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The Book of Sage


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The Book of Sage




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Supernova set.
Its model number and name are #031, #032-033/Tessa, Sage.
Character Bio - Sage's brain works much like a super-computer with unlimited storage capacity, but able to process data much more quickly. She has a photographic memory and can perform multiple complex tasks without any reduced efficiency in any of them. Because of her memory, Sage can predict actions and take appropriate action to aid or hinder those actions. She is also able to analyze a person's DNA, and in mutants, evolve specific traits to enhance their abilities.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: The power to switch OM's comes before the actual revealing of said OM's, correct?
  • A: Yes.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Sage may boost Mutant Heroes’ attacks via her Mutant Power Boost special power. Current Mutant Heroes.
  • Sage may rearrange Order Markers on Mutant and Telepath cards you control. Current Mutants and Telepaths.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • The Mutants that benefit the most from Sage's Mutant Power Boost are those who have the ability to attack multiple times with normal attacks, particularly ranged attacks. Cable, Marrow, and Deadpool are excellent choices. Melee multiple attackers like Wolverine, Beast, Sabertooth, X-23, and particularly Multiple Man also get an especially large benefit. Multiple Man, Deadpool, and X-23 also benefit from Probability Calculation.
  • When using Sage in a Mutant build, try to get the Enhancement markers placed quickly and delay contact with your opponent until your key attackers have Enhancement markers set. If your opponent is playing a fast moving team, be careful not to let them get too much board control while you place Enhancement markers.
  • Aside from unparalleled Order Marker flexibility, Telepathic Tactician allows the use of powers that require order markers in new ways. Powers that trigger based on there being order markers on a card, such as Joker's Reorganized Chaos, Destiny's Probability Precognition, and several of the Legionnaire powers (Braniac 5/Cosmic Boy/Saturn Girl) can be used without leaving those Order Markers on those cards.
  • Likewise, powers that activate "after revealing an Order Marker" like Super Soldier Scout and The Wrecking Crew are more viable with Sage then in many other builds with Order Marker flexibility.
  • The Sage/Loki combo gives you two "X" markers that can be placed on any card you want (including Sage herself) to activate "X" marker powers twice in a round.
  • Unlike other Order Marker managing units such as Baron Zemo and Hush who can fall victim to assassinations or otherwise be Order Marker risks, Telepathic Tactician puts Sage in charge without absorbing all your Order Markers. Consider drafting Sage with units like Blob to act as a "safe spot" for your Order Markers.
  • Probability Calculation is most valuable when it is boosting (or crushing) the odds for unlikely, game-changing powers. At the extreme, Sage can double the probability of a power that kills an opponent's hero on a 20, or eliminate that probability altogether when it is used against her team.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: Sage - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 190

Start the game with 3 purple Enhancement Markers on this card. After taking a turn with Sage, you may reveal an “X” Order Marker on this card to place an Enhancement Marker from this card on the card of an adjacent friendly Mutant Hero. For the entire game, a figure other than Sage with any number of Enhancement Markers on its card may add 1 additional die to its normal attack.

At the beginning of your turn, if there is at least one Order Marker on this card, you may move any unrevealed Order Markers on any Mutant or Telepath cards in your army to any other Mutant or Telepath cards you control. You may move Order Markers from Army Cards of your destroyed figures.

Whenever a figure you control within clear sight of Sage rolls the 20-sided die for a special power, you may add or subtract 1 from the roll.
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Re: Sage - Design Phase

From Commander Rogers:

At the beginning of your turn, if there is at least one unrevealed Order Marker on this card, you may rearrange any unrevealed Order Markers on Army Cards you control.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

Don't know her but looks good :up:.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I know we cheat on it sometimes, and I feel we only do it when it is necessary, but it isn't necessary here and figures don't roll dice:

Whenever a figure within clear sight rolls the 20-sided die for a special power, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

From Commander Rogers:

At the beginning of your turn, if there is at least one unrevealed Order Marker on this card, you may rearrange any unrevealed Order Markers on Army Cards you control.

Her OM doesn't have to be revealed.

Either does Commander Rogers. He can just have the X on his card and still use ther powers.

For Sage, you want her to be able to use her power whether the OM is revealed or not then? So if she only has OM 1 on her card and takes a turn, then on subsequent turns she can still use her power because she has an OM on her card, revealed or not.

I don't know anything about Sage, but this seems like a neat design.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I've read just a couple of comics with her in it but this seems like a great design. I wonder if the small difference in the Tactician power is worth it though. :shrug:
Re: Sage - Design Phase

comicvine said:
Sage is a mutant with a computer-like brain. She can process large volumes of data with great efficiency, and has a photographic memory that allows her to recall anything she needs. Sage also has a reboot function similar to a computer's. Sage's computer intellect has facilitated her ability to learn advanced martial arts, tactics, and weapons training.

