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The Book of Sam (Samhain)


Never CoN a CoN man
The Book of Sam (Samhain)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a modified HeroClix figure from the Giant-Size X-Men set.
Its model number and name is #026 / Leech.

Tutorial on How to Paint/Mod this Figure

Character Bio - Sam's origins are as nebulous and arcane as the holiday he's named for. Perhaps a spirit, perhaps a demon, whenever there is mischief or murder, you will no doubt find him near at hand. For centuries, he has represented the laws and traditions of the season, and punished those who dare to break them. Do not deny treats to those who ask for them. Do not go out without a mask. Do not even blow out a jack-o'-lantern. Trust us... he'll know.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
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Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 5



If you win initiative, you may choose an opponent's Army Card with at least one Order Marker on it. That opponent may remove one Order Marker from that Army Card. If they do not, Sam and all Creatures, Slashers, and Undead you control within 6 spaces of Sam roll 1 additional die when attacking figures from that Army Card this round.

Before moving, you may choose an opponent's figure that does not have clear sight to Sam. As long as Sam ends his movement engaged with that figure, he adds 3 to his Move number and may ignore his height when climbing. If Sam attacks the chosen figure this turn, it rolls 1 fewer defense die.

After any dice are rolled for Sam, or a Common or Unique figure within 6 spaces of Sam, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If that figure is a friendly Slasher, a friendly figure with a secret identity, or an enemy figure without a secret identity, the player that controls that figure must immediately re-roll all the dice once.
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Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

Comic Art:
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Figure Tutorial:
Start with the Leech and Ragdoll figures pictured below:

You'll want to cut the head off of Ragdoll, as well as Leech. I also cut off Leech's right arm(the one that is waving), and glued it back on to be down more and less like it's waving. That's optional though, so do so at your own desire. Then glue Ragdoll's head onto Leech's body. Once glued, paint his body a dirty orange, and his head a dirty yellow/tan. I also painted around his shoulders, neck, and onto his chest and upper back a tan color to look like the burlap sack, refer to the picture below:

Add some black dots for eyes, a darker tan/brown line for the mouth stitched into the burlap sack that's on his head, as well as some light tan on his hands and feet:

You can add some flesh color to his fingers and palms, as well as a black wash to give him an overall dirty look.


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Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

Obviously the first post still needs some finer details worked out, but I wanted to get the thread up sooner rather than later. Hopefully done by Halloween, for a "one last scare" release on the day. If not, I think it'd be wise to hold him until next year. Worth trying, either way.

Trick R Treat is obviously representing the act in its most spooky way (appease the dark forces of the night or they'll attack you), Hallowed Tradition lets him reward people in costume and punish those that aren't, Jump Scare (originally Sneaky Scramble, not sold on the name change but figured I'd float the idea) is how he attacks people in the movie - hides in the dark, then jumps out and shanks them.
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

I like Jump Scare as a name, since it's such a common Horror movie trope. I'd ignore his height though when climbing, as he's seen climbing on the ceiling in the movie, so it's not necessary to put a restriction on it.

I updated the OP for you to remove all the SG stuff, and get what we needed there. Synergies will still need added.

If people are happy with the design, I can start running some tests.
@Ronin @Yodaking @Scapemage @japes
@dok @Dysole any concerns?
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

I like how you incorporated Secret Identities into the design as a riff on wearing or not wearing a Halloween costume. Very cool. Completing this design in 9 days is certainly going to be a challenge.
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

I dig it. :up:

I like Jump Scare as a power name, and I'd simplify "If you do not, and it does not" to "Otherwise".
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

Shoot for the stars Johnny! We might be able to turn this one around if we all pitch in.

Design wise, Hallowed Tradition is awesome, but the wording needs work. I presume the last line means "if you do not control the figure and it does not have a Secret Identity" but I'm not sure. Similarly, we'll probably need some sort of FAQ regarding Joker and any other ??? figures we may have with ambiguous Secret Identities.
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

I've got the mini mostly done. If we want to try to get this through, we may want to call for a playtesting vote now and I can get started on the initials.
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

japes is the only active hero not to chime in - hopefully he's happy with it. No CRB input either. There's definitely some minor wording tweaks to be done, but everyone seems to be on board, so I PROPOSE WE MOVE TO INITIAL PLAYTESTING!
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

He will be nice with the Dark Judges if you drop Death. Probably toss in Jason.

