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The Book of Sabretooth

Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Range 4. Attack 6.
After moving and instead of attacking normally, Sabretooth may use Devastating Pounce Special Attack. To pounce, choose a non-adjacent figure whose base is not higher or lower than 6 levels from the base of Sabretooth. The chosen figure must be adjacent to at least one unoccupied space. If the figure is destroyed, immediately place Sabretooth on the space the figure occupied. If the figure is not destroyed, put one Wound Marker on this Army Card and place Sabretooth on an adjacent space to the defending figure.

Would that do the trick?

I tried addressing this a few pages back, but I don't know if Whitey missed it or what ... :reapershrug:
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Ah, well, that might very well take care of it.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Figures are only adjacent to same-level spaces.

What about a last line of:

Sabretooth may only use Devastating Pounce Special Attack if he can be placed adjacent to the chosen figure.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

That would probably work even better, yeah.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Looks good! Any ERB responses from ERB members yet? :p
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Well the 48 hour period technically expired about 14 hours ago. Personally, I have no concerns with where Sabretooth is at after Sir G and Necro ERB'd him. ;-) So here's my preemptive yea for playtesting!
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Well, an ERB comment finally came in...

Wulfhunter667 said:
Sorry for the delay in reply. Having your gallbladder out will do that to you.
Anyway. Sabertooth looks solid to me. I like the use of Bloodlust and the reduction of dice for subsequent attacks. I like the Pounce attack also. Very thematic. And of course Healing Factor X. I'm assuming that the wording of the last sentence is intentional, so that all figures, friendly and enemy, can benefit from the healing. Interesting twist. Stats look good. Not a points guys, so, will defer that to others more qualified than I for that commentary.
Hope this helps.

So, on to playtesting then? Yea!
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

A3n/Spidey, Sir G, and Necro left to pass this one to playtesting!
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Unless we messed up Wolverine/Deadpool too, the last line is supposed to read:

X After taking a turn with Sabretooth, remove one Wound Marker from this card. At the end of the round, if you reveal your X Order Marker on any Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power, remove one Wound Marker from each Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power.

And yea.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Good catch! Hopefully Whitey will get that updated. :)
In the meantime, this passes to playtesting!
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Unless we messed up Wolverine/Deadpool too, the last line is supposed to read:

X After taking a turn with Sabretooth, remove one Wound Marker from this card. At the end of the round, if you reveal your X Order Marker on any Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power, remove one Wound Marker from each Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power.

And yea.
I can't really remember, was that actually intentional? Hahma?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Well why would you be removing Wound Markers from the cards of other players ... ?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Yeah, but without the "you control" part in there, if you have Sabretooth and you're fighting Wolverine, you're healing them both on your X-Marker ... uh ... lame.
It definitely needs to be updated.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Yeah, but without the "you control" part in there, if you have Sabretooth and you're fighting Wolverine, you're healing them both on your X-Marker ... uh ... lame.
It definitely needs to be updated.
True. And if you have Wolverine and I have Sabretooth, then we both reveal the X Marker at the end of the round, I am going to remove one from both and so are you, which means that they are both going to heal 2 wounds each. :death-fail:
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

First play-test in...

johnny139 said:
Alright, forgive me here, because as I typed up the last two seconds of this playtest I accidentally, somehow, reset it. Almost happened twice, too... it'll probably be a lot shoddier than it should be, but, what can you do?


- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.
PASS (I thought he was "good but not great" at first in this category, but after playing with him, he's fantastic. You ALWAYS send him out fast and right in to the fray; he tears through squads and is in constant motion... just great.)

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.
PASS (SO much fun. Love this guy.)

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.
PASS (His Pounce in particular - even if you don't expect to kill someone, it makes you risk a wound in attempt to gain height or a generally superior position.

- Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero/ Does it pass? PASS. (He seems a BIT underpowered, as he lost most matches; however, most matches seemed rather close, so I'd say he's in the right range.)
Spoiler Alert!


- Squad / Does it pass? PASS. (Against 280 Points of squaddies, he won, but it felt rather close. Could have gone either way. I'd call that balanced.)
Map: Swamp Thing
Units: Sabretooth vs. 4th Massachusetts Line x4 (280 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


- Army Test/ Does it pass? PASS. (I think things could have gone either way this time, too; Sabretooth seemed impossible to beat at the end, but to be fair, so did Blob; I think a sway of luck could have changes things entirely.)
Map: Swamp Thing
Units: Sabretooth, Deadpool, Bob (600 Points) vs. Magneto, Blob, Pyro (595 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


- Army Test/ Does it pass? PASS. (Yeah, I'd say it works. Some good luck and bad luck on both sides, but things seemed pretty fair throughout. Absorbing Man got some HUGE streaks, but he went down eventually.)
Map: Swamp Thing
Units: Sabretooth, Professor X, Magneto, Jean Grey(1000 Points) vs. Joker, Poison Ivy, Deadpool, Green Goblin, Harley Quinn (1000 Points)
Spoiler Alert!

FINAL THOUGHTS: He seems ABOUT right to me; perhaps SLIGHTLY overcosted. He's a monster against squads, no doubt, and about even with most figures in his range, even if he loses more often than he wins. I think 280 would be ideal, but he's passable at 290.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

From that test I could see 280 for sure.