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The Book of Sabretooth

Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Take your time, Hambone. You're doing great! :thumbsup: Like I said before, I think the design is perfect at this point - we've just got to lock down cost.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Updated test sheet with some squad tests. If Whitestuff would be so kind as to link the test sheet on post #45 to the first post, it would be easier for everyone to find. :D
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Yipes. That seems like a little much against squads ... we've gotta find some way to tone that down. Maybe eliminate the move from Bloodlust all together and then he has to risk the Special Attack if he wants to hit squaddies that aren't next to him.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 2 spaces and attack again. For each subsequent attack with Bloodlust, roll 1 less die.

Maybe something like that can tone him down a bit. Perhaps he expends so much energy during Bloodlust that it wears him down after each move and kill. :shrug:
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

What about ...

If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 2 spaces and attack again with his normal attack.

That way, he can use his Special Attack for the initial kill, but he won't be able to pounce squaddies for additional kills. As long as he's going up against squaddies with range, they should be able to stay spread out enough to keep Bloodlust from tearing them up too much.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

What about ...

If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 2 spaces and attack again with his normal attack.

That way, he can use his Special Attack for the initial kill, but he won't be able to pounce squaddies for additional kills. As long as he's going up against squaddies with range, they should be able to stay spread out enough to keep Bloodlust from tearing them up too much.

Well unfortunately, I never used Pounce during Bloodlust for additional kills. Sometimes for the first kill, but his normal attack of 5 after that was enough to do his thing without risk of taking a wound for not killing the figure. Even ranged squads (when there are 11 or 14 of them, can't keep too spread out against him with his move and Pounce. 2 spaces covers a decent amount of ground and if they are spread far enough apart, chances are sometimes they won't all be in range of him.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Hmm ... OK, so maybe a combo of my suggestion, your suggestion, and a lowering of the move to 1?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

If Sabretooth destroys an opponent's figure, he may move up to 1 space and attack again with his normal attack. For each subsequent normal attack with Bloodlust, roll 1 fewer die.
Something like that?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Change less to fewer and we're good to go, yeah! :)
I think there've been a few changes in playtesting that will need to be made in the first post so we don't get lost here ...
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Updated test sheet with some squad tests. If Whitestuff would be so kind as to link the test sheet on post #45 to the first post, it would be easier for everyone to find. :D


Sorry I've been a bit light on the ground. Who would have thought that having 5 kids would keep you busy over school holidays...?

Bats, what are the other changes that need to be made to the OP other than the reworded Bloodlust?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

I know Hahma made some stat changes in testing ... I think his life went up to 7 and maybe his defense went up ... I forget. Hopefully Hahma can let us know. :)
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

I know Hahma made some stat changes in testing ... I think his life went up to 7 and maybe his defense went up ... I forget. Hopefully Hahma can let us know. :)

Yeah, he wasn't doing so well vs. HH so I bumped his life to 7 and defense to 5.

The extra life never came into affect during squads, but his Bloodlust was just wicked. I guess his improved defense helped him vs. squads, but he was getting smoked by HH with a defense of 4.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Looks good! What do people think about Savage instead of Relentless just to be a little different?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Looks good! What do people think about Savage instead of Relentless just to be a little different?

I do like Savage better, nice suggestion.

I just finished Army Test 1, Outcasts plus Mystique vs. Prof X, JG, Cyc, Wolvie and Angel. Outcasts still suck vs. that army, but Sabretooth did pretty well considering he had little support, while Angel and Jean Grey are nasty in an army with 2 activations/turn. Psychic Grip and Throw were hot for JG and Guardian Angel and Carry were huge for Angel. Sabretooth did what he could, but getting tag teamed and then losing a turn because of Psychic Grip sucks. Avalanche got the Outcasts moving early with a couple turns, but Angel Carries Cyc over adjacent to Avalanche and tag team him to kill him and leave Outcasts dead in the water. OMs on Sabretooth are great for him, but with multiple activations and for JG, a Throw and normal attack, they could attack Sabretooth and chip away at the helpless Outcasts. Heck, even after Sabretooth killed Cyclops, he couldn't move for Bloodlust to attack JG because of her Grip. She was huge.

Next test won't be Outcast based vs. X-Men. Outcast army just isn't that great vs. Prof X led Mutant army, without someone like Mags. I'm sure they could have better games than this one I had, but JG and Angel were just too much of a factor. Perhaps another time I'll have to have them try harder to get to Prof X, but he was really kind of hard to get to.

I'll update the test sheet later when I can and I still have to do another squad test with the change to Bloodlust.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

We just need an Outcast or two with the Mental Shield power ... *cough*Juggernaut*cough*
My next design draft will be made with the intent of further boosting the Brotherhood a bit.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Yeah, I hear ya. Maybe he'll have to get out there after AM.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

No hurries. :) Just work on what you want to work on and we'll get the boosters out there as they fill.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Yeah, I would actually like to work on Electro next.:D
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Hey, Sinister Six is one of my (many) huge priorities for the group, so I'm all about it. :-D
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

SAVAGE is cool

Is it intended for me to be able to use the SA first, then start using Blood Lust?

I am sure it has been addressed, but is the intention with the SA to have an FAQ ruling that does not allow you to even attempt the SA on a figure if there isn't any adjacent spaces for ST to land on if the figure isn't destroyed?

Range 4. Attack 6.
After moving and instead of attacking normally, Sabretooth may use Devastating Pounce Special Attack. To pounce, choose a non-adjacent figure whose base is not higher or lower than 6 levels from the base of Sabretooth. If the figure is destroyed, immediately place Sabretooth on the space the figure occupied. If the figure is not destroyed, put one Wound Marker on this Army Card and place Sabretooth on an adjacent space to the defending figure.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Range 4. Attack 6.
After moving and instead of attacking normally, Sabretooth may use Devastating Pounce Special Attack. To pounce, choose a non-adjacent figure whose base is not higher or lower than 6 levels from the base of Sabretooth. The chosen figure must be adjacent to at least one unoccupied space. If the figure is destroyed, immediately place Sabretooth on the space the figure occupied. If the figure is not destroyed, put one Wound Marker on this Army Card and place Sabretooth on an adjacent space to the defending figure.

Would that do the trick?
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

I did the squad test after changes made to Bloodlust and it passed and just got done with 2nd army test. I'll update test sheet when I can.

All I have to say is that the Hawkman/Hawkgirl combo is some sick stuff there. :twisted:
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

Sweet! :) Sounds like this guy will be ready to move on soon. I'm glad this was a less complex one than Annihilus! You deserved a break after that. :p