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The Book of Scarecrow

Good Pig

Well-known member
The Book of Scarecrow



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Icons set.
Its model number and name are #007-009 / Scarecrow.
Its model number and name are #201 / Dr. Jonathan Crane.

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Batman Alpha set.
Its model number and name are #010 / Scarecrow.

NOTE: Scarecrow requries 1x Glyph of Fear Gas
Character Bio - Scarecrow is Dr. Jonathan Crane, a professor of psychology and expert in the psychology of fear, who turns to crime after being fired due to his eccentric behavior. His modus operandi is the adoption of a Scarecrow persona, used to threaten his victims into doing whatever he wants. Scarecrow is eventually defeated by Batman and Robin and sent to Gotham State Penitentiary.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 140

Start the game with a Glyph of Fear Gas on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may remove the Glyph of Fear Gas from this card and place it power-side up on an empty space within 5 spaces that is no more than 12 levels above Scarecrow's base. At the end of the round, instead of removing this Glyph of Fear Gas from the game, place it on this card.

All figures affected by a Glyph of Fear Gas roll 2 fewer defense dice against Scarecrow.

Immediately after any opponent's numbered Order Marker is revealed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 11 or higher, all figures in clear sight of Scarecrow that are affected by a Glyph of Fear Gas may not move, attack, or use any special power this turn.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Spoiler Alert!





LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 140

Start the game with a Glyph of Fear Gas on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may remove the Glyph of Fear Gas from this card and place it power-side up on an empty space within 5 clear sight spaces that is no more than 12 levels above Scarecrow's base. At the end of the round instead of removing this Glyph of Fear Gas from the game, if possible, place it on this card.

All figures affected by a Glyph of Fear Gas roll 2 fewer defense dice against Scarecrow.

Immediately after any opponent's numbered Order Marker is revealed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 11 or higher, all figures in clear sight of Scarecrow that are affected by a Glyph of Fear Gas may not move, attack, or use any special power this turn.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

As I read it, Paranoia works on common squads and affects the entire squad, is that how it was intended?

P.S. this is much better than my Grenade design, great job GoodPig.

Yes, it works on all squad members of a common squad. So Street Thugs x3 are all freaked out when one of them gets gassed. I think that theme wise he should be a great squad killer. Terrify the masses. :twisted:

I liked the grenade glyph tickle. Had no idea how complicated it would get with Lob rules, clear sight, etc. Hopefully we can resurrect that thread once someone figures it out.

Back to work I go! :) I'll take a look at everyone's comments and reply later tonight.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

"Scarecrow is not affected by Paranoia." Just like you reference Androids in Fear Gas.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

As I read it, Paranoia works on common squads and affects the entire squad, is that how it was intended?

P.S. this is much better than my Grenade design, great job GoodPig.

Yes, it works on all squad members of a common squad. So Street Thugs x3 are all freaked out when one of them gets gassed. I think that theme wise he should be a great squad killer. Terrify the masses. :twisted:

I liked the grenade glyph tickle. Had no idea how complicated it would get with Lob rules, clear sight, etc. Hopefully we can resurrect that thread once someone figures it out.

Back to work I go! :) I'll take a look at everyone's comments and reply later tonight.

Ok, just making sure that was intended. It certainly is thematic for him to affect a huge crowd of Civvies.

I liked it too but the whole Special Attack caused problems and a Grenade just can't really be done right any other way IMO.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design





LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

Start the game with 3 black Fear Markers on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may choose up to 3 different small or medium figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Scarecrow. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. Subtract 8 from your roll if the chosen figure has the Fearless personality. If you roll an 8 or higher, place a Fear Marker on the chosen figure's card. Androids are not affected by Fear Gas.

Any figure with a Fear Marker on its card does not consider any other figure to be friendly, including other figures associated with the same Army Card. When an Order Marker is revealed on any card with a Fear Marker, this figure must attack this turn, if possible. After taking a turn with this figure, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher remove the Fear Marker from this card and return it to Scarecrow's card.

