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The Book of Sabretooth (AoA)


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of Sabretooth (AoA)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Uncanny X-Men set.
Its model number and name are #063 / Sabretooth and Wild Child.


Character Bio - On his home reality of Earth-295, Victor Creed was one of the first mutants recruited by Apocalypse when he began his take-over of North America. In time, Sabretooth grew to dislike killing innocent people in Apocalypse's cullings of America and turned against the Horsemen of Apocalypse. He was subsequently thrown in prison, where he would meet Wild Child. The two feral mutants battled for three full days until Sabretooth finally exerted his dominance. With Wild Child loyal to him, the two broke out of their cell and fought their way out of the prison.

Sabretooth joined with the mutant rebels the X-Men following his escape. Sabretooth remained a mainstay with the X-Men, always with Wild Child at his side, as Apocalypse continued to overrun North America.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Crossover Symbol: The Crossover Symbol next to Sabretooth's secret identity indicates that he is draftable into the same army with other Victor Creed cards. See C3G's Secret Identity Rules.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Sabretooth may protect friendly Rebels with his Protective Instinct special power.
  • As a figure with the Healing Factor X special power, other figures with the same special power can benefit from Sabretooth revealing the 'X' Order Marker. Current figures with Healing Factor X special power.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:_________________________________________________________________

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 270

If a friendly Rebel within 6 clear sight spaces of Sabretooth is targeted for an attack by an enemy figure, you may immediately move Sabretooth adjacent to that Rebel, if possible. He will take any leaving engagement attacks. If a friendly Rebel adjacent to Sabretooth would receive one or more wounds from an attack, you may have Sabretooth receive any number of those wounds instead.

After moving and before attacking, if there is at least one Wound Marker on this card, you may choose a figure adjacent to Sabretooth and roll the 20-sided die. Add 1 to your roll for each Wound Marker on this card. If you roll 12-18, the chosen figure receives 1 wound. If you roll 19 or higher, the chosen figure receives 2 wounds.

After taking a turn with Sabretooth, remove one Wound Marker from this card. At the end of the round, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on this card to remove one Wound Marker from each Army Card you control with the Healing Factor X special power.
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Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)



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Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

What does AoA stand for in the title?
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Age of Apocalypse!

Cool to see that starting to get built up.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

I'm a big fan of heroic Sabretooth in any context, so he looks like a lot of fun. Very narrow for the AoA with Mutant Rebel being both callouts. You could maybe justify dropping one of those clauses to be universal for all Mutants - but I get that with so many X-People around giving him a narrow field might be better for balance.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Yeah, I think I like him going all-in on Mutant Rebels. Not just because there are a lot of Mutants already, but because Mutant status isn't something you can easily get around on a new design that you may not want to worry about Papa Sabretooth on. Definitely found myself wishing during Madrox's design that Sage was more restricted in her synergy set.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

How many Mutant Rebels do we have? Blink?
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

We also agreed to update Wild Child to a rebel, but not sure if that happened yet.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

I'm gonna do a Magneto to lead them, