underworld




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Ultimates set.
Its model number and name are #007-009 / Scourge.
Its model number and name are #203 / Justice Is Served!.
Character Bio - Originally believed to be a single individual, the Scourge is an organization dedicated to the assassination of criminals. Scourge is the only identity the members of the organization are known by. The Scourge would approach a supervillain in disguise, shoot him or her with an explosive-tipped bullet, shout his catchphrase ("Justice is served!"), and disappear. When not in disguise, a Scourge wears an all-white coat and hat, and a skull-like mask. Most Scourges are armed with a .50 cal Thompson machine gun with a sawed-off barrel and stock using a special purpose 5-round magazine. Each .50 cal round is equipped with an acceleration activated, delay-triggered explosive shell which exhibits the signature sound of "pum-SPAAK"

The organization operates through behind the scenes direction by Angel, and under him are several individual Scourge agents capable of autonomous action. A member must be a legal adult willing to submit to thorough investigation of his or her personal background and swear an oath of loyalty to the principles of the Scourge organization. Any Scourge attempting to reveal the existence of the organization would be assassinated by another member.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Card Updates:
23 January 2021 - Updated wording for In Plain Sight to maintain synergy with Civilians
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Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 170

At the start of any figure's turn, if this Scourge of the Underworld has not attacked this round, is unengaged and is within 6 clear sight spaces of a friendly figure, this Scourge cannot be attacked, will not take any leaving engagement attacks, and if a special power refers to Civilians then it refers to this figure as well.

Instead of attacking with this Scourge of the Underworld, if a Unique Hero you control is within 6 clear sight spaces of this Scourge and has only 1 Life remaining, you may destroy that figure, move any unrevealed Order Markers from the destroyed figure's Army Card to this card, and take one additional turn with this Scourge, adding 2 dice to his normal attack during that turn.

If this Scourge of the Underworld inflicts one or more wounds on an opponent's figure with his normal attack and there is only 1 Life remaining on that figure, roll one unblockable attack die against that figure.
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Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Secrets maintained is a pretty awesome power. Justice is Served, however, is way too powerful, in my opinion. Bane's BackBreaker is the same power, except once per game, and without range, and it's still awesome. :?

Also, I know that there have been multiple Scourges, but have they ever been working together? Is it thematic for there to be more than one roaming around?
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Secrets maintained is a pretty awesome power. Justice is Served, however, is way too powerful, in my opinion. Bane's BackBreaker is the same power, except once per game, and without range, and it's still awesome.
I suppose we could make roll an unblockable attack die. :shrug: Whatever we go with here has to be fairly significant still because this is his main theme.

Also, I know that there have been multiple Scourges, but have they ever been working together? Is it thematic for there to be more than one roaming around?

Kind of. It was first thought there was only one person, but it was later found that it was basically a whole underground society. It was rare that they would be seen 2 in the same place (usually only to kill a captured comrade). But they walk around in disguise until they strike. So in theory there can be a whole street full at time but only one will make the strike & reveal as Scourge.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Deadshot's Finish The Job is also similar.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Secrets maintained is a pretty awesome power. Justice is Served, however, is way too powerful, in my opinion. Bane's BackBreaker is the same power, except once per game, and without range, and it's still awesome. :?

Honestly, both Justice is Served and Secrets Maintained concern me a little bit right now. Justice is Served for the reason you mentioned here (I think a good answer would be to let it trigger when they give 2+ wounds, thus making it much rarer), and with Secrets Maintained I'm concerned about how it would work with Vigilante Sidekick.

What's the theme of the healing and extra turn in Secrets Maintained? The destroying your own guy to shut him up makes some sense to me thematically, but I'm not sure I understand the rest. I'm reluctant to suggest alternate paths until I comprehend the theme. Right now I'm worried about how this guy and Robin paired together would play, though.

Deadshot's Finish The Job is also similar.

Yeah, we should definitely look at those two powers for wording guidance. I definitely don't like that this power is clearly more powerful than either Bane or Deadshot's power.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Vigilante also seems odd to me. They're more like Assassins, aren't they?
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Well they seem to take the law into their own hands - they just kill as a result. Assassin is just as bad in terms of bonding as Vigilante is, though. :p
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Honestly, both Justice is Served and Secrets Maintained concern me a little bit right now. Justice is Served for the reason you mentioned here (I think a good answer would be to let it trigger when they give 2+ wounds, thus making it much rarer), and with Secrets Maintained I'm concerned about how it would work with Vigilante Sidekick.
Justice is Served is his main theme, & needs to activate more often. It doesn't have to be this power though.

Another power I was thinking about was:
If Scourge destroys an opponent's figure, place him on an empty space in your start zone and remove 2 Wound Markers from this card. Scourge will not take any leaving engagement attacks when moved with this power.

What's the theme of the healing and extra turn in Secrets Maintained? The destroying your own guy to shut him up makes some sense to me thematically, but I'm not sure I understand the rest. I'm reluctant to suggest alternate paths until I comprehend the theme. Right now I'm worried about how this guy and Robin paired together would play, though.
The healing was something to make it worth killing your own player & that's all. It was because in a game (like HS) it is hard to make it worth killing your own player as part of an appropriate theme like this. But it is a main theme of Scourge. I think I went with the healing also when I changed my mind about which version of Justice is Served. But no it's not a required aspect of the theme to maintain secrets but I needed something to make it worthwhile. So I am open to any suggestion you want to make here.[/QUOTE]

Vigilante also seems odd to me. They're more like Assassins, aren't they?

You might say that, but it's more of an act of vigilantism, as they target bad guys but it's not always pre-meditated & not done for money.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Perhaps Scourge could be their class.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

What if the Scourge could take their Order Markers instead of healing? Especially if the power allowed them to activate instead of the wounded hero.

To me, thematically, the hero is about to crack (wounds), and the Scourge kills him to keep the secrets (battle plans, OMs) safe.

From a gameplay standpoint, I could definitely see killing a figure I thought would die anyway to get back some inopportunely placed OMs.

I'll go hide in my ERB hole again. :razz:
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Perhaps Scourge could be their class.

I like that idea! Otherwise Punisher could be a thematic class, too.

I don't really see them working with the other Vigilantes, plus it would solve synergy problems.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

I could see Scourge or Punisher as their class. Not crazy about either, but they each worry me less than Vigilante on a mechanic level.

What if the Scourge could take their Order Markers instead of healing? Especially if the power allowed them to activate instead of the wounded hero.

To me, thematically, the hero is about to crack (wounds), and the Scourge kills him to keep the secrets (battle plans, OMs) safe.

From a gameplay standpoint, I could definitely see killing a figure I thought would die anyway to get back some inopportunely placed OMs.

I'll go hide in my ERB hole again. :razz:

I think that's an awesome idea! Maybe something like:

After taking a turn with this Scourge, if a unique hero figure you control is within 6 clear sight spaces of this Scourge and has only 1 life remaining, you may destroy that figure, move any unrevealed Order Markers from the destroyed figure's Army Card to this card, and add 1 to this Scourge's Attack Number for the remainder of the round.

In fact, with a change like that, I don't even mind their being Vigilantes (though army combos would still be odd - but, w/e).

A3n - for Justice is served, that other version makes them seem like they have teleportation abilities. I'm guessing that wouldn't be thematic ....

The title "Justice is Served!" makes me think they're getting a boost for doing something good. Right now it seems more like they're obsessed with Justice, meaning a title like "Pursuit of Justice" would fit the mechanics better. Would "Pursuit of Justice" or "Passion for Justice" or "Obsession With Justice" be appropriate titles for what you're going for?

I tried thinking of mechanics that would fit "Justice is Served!" and reward them somehow for killing figures, but I couldn't think of any mechanics that weren't repeating a preexisting power ....

I actually think the current mechanics are a good start, just with the unblockable wound roll you suggested to limit it. I'm just not sure how well it fits the title of the power for me.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

I could see Scourge or Punisher as their class. Not crazy about either, but they each worry me less than Vigilante on a mechanic level.
I agree totally. Vigilante is definitely what their class should be but due to the interactions we have created with the Vigilante synergy it isn't the best for the game. Scourge could work but seems weird for it to be their name & class :shrug:. Punisher doesn't seem right because they are killing them not just punishing them.
What if the Scourge could take their Order Markers instead of healing? Especially if the power allowed them to activate instead of the wounded hero.

To me, thematically, the hero is about to crack (wounds), and the Scourge kills him to keep the secrets (battle plans, OMs) safe.

From a gameplay standpoint, I could definitely see killing a figure I thought would die anyway to get back some inopportunely placed OMs.

I'll go hide in my ERB hole again. :razz:

I think that's an awesome idea! Maybe something like:

After taking a turn with this Scourge, if a unique hero figure you control is within 6 clear sight spaces of this Scourge and has only 1 life remaining, you may destroy that figure, move any unrevealed Order Markers from the destroyed figure's Army Card to this card, and add 1 to this Scourge's Attack Number for the remainder of the round.

