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The Book of Sabretooth

Shouldn't be an issue, I did it the same way I do all my pdfs.
Yeah, no idea. Just really acted up when I tried to print it. Every other one just rolled right off the printer. This one shut down my browser. No idea why. Thanks for looking into it.
Yeah, no idea. Just really acted up when I tried to print it. Every other one just rolled right off the printer. This one shut down my browser. No idea why. Thanks for looking into it.

You know 1Mmirg, I remember having an issue like that a while ago, maybe back around June/July when I started printing a bunch of cards when I got back into C3G. I was having the darndest time as it would first take forever to load the pdf and then would either print nothing, miss some of the lettering on the card or shut down my browser and even freeze up my computer.

If I recall correctly, I believe that I had some setting for my printer messed up. Somehow the settings changed from the previous time I had printed a bunch of cards and messed me up. I was bugging out and asking A3n and the Art Department if something had changed with the pdfs. But they said they had no problems. So by chance, I fiddled with a setting for my printer and then they started printing fine. It was extra weird too because some cards printed fine, while others were either taking forever, coming up blank or totally freezing my computer. But it's all good now.

Maybe look into a setting for your printer that may have changed somehow as that's the only thing that I can think of after going through a similar experience.
Yeah, no idea. Just really acted up when I tried to print it. Every other one just rolled right off the printer. This one shut down my browser. No idea why. Thanks for looking into it.

You know 1Mmirg, I remember having an issue like that a while ago, maybe back around June/July when I started printing a bunch of cards when I got back into C3G. I was having the darndest time as it would first take forever to load the pdf and then would either print nothing, miss some of the lettering on the card or shut down my browser and even freeze up my computer.

If I recall correctly, I believe that I had some setting for my printer messed up. Somehow the settings changed from the previous time I had printed a bunch of cards and messed me up. I was bugging out and asking A3n and the Art Department if something had changed with the pdfs. But they said they had no problems. So by chance, I fiddled with a setting for my printer and then they started printing fine. It was extra weird too because some cards printed fine, while others were either taking forever, coming up blank or totally freezing my computer. But it's all good now.

Maybe look into a setting for your printer that may have changed somehow as that's the only thing that I can think of after going through a similar experience.

Yeah, I'll check, but the odd thing was it was only Sabretooth. Every other card printed just fine. I even went and printed an extra one or two from a long time ago. Every card printed fine, except Sabretooth (repeatedly and in the middle of successfully printing other cards). Weird...
Yeah, no idea. Just really acted up when I tried to print it. Every other one just rolled right off the printer. This one shut down my browser. No idea why. Thanks for looking into it.

You know 1Mmirg, I remember having an issue like that a while ago, maybe back around June/July when I started printing a bunch of cards when I got back into C3G. I was having the darndest time as it would first take forever to load the pdf and then would either print nothing, miss some of the lettering on the card or shut down my browser and even freeze up my computer.

If I recall correctly, I believe that I had some setting for my printer messed up. Somehow the settings changed from the previous time I had printed a bunch of cards and messed me up. I was bugging out and asking A3n and the Art Department if something had changed with the pdfs. But they said they had no problems. So by chance, I fiddled with a setting for my printer and then they started printing fine. It was extra weird too because some cards printed fine, while others were either taking forever, coming up blank or totally freezing my computer. But it's all good now.

Maybe look into a setting for your printer that may have changed somehow as that's the only thing that I can think of after going through a similar experience.

Yeah, I'll check, but the odd thing was it was only Sabretooth. Every other card printed just fine. I even went and printed an extra one or two from a long time ago. Every card printed fine, except Sabretooth (repeatedly and in the middle of successfully printing other cards). Weird...

