Required Sets: 2 Rise of the Valkyrie™ Master Sets, 1 Swarm of the Marro™ Master Set, Battle for the Underdark™ Master Set, 1 Fortress of the Archkyrie™, 2 Road to the Forgotten Forests™, 3 Ticalla Jungles™, 1 Volcarren Wasteland™, 1 Thaelenk Tundra™
Savage Land Bio - In the heart of a frozen continent, at the base of a high glacier-fed waterfall, lies a lush land full of danger and natural beauty. Vents around semi-dormant volcanoes spew acrid gases into the air as tar bubbles up through the swamp around the wild jungle growth. What race left the crumbling ruins that stand across the icy waters? Answers await those intrepid enough to dare the savage beasts that lie in wait!
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- Shadow tiles may beconsidered to be tar pits. If so, the do not provide the shadow bonus to defense. Also, the figure is trapped. The trapped figure cannot move from this space. The figure can move off the tar pit only if a friendly figure occupies an adjacent space.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-