Any figure with a Fear Marker on its card may not attack Scarecrow and rolls 2 fewer die when defending against Scarecrow's normal attack.
  1. I don't think I like him as a Mastermind because IMO he doesn't fit well into the criminal faction as C3G knows it. I would rather see him as a Terrorist and drop his personality as well, because he isn't terrifying really, in fact he is kinda laughable, but he has the ability to cause terror. He is Insane though, and I would love to see that faction added to here. So how about an Insane Terrorist? That would give him synergies with the Insano faction and the Terrorist Faction that I can spoil for you, Ras al Ghul will be significantly adding to. Please make him an Insane Terrorist.
  2. Fear Gas - I know that having a weakness to people with the "Fearless" personality makes sense, but truthfully, Hal Jordan would absolutely be affected by the Fear Gas, while Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Joker, Deadpool, etc. (Insane) would not be. I think that Androids and figures with the Insane personality should not be affected, and I am on the fence about the -8 for Fearless figures. But please at least update the complete BLOCK by Insane figures. Also, that last line belongs on the Paranoia power, not here. Let people place the markers on Insane figures or Androids if they want to... but when you actually define the affects (on Paranoia) that is when you should state who is not affected.
  3. Paranoia and Terrifying Presence can be boiled down to one power really. I think you currently have too many affects on just one little marker. The most important affect though is the reduction of attack and defense dice - that is how C3G has defined Fear and Intimidation. Also, if any figure with a fear marker on its card is affected in the ways that you describe, Scarcrow is also vulnerable unless you specifically state that he isn't or unless you go with Insane option that I outlined already.
  4. Terrifying Presence is broken if the figure cannot attack Scarcrow. Scarecrow could be the last figure left.

    Any figure with a Fear Marker on its card is not consider to be friendly with any other figure and it cannot be included in any power by opponents that specifies that it is controlled by them. Affected figures roll 2 fewer defense dice against Scarecrow's normal attack.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design





LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

Start the game with 3 black Fear Markers on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may choose up to 3 different small or medium figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Scarecrow. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. (Subtract 8 from your roll if the chosen figure has the Fearless personality.) If you roll an 8 or higher, place a Fear Marker on the chosen figure's card. Androids and figures with the Insane personality are not affected by Fear Gas. When an Order Marker is revealed on any card with a Fear Marker, this figure must attack this turn, if possible. After taking a turn with this figure, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher remove the Fear Marker from this card and return it to Scarecrow's card.

Any figure with a Fear Marker on its card is not consider to be friendly with any other figure and it cannot be included in any power by opponents that specifies that it is controlled by them. Affected figures roll 2 fewer defense dice against Scarecrow's normal attack.

Is this what you are thinking Griff? I'm not a fan of having both powers start with the word Fear, what if we change Fear Itself to Instill Fear?
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Griff I'm not sure I agree with you that Insane figures should be completly imune to to the fear gas. Joker is rewally the only one I've never seen with any kind of fear in him for anything. I'll admit that normally he manages to get past his fear but I have seen Deadpool show some fear before. I see Androids as the only figures that would truly be immune to it.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

I'm not really digging either name.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Griff I'm not sure I agree with you that Insane figures should be completly imune to to the fear gas. Joker is rewally the only one I've never seen with any kind of fear in him for anything. I'll admit that normally he manages to get past his fear but I have seen Deadpool show some fear before. I see Androids as the only figures that would truly be immune to it.
It isn't just the fear aspect, it is also their immunity to poison.

Immune to Poison

Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin

Immune to Fear

Green Goblin
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design





LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

Start the game with 3 black Fear Markers on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may choose up to 3 different small or medium figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Scarecrow. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. (Subtract 8 from your roll if the chosen figure has the Fearless personality.) If you roll an 8 or higher, place a Fear Marker on the chosen figure's card. Androids and figures with the Insane personality are not affected by Fear Gas. When an Order Marker is revealed on any card with a Fear Marker, this figure must attack this turn, if possible. After taking a turn with this figure, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 12 or higher remove the Fear Marker from this card and return it to Scarecrow's card.

Any figure with a Fear Marker on its card is not consider to be friendly with any other figure and it cannot be included in any power by opponents that specifies that it is controlled by them. Affected figures roll 2 fewer defense dice against Scarecrow's normal attack.