In fact, with a change like that, I don't even mind their being Vigilantes (though army combos would still be odd - but, w/e).
I personally don't think it's enough to kill your own figure for. Maybe add 2 for the remainder of the round, or an additional turn immediately. Actually what about we make it an instead of attacking power then destroy your figure, get it's OMs take an extra turn with either plus 1 for the remainder of the round or plus 2 for that turn.
A3n - for Justice is served, that other version makes them seem like they have teleportation abilities. I'm guessing that wouldn't be thematic ....
I saw it more of them making the hit letting out the catch phrase ("Justice is Served") then disappearing again to their secret undergrown society & resting/healing.
The title "Justice is Served!" makes me think they're getting a boost for doing something good. Right now it seems more like they're obsessed with Justice, meaning a title like "Pursuit of Justice" would fit the mechanics better. Would "Pursuit of Justice" or "Passion for Justice" or "Obsession With Justice" be appropriate titles for what you're going for?

I actually think the current mechanics are a good start, just with the unblockable wound roll you suggested to limit it. I'm just not sure how well it fits the title of the power for me.

They are kind of obsessed with Justice, but "Justice is Served" is what they call out when they kill one of the bad guys. It's their catch phrase which is why it has to be the title & doesn't neccessarily have to relate to the actual power (but something close would be appropriate).

Anyway what about these changes:
Instead of attacking with Scourge, if a unique hero figure you control is within 6 clear sight spaces of this Scourge and has only 1 life remaining, you may destroy that figure, move any unrevealed Order Markers from the destroyed figure's Army Card to this card, and take one additional turn with this Scourge adding 2 attack dice to any attack during that turn.

If this Scourge inflicts at least 1 wound on an opponents figure and there is only 1 wound remaining on that figure, roll one unblockable attack die against that figure.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Anyway what about these changes:
Instead of attacking with Scourge, if a unique hero figure you control is within 6 clear sight spaces of this Scourge and has only 1 life remaining, you may destroy that figure, move any unrevealed Order Markers from the destroyed figure's Army Card to this card, and take one additional turn with this Scourge adding 2 attack dice to any his normal attack during that turn.

If this Scourge inflicts at least 1 wound on an opponents figure and there is only 1 wound remaining on that figure, roll one unblockable attack die against that figure.

Would keeping it to his normal attack be a problem, just in case there's a glyph or some other way he could use a special attack?
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

No problem at all.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

I could roll with those changes if we can come up with a non-bonding class for them.

Enforcer? Watchdog?
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

I like:

or if you really don't like Scourge, maybe Executioner.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

I'm fine with using their full title "Scourge of the Underworld", & on thinking it's true meaning I think Scourge is a great fit. :up: Is everybody else happy to have Scourge in his name & as his class?

I also want to make a small addition to Incognito:

If at the start of any figure's turn this Scourge has not attacked this round, is not adjacent to an opponent's figure and is within 6 clear sight spaces of a friendly figure, in addition to his current class he is also considered a Civilian and cannot be attacked and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

Not quite the whole 48hrs but I have updated the SP anyway. Please check & provide any more feedback before I send to ERB.

Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

ERB from Davidlhsl:

davidlhsl said:
Scourge of the Underworld

That certainly sounds ominous. Stepping cautiously ahead.

In Plain Sight
Reminds me a bit of Chameleon. The wording here might need cleaning.

Since engagement strikes aren’t considered attacks (I think I’m correct on this), the Scourges could make engagement strikes on the opponent while not compromising their In Plain Sight status. The opponent will most likely engage without breaking anyway to nullify this.

Secrets Maintained
Need to capitalize Unique Hero. Would you need to say “this Scourge” here as in the other abilities?

This is quite a novel bonding mechanic, and making a 1 life remaining figure the tempting sacrifice for the gain of a bonus turn with +2 attack should translate into interesting game play decisions.

Justice is Served!
Apostrophe: opponent’s

I love Deadshot’s Finish the Job as a way of handling those situations where you’re just one wound shy of taking down a figure, so I love this.

Final Thoughts
Since this is an Uncommon Hero and there can be multiples of this guy (gal? thing?), players will have to keep track of which Scourges maintain the benefit of In Plain Sight. Care has to be taken with untouchable figures to prevent situations where one side simply can’t attack while the other side is able to strike with impunity and maintain immunity, but I’m not seeing problems in this design. As with Chameleon, you have provisions that give the opponent options to nullify the immunity. Still, you have the ingredients that allow the Scourges to set up a first strike, which is neat.
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

He makes a good point about IN PLAIN SIGHT being a bit tough to track with these guys as Uncommons ... any thought to making it an all or nothing for all the Scourge you control?
Re: The Book of Scourge - Design Phase

It definitely wouldn't be thematic for all to have their disguise blown because one came out.

I honestly don't believe it will be an issue. You are going to know what's happened to each, in relation to the triggers of the power, just based on where they are on the battlefield.