Sage is in peak physical condition and is skilled at both unarmed and armed combat. She is skilled with technology, and uses a set of VR glasses that allow her to interface with computers and other technology. Other people can link up with similar sets of glasses. Sage is often used as the tactician and/or headquarters' hub, using her mind to keep in constant contact with all of her allies at once.

Sage also absorbed all of Roma's knowledge and memories. All of this "information download" happened almost instantly, so her mind turned all of this knowledge into several distinct personalities. She then bested each in mental combat and assimilated them into her memory. Whether or not this granted Sage any of Roma's magical ability is unknown.

She also has the ability to detect and analyze the genetics of others. So far this ability has been used to unlock latent mutant abilities in dormant mutants, and to unlock hidden aspects of mutant powers. This ability works closely with her computer-like mind giving her the ability to quickly analyze and understand the subject's DNA. Sage can also "see" the genetic structure of a person. She can read the DNA and understand their power (If they are a mutant) probably better than the person can themselves. She can then boost the person's powers advancing them to a certain extent. Also she can see the potential in a human to become a mutant and jumpstart their latent power.

Sage is a low-leveled telepathic mutant with the ability to read minds, project her thoughts, control minds, project her astral form and project realistic illusions. She is able to sense any form of life near her and especially mutant minds. Also she can reflect telepathic attacks away from her by using her 'Firewall' ability. She can only use this by shutting her telepathic powers off. Sage exhibits strong willpower which protects her from certain telepathic attacks.

Thought about Mental Shield as well.

We're still in the Breathing Period.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

The difference for me with the Tactician powers is that you can put the 1 on Sage, use it, and still have the power available, due to her telapathic link that keeps her in contact with her teammates.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I know we cheat on it sometimes, and I feel we only do it when it is necessary, but it isn't necessary here and figures don't roll dice:

Whenever a figure within clear sight rolls the 20-sided die for a special power, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.

Whenever a player rolls the 20-sided die for a special power that is on the card of a figure within clear sight of Sage, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

The difference for me with the Tactician powers is that you can put the 1 on Sage, use it, and still have the power available, due to her telapathic link that keeps her in contact with her teammates.

Makes sense, though I figure Commander Rogers and his teammates are going to have comlinks to keep in touch. But telepathic powers would be more reliable and not get jammed.

I know we cheat on it sometimes, and I feel we only do it when it is necessary, but it isn't necessary here and figures don't roll dice:

Whenever a figure within clear sight rolls the 20-sided die for a special power, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.

Whenever a player rolls the 20-sided die for a special power that is on the card of a figure within clear sight of Sage, you may add or subtract 2 from the roll.

Seems good there. :)
Re: Sage - Design Phase

What if she could only move Order Markers on cards without the Mental Shield special power? Kinda niche in limitations, but it gives it some extra telepathic flare.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I had typed that Tickle and then erased it in my above post. It seemed neat and then I was thinking about how Prof X and Martian Manhunter don't have those kind of limitations and didn't know if it would go over for her.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

ERB Reponse!

The d20 is definitely something to consider. She must have something to represent her ability to recall anything she's ever seen and calculate possible outcomes. Certainly not set in stone.
davidlhsl said:

Are you going to play Heroscape?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
Remember me who whiffed on attack
X-Men and Outlaws will battle just fine.

Mutant Power Boost
Merry Christmas, Mutant Brothers. This is a nice and modest boost for one’s team mates, but the timing prevents you from dumping the Markers in a short burst.

Telepathic Tactician
I assume that when Sage takes a turn from her Order Marker, you rearrange after revealing the Order Marker and not before.

The wording of “At the beginning of your turn” makes me wonder if this refers to Sage or the player. Example, you reveal Order Marker 1 on Cyclops, and let’s say there’s an X on Sage. So if the wording refers to the player, that means that you can rearrange the Order Markers via Telepathic Tactician instead of Cyclops’ Mutant Field Commander, which would allow Cyclops to move. Then Cyclops could pass a bonding turn to Sage. If the wording refers to Sage in the above example, then you can’t rearrange the Order Markers using Telepathic Tactician until Sage begins the turn.

Also, if it refers to the beginning of the player’s turn, my assumption of rearranging the Order Markers after revealing the Order Marker to start the turn may be incorrect.

Probability Calculation
This could stack with other d20 bonuses (I’m thinking Destiny here), but it could also be a counter as well. Since it’s a clear sight requirement rather than an area effect, and since it doesn’t have any other qualifiers, I wonder if this might make certain 20-sided abilities too powerful. This can be examined during playtesting.

Final Thoughts
My cornfushun on Telepathic Tactician might be a result of the smoke inhalation from playing the game Flash Point: Fire Rescue I just received in the mail. But it’s a nice design, and I especially love the Mutant Power Boost.