Is this what you are thinking Griff? I'm not a fan of having both powers start with the word Fear, what if we change Fear Itself to Instill Fear?
In this case, the word Fear used twice doesn't bother me a bit.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Griff I'm not sure I agree with you that Insane figures should be completly imune to to the fear gas. Joker is rewally the only one I've never seen with any kind of fear in him for anything. I'll admit that normally he manages to get past his fear but I have seen Deadpool show some fear before. I see Androids as the only figures that would truly be immune to it.
It isn't just the fear aspect, it is also their immunity to poison.

Immune to Poison

Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Green Goblin

Immune to Fear

Green Goblin
:duh: I forgot to consider the immune to poison. Of course we could also end up with an insane figure that isn't immune to fear or poison, but then again there some outside of that faction that I don't see this effecting without complicated wording or just plain making a list on the card. That is by no means a suggestion. OK with that I'm good with Android/Insane immunity to the power.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design


I understand that Fear Affected figures should not be able to not attack Scarecrow always, but how about this:
"Figures affected by Fear Gas cannot attack Scarecrow if they could attack a different figure."

Also, and this could get messy, just throwing it out there, what if each time an Order Marker was revealed on the card, every player could roll the d-20 for the opportunity to take a turn with the affected card. This could add more to the "mindless rage" aspect.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

I'm not really sure I like Scarecrow as "Insane." I mean, yeah, he's a little off-base, but he seems to have his act together most of the time. If Two-Face isn't a part of the Insane faction, Scarecrow definitely shouldn't be. If we're against Terrifying (which I agree isn't a perfect fit, particularly if he's a Terrorist, which is perfect), maybe "Inquisitive," since his major goal is to study fear, or "Vengeful," since he also, y'know, likes to take revenge on people?

Otherwise, I like the writeup in tcglkn's post about half an hour ago. I think that Fearless figures should just be immune to Fear Gas, though - I mean, having two different types of immunities in one power just feels clunky, and they are FEARLESS, after all.

Fear Itself is pretty clever, too. So, yeah, looks solid so far.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Also, if an affected figure is destroyed, what happens to the Fear Marker on its card? Is it out of the game? If it goes back to Scarecrow, it needs to be specified.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

I'm not really sure I like Scarecrow as "Insane." I mean, yeah, he's a little off-base, but he seems to have his act together most of the time. If Two-Face isn't a part of the Insane faction, Scarecrow definitely shouldn't be. If we're against Terrifying (which I agree isn't a perfect fit, particularly if he's a Terrorist, which is perfect), maybe "Inquisitive," since his major goal is to study fear, or "Vengeful," since he also, y'know, likes to take revenge on people?

Otherwise, I like the writeup in tcglkn's post about half an hour ago. I think that Fearless figures should just be immune to Fear Gas, though - I mean, having two different types of immunities in one power just feels clunky, and they are FEARLESS, after all.

Fear Itself is pretty clever, too. So, yeah, looks solid so far.
How about "Tormenting" for a personality? Doesn't that have official precedent? Gurei-Oni I think.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Just a general comment... YES!! SCARECROW!! I have been waiting for this day. :twisted:

There, had to get that out of the system.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

I'm not on the same page as you at all here, Griff. We're probably going to need some polls. :)

Griffin said:
  1. I don't think I like him as a Mastermind because IMO he doesn't fit well into the criminal faction as C3G knows it. I would rather see him as a Terrorist and drop his personality as well, because he isn't terrifying really, in fact he is kinda laughable, but he has the ability to cause terror. He is Insane though, and I would love to see that faction added to here. So how about an Insane Terrorist? That would give him synergies with the Insano faction and the Terrorist Faction that I can spoil for you, Ras al Ghul will be significantly adding to. Please make him an Insane Terrorist.
I like him as a Terrifying Mastermind. If he isn't a fit for the Terrifying personality, who in the world is?
And I don't like Terrorist for him at all. He's a Mastermind, Criminal, or even Psychopath, but he doesn't meet the typical associations of Terrorism for me. He has no political agenda. He definitely works for profit. He's a terrorist only in that he deals in fear, but "terrorism" has more socio-political baggage than that and I just don't feel that he matches that baggage. Terrorist would be a fail for me.

