Well-known member
The Book of Sacred Band
Zanafor's Discovery - Collection 4 - "Greeks and Vipers"

Character Bio: The gods smile on some, and on others they do not. That is what the members of Parmenio's Sacred Band would say. Parmenio formed his Sacred Band in secret, selecting only the toughest, most dedicated and courageous warriors. General Einar brought the members of the Sacred Band through a portal shortly after he saved Parmenio. Parmenio was happy to see his loyal soldiers. On Valahalla, they fight with Parmenio and Marcus Decimus Gallus. This Sacred Band is disciplined and they fight well with other disciplined troops. (Hasbro)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- - EINAR WARLORD BONDING : How Many Warlords
How does Einar Warlord bonding work? Can I take a turn with all the Warlords that follow Einar I control first?
No, you can take a free (move & attack) turn with any one Warlord that follows Einar before taking a turn with the Sacred Band. (Hasbro FAQ)
- DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS : Army With Disciplined and Non-Disciplined Units
If my drafted non-disciplined figures are destroyed and I'm left with only disciplined figures on the board. Do I get the Disciplined Army Defense Bonus?
Yes. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- - PARMENIO : Sacred Band Defy Death 15
As Sacred Band units, the Sacred Band may benefit from Parmenio’s SACRED BAND DEFY DEATH 15 defense ability.
- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS : Soldier Leadership
As Soldiers, the Sacred Band may benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER LEADERSHIP movement bonus.
- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS : Soldier Attack Enhancement
As Soldiers, the Sacred Band may benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER ATTACK ENHANCEMENT.
- DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS : Disciplined Personality Units
Having an army in play composed of only these units, will enable the Sacred Band to benefit from the DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS:
* 10th Regiment of Foot
* Airborne Elite
* Ashigaru Harquebus
* Ashigaru Yari
* Blastatrons
* Einar Imperium
* Elite Onyx Vipers
* Empress Kiova
* Gladiatrons
* Hatamoto Taro
* Isamu
* Izumi Samurai
* James Murphy
* Kaemon Awa
* Kato Katsuro
* Kozuke Samurai
* Major X17
* Marcus Decimus Gallus
* Master Win Chiu Woo
* Moriko
* Ninjas of the Northern Wind
* Parmenio
* Roman Archers
* Roman Legionnaires
* Sacred Band
* Shaolin Monks
* Tagawa Samurai
* Tagawa Samurai Archers
* Theracus
* Zelrig
* Tandros Kreel
* Red Wyrmling
Synergy Benefits Offered
- - EINAR WARLORD BONDING : Einar Warlord Units
* Marcus Decimus Gallus
* Parmenio
* Valguard
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Human who follow Einar, Sacred Band may benefit from Count Raymond's MANEUVER 9 ability.
Having an army in play composed of only these units, will enable the Sacred Band to benefit from the DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS:
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- - TBA
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking and Master Index
MKSentinel said:Power Ranking
Sacred Band- If the Romans didn’t already exist, the Sacred Band might be used frequently. As it is now, they’re a bit
more restricting but more mobile. B
Sacred Band
How many to Buy?http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=4394
All non-Disciplined = Dead? http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=6936
And Historical Accuracy http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=10795
Unit Strategy Review
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