Also for filler, Judge Fear would be nice in a lot of builds, especially if there a few figures without SS. He has a helpful static power and could be a threat himself with that Attack boost.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

Yea, let's get this show on the road. We need to keep playtesting in house to fit the timeline.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

I’m thinking we could prob drop his attack to 3 thanks to the boost he’ll likely get.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

I'd be fine with that. He's only ever seen brutalizing helpless civilians despite his spooky powers.
Re: The Book of Sam (Design Phase)

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you control that figure and it has a Secret Identity, you may re-roll any dice rolled. If you do not, and it does not, that player must re-roll any dice rolled.

Sorry guy's haven't been following along here and I have no clue who this is. I've known or at least I was familiar with the existence of all the others but not this guy. Anyway I have a questions on intent here.

The first part is clear. If I reveal the "X" OM on Sam after my figure rolls dice I can choose to re-roll some of them. So if I roll an attack and get 3 skulls and 2 shields I can choose to re roll the Shields. Correct? This also works for LEA, 20 Sided Die rolls, and defense as well, Yes?

But if it's my opponent that rolled and I reveal the "X" who decides which dice are re rolled? Is it meant to say "that player must re-roll ALL dice rolled"?

The last any is what's throwing me off.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

I interpret it as whoever controls the figure must re-roll all dice either way. If it's Sam's team gets to pick which ones to re-roll, whereas the opponent must re-roll all, that'd be fine too. We'll probably want some wording clarification.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

Arkham is right on intent - you can choose to reroll ALL dice or force an opponent to reroll ALL dice. Wording definitely needs a hotfix, though, between that and thr general weirdness.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you control that figure and it has a Secret Identity, re-roll all dice. If you do not control that figure and it does not have a Secret Identity, the player that controls that figure must re-roll all dice.

I think that removes all ambiguity?
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

In that case wouldn't this be much easier since it doesn't matter who controls the player the controlling player must re-roll all dice.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you do that player must re-roll all dice.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

Does "whenever" mean before, during, or after rolling dice?
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

Arkham is right on intent - you can choose to reroll ALL dice or force an opponent to reroll ALL dice. Wording definitely needs a hotfix, though, between that and thr general weirdness.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you control that figure and it has a Secret Identity, re-roll all dice. If you do not control that figure and it does not have a Secret Identity, the player that controls that figure must re-roll all dice.

I think that removes all ambiguity?

So if you control it, but it doesn't have a secret identity, the power does nothing? The gap between the two conditions is still ambiguous - very easy to not meet either one.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

In that case wouldn't this be much easier since it doesn't matter who controls the player the controlling player must re-roll all dice.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you do that player must re-roll all dice.

That boxes out the Secret Identity stuff. The idea is he uses his powers to punish people who don't wear costumes and reward people who do. Rerolling dice is good for you, so you can only do it to your guys if they're in costume. It's bad for your opponents, so you can only do it to their guys if they're not in costume.

Does "whenever" mean before, during, or after rolling dice?

After. That's clearer than whenever, so I'll change that.

So if you control it, but it doesn't have a secret identity, the power does nothing? The gap between the two conditions is still ambiguous - very easy to not meet either one.

Correct. Why would he help you if you won't even dress up?

I think an "Otherwise, nothing happens" at the end would be mostly clear there.

We could also try to shuffle things around and just box in how the targeting works. Let me see how that might read:

After dice are rolled for a friendly figure with a Secret Identity, or an opponent's figure without a Secret Identity you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you do, the player that controls that figure must reroll all dice.
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

Arkham is right on intent - you can choose to reroll ALL dice or force an opponent to reroll ALL dice. Wording definitely needs a hotfix, though, between that and thr general weirdness.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you control that figure and it has a Secret Identity, re-roll all dice. If you do not control that figure and it does not have a Secret Identity, the player that controls that figure must re-roll all dice.

I think that removes all ambiguity?

So if you control it, but it doesn't have a secret identity, the power does nothing? The gap between the two conditions is still ambiguous - very easy to not meet either one.

And does Joker count as having a Secret ID since his Secret ID is ???
Re: The Book of Sam (VOTE for Initial)

In that case wouldn't this be much easier since it doesn't matter who controls the player the controlling player must re-roll all dice.

Whenever a player rolls dice for a figure, you may reveal the "X" Order Marker on this card. If you do that player must re-roll all dice.

That boxes out the Secret Identity stuff. The idea is he uses his powers to punish people who don't wear costumes and reward people who do. Rerolling dice is good for you, so you can only do it to your guys if they're in costume. It's bad for your opponents, so you can only do it to their guys if they're not in costume.

Does "whenever" mean before, during, or after rolling dice?

After. I guess that's clearer than whenever.

Yeah I realized after I posted that I missed that part but since the conversation had already continued I didn't go back and edit.