I while back I started having problems with cards not printing out, or printing out blank and most were of cards that I had already printed out. Some still printed out fine. I eventually realized that my printer's settings were changing every time I opened a different PDF (half the time they are right, sometimes it wants to send it to Microsoft Office Documents instead of the printer and some other minor changes as well). Now I just check each time before I hit the print button.
I had a problem with Green Goblin when he first came out. I just tried on a couple different computers until he eventually worked. :p
Sabretooth fits into a lot of different builds. I guess it makes sense, though... he and Wolverine are two of the least lonely loners on the face of the planet.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • With the Healing Factor X special power, other figures with the same power can benefit from revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with Healing Factor X include: Deadpool and Wolverine.
  • As a Mutant, Sabretooth may be activated by Professor X's Mutant Mind Link special power.
  • As a Mutant, Sabretooth may be moved by Cyclops' Mutant Field Commander special power.
  • As a figure with the Healing Factor X special power, Sabretooth may be thrown further by Colossus's Fastball Special.
  • As an Outcast, Sabretooth may be moved by Avalanche's Outcast Ambush special power.
Synergy Benefits Offered

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • As a figure with the Healing Factor X special power, Sabretooth benefits from other figures with the same power revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with Healing Factor X include: Deadpool and Wolverine.
  • As a Mutant, Sabretooth may offer an initiative bonus from Sentinel's Mutant Detection special power.
  • As a Mutant, Sabretooth may enable Jubilee to take a turn after him as his Mutant Sidekick.
Character Bio - Sabretooth is a mutant who possesses bestial superhuman abilities, most notably a rapid healing factor, razor-sharp fangs and claws, and superhuman senses. He is a vicious assassin responsible for numerous deaths both as a paid mercenary and for his personal pleasure. While both Wolverine and Sabretooth were victims of the supersoldier program Weapon X, Sabretooth saw Wolverine as competition and tried to make his life miserable. Creed eventually adopts a tradition of tracking Logan down on his birthday with the intention of fighting him. Sabretooth has always managed to find him, no matter where Logan was or what he was doing, and come within an inch of killing him. Sabretooth's only reason for this is to remind Wolverine that he could.
Re: Sabretooth - Design Phase

  • For Heroscape standards and good grammar, "destroyed with" should be corrected to "destroyed by." (The inhabitants of Pompeii, for example, were killed with their neighbors but killed by Vesuvius.)

  • "A space" seems preferable to "the space," since Sabretooth can pounce on double-based figures. (As written, it seems like it's debatable whether he has to land on the "space he attacked" or can land on either space occupied by the victim.)

  • To make it just a wee bit shorter and more readable (and, I would argue, a trifle more thematic), "place one Wound Marker on this card" could be replaced with the more economical (and also Scape-standard) "Sabretooth receives 1 wound."
Here's what all of that would look like in context:

Range Special. Attack 6.
Choose a non-adjacent figure within 4 clear sight spaces whose base is not higher or lower than 6 levels from the base of Sabretooth. Before attacking, place Sabretooth adjacent to the chosen figure. If the chosen figure is destroyed by this special attack, immediately place Sabretooth on a space that was occupied by the chosen figure. If the figure is not destroyed, Sabretooth receives one wound. When Sabretooth is moved by this special attack, he will take any leaving engagement attacks.​
18 May 2015 - Sabertooth - Healing Factor X & Pounce wording made clearer
Every now and then I get an email telling me that an old thread here has a new post and for some reason I read through this entire thread...
Such great memories of a period of time in my life where a bunch of strangers on the internet achieved something awesome...
I'm so proud to have been a part of it all for as long as I was... :grouphug:

They say old men see the past through rose coloured glasses...
Every now and then I get an email telling me that an old thread here has a new post and for some reason I read through this entire thread...
Such great memories of a period of time in my life where a bunch of strangers on the internet achieved something awesome...
I'm so proud to have been a part of it all for as long as I was... :grouphug:

They say old men see the past through rose coloured glasses...

It truly was a great period for the group back then. We definitely had a lot of laughs.

Nice to see you pop back in & reminisce. Don't forget if you are ever visiting your dad, there's always a game waiting for you here.
An additional source for the same figure is Infinity Challenge #056-057 / Sabretooth (055-057, including the figure already listed) or #167 / Victor Creed.
Additionally, the figure can be sourced from Universe #005, 079-081 / Sabretooth.