Griffin said:
Fear Gas - I know that having a weakness to people with the "Fearless" personality makes sense, but truthfully, Hal Jordan would absolutely be affected by the Fear Gas, while Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Joker, Deadpool, etc. (Insane) would not be. I think that Androids and figures with the Insane personality should not be affected, and I am on the fence about the -8 for Fearless figures. But please at least update the complete BLOCK by Insane figures. Also, that last line belongs on the Paranoia power, not here. Let people place the markers on Insane figures or Androids if they want to... but when you actually define the affects (on Paranoia) that is when you should state who is not affected.

It absolutely makes sense. Hal would be affected in the current write up of the power, just less so. I think him being more resistant makes complete sense.
I agree that Androids shouldn't be affected.
I'm with Hidicul that the only Insane person I've seen showing resistance to Fear Gas is Joker. I think Harley and Ivy, for instance, absolutely would be affected.

Griffin said:
Paranoia and Terrifying Presence can be boiled down to one power really. I think you currently have too many affects on just one little marker. The most important affect though is the reduction of attack and defense dice - that is how C3G has defined Fear and Intimidation. Also, if any figure with a fear marker on its card is affected in the ways that you describe, Scarcrow is also vulnerable unless you specifically state that he isn't or unless you go with Insane option that I outlined already.

I agree that lowering attack and defense are the main things that should be represented in a fear power. I have some other ideas for how to handle the affecting Scarecrow or not issue, which I'll cover below.

Griffin said:
Terrifying Presence is broken if the figure cannot attack Scarcrow. Scarecrow could be the last figure left.

Agreed. A reduced attack and defense - against everybody - is the way to go.
Suggested changes below:



LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

Start the game with 3 black Fear Markers on this card. After moving and before attacking, you may choose up to 3 different small or medium figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Scarecrow. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. Subtract 8 from your roll if the chosen figure has the Fearless personality. If you roll an 8 or higher, place a Fear Marker on the chosen figure's card.

A figure with a Fear Marker on its card has the personality of Fearful, regardless of what is listed on the card. A Fearful figure with a Fear Markers on its card does not consider any other figure to be friendly, including other figures on the same Army Card, and rolls one fewer attack and defense die, to a minimum of one. When an Order Marker is revealed on the card of any figure with the Fearful personality, that figure must attack this turn, if possible. After taking a turn with any figure with a Fear Marker on its card, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-8, remove the Fear Marker from this card and return it to Scarecrow's card. Androids are not affected by Fear Itself.
If that's too much, the line: "When an Order Marker is revealed on the card of any figure with the Fearful personality, that figure must attack this turn, if possible." could be cut to simplify the power.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Bats, did you see my list on who should not be affected by POISON Fear Gas?
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Alos, a terrorist doesn't necessarilly have a political agenda. They can just wish to inspire fear and create chaos.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

Bats, did you see my list on who should not be affected by POISON Fear Gas?

I read it and disagreed.
But those are facts. The figures on that list would not be affected by this Fear Gas.
Alos, a terrorist doesn't necessarilly have a political agenda. They can just wish to inspire fear and create chaos.
You, me, and the dictionary agree.


1.a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.

2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.

3. (formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming atthe demoralization of the government by terror.

4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

The denotation of terrorist is simply one who inspires terror, but the CONNOTATION is of one who inspires terror for a political end. By definition, Batman is a criminal because he acts outside of the law, but you wouldn't put his class as Criminal, y'know?

I wouldn't be too bothered by the use of Terrorist myself, but I can definitely see where someone would be. Criminal might be the safest choice.
Re: The Book of Scarecrow - Design

a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.

I'm sorry, but the default definition of Terrorist in the subconscious of most people is the first here - that a Terrorist is a member of Terrorist group, typically assembled for some sort of ideological or political agenda. That's what I meant when I referred to the baggage that accompanies the word. I wasn't suggesting that he doesn't fit one of the literal definitions. He does, it's just not the most commonly used definition or the definition most associated with the term.
Ra's is the leader of an ideologically based network hungry for world power and willing to use illegal and fear-based maneuvers. He's a terrorist.
Scarecrow is a psychopath and a thug obsessed with inspiring fear in others and working on crimes that prove his greatness.
I could see Tormenting, Obsessed, or Terrifying above Insane, and Psychopath, Criminal, and Mastermind above Terrorist.