If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 2 spaces and attack again. For each subsequent attack with Bloodlust, roll 1 less die.
What about ...
If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 2 spaces and attack again with his normal attack.
That way, he can use his Special Attack for the initial kill, but he won't be able to pounce squaddies for additional kills. As long as he's going up against squaddies with range, they should be able to stay spread out enough to keep Bloodlust from tearing them up too much.
Something like that?BLOODLUST
If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 1 space and attack again with his normal attack. For each subsequent normal attack with Bloodlust, roll 1 fewer die.
Updated test sheet with some squad tests. If Whitestuff would be so kind as to link the test sheet on post #45 to the first post, it would be easier for everyone to find.![]()
I know Hahma made some stat changes in testing ... I think his life went up to 7 and maybe his defense went up ... I forget. Hopefully Hahma can let us know.![]()
Looks good! What do people think about Savage instead of Relentless just to be a little different?
Range 4. Attack 6.
After moving and instead of attacking normally, Sabretooth may use Devastating Pounce Special Attack. To pounce, choose a non-adjacent figure whose base is not higher or lower than 6 levels from the base of Sabretooth. If the figure is destroyed, immediately place Sabretooth on the space the figure occupied. If the figure is not destroyed, put one Wound Marker on this Army Card and place Sabretooth on an adjacent space to the defending figure.