Next on Radio WC3G: “O, Superman” by Laurie Anderson. :D (And I’m about to head off to Nashville for the last symphony concert of the 2012/2013 season. Carmina Burana, here I come!)
Re: Sage - Design Phase

What if she could only move Order Markers on cards without the Mental Shield special power? Kinda niche in limitations, but it gives it some extra telepathic flare.

I had typed that Tickle and then erased it in my above post. It seemed neat and then I was thinking about how Prof X and Martian Manhunter don't have those kind of limitations and didn't know if it would go over for her.

I kind of like Tickle's idea here ... but I guess I'm assuming she's not on the power level of a Martian Manhunter or a Prof X. I might be wrong though, since I'm not a Marvel guy.

Here's a suggestion to save some text and to spare the slight weird contradiction between being told to put 3 markers on this card and being told you can't put more than 1 marker on any card.

Start the game with 3 purple Enhancement Markers on this card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Sage, you may reveal an “X” Order Marker on this card. If you do, you may place one Enhancement Marker on the card of an adjacent friendly Mutant Hero without an Enhancement Marker on its card. A figure other than Sage with an Enhancement Marker on its card may add 1 additional attack die to its normal attack.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

If someone is foolish enough to put more than one on a figure when the figure is only going to get +1 attack no matter how many markers are on its card, that's the player's fault.

Start the game with 3 purple Enhancement Markers on this card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Sage, you may reveal an “X” Order Marker on this card to place an Enhancement Marker from this card on the card of an adjacent friendly Mutant Hero. A figure other than Sage with an Enhancement Marker on its card may add 1 additional attack die to its normal attack.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

Cool. Is it completely clear in the last line that it doesn't stack for each enhancement marker on the card, though? I could see folks misreading that really easily.

Just spitballing:

A figure other than Sage with any number of Enhancement Markers on its card may add 1 additional attack die to its normal attack.
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I can live with that.

Changed Probability Calculation to just +/-1 so Sage and Destiny wouln't make a 25% swing.

So anyone up for an initial playtest?
Re: Sage - Design Phase

I can later. I wanna run her with Cable, Deadpool, and Cap! :twisted:
Re: Sage - Design Phase



- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak.
Pass... although Mags + Destiny + Sage + Mystique can be incredibly evil.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 100-120?
- Give a brief overview. Sage ain't gonna look great in heavy hitters. She's strictly a team player, and batting clean up she performs about like a 100-20 point figure.
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 100?
- Give a brief overview. Sage got the first strike and missed. She paid dearly.
Map: X Marks the Spot
Units: Sage v. Intergang Agents (120)
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 80-100?
- Give a brief overview. Sage juuuuust pulled this one off. X Marks the Spot is a very friendly map to the Thugs, though.
Map: X Marks the Spot
Units: Sage v. Street Thugs (75)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? I'm not sure she entirely lived up to 180 here, and I felt she did pretty well here. Cable and Deadpool definitely love her in a team build with Xavier (although you're sacrificing Psychic Defense or an extra heal). That being said, Cable and Prof took some away from her value as they provided better OM management (although if I had left the X on Sage in the last round, she might have been able to get some OMs for herself and taken out Reed).
- Give a brief overview. Mutants were looking good to start, and then Prof went down when Johnny flanked and went nova. If Cable had been able to break Reed, this might have ended very differently.
Map: X Marks the Spot
Units: Sage (180), Deadpool (465), Cable (740), Professor X (960), Jubilee (1020) vs. Fantastic 4 (1000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? This was such a blowout that 180 seemed fine, but actually analyzing her value is a little tricky. The outcasts could seemingly never miss a d20 roll (only once did they miss), but I think Sage only directly contributed once that I can think of. Spidey only had to use his d20 once, and rolled too high for Sage to be a factor. Mystique and Mags were both boosted by Sage, but only one (Mags) ever had it really be a factor. Actually, her value here was mostly in providing some OM flexibility for a team that loves to camp.
- Give a brief overview. Mags, Sage, Mystique and Destiny = nastiness
Map: X Marks the Spot
Units: Magneto II (375), Destiny (430), Sage (610), Mystique (775) vs. Luke Cage (190), Spider-Man (440), Iron Fist (700), Iron Man mk 1 (770)
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Sage - Design Phase

Thanks for grabbing this, Margloth! :) I've got a lot to dig my way out of with the Griff proxy and my own LDs and a busy, busy week. Hopefully I can start some time tomorrow .... Anyway, I appreciate you picking this one up!
Re: Sage - Design Phase

Question: do you even want to see Heavy Hitter / Squad Tests here? They don't seem that useful. I could do 3 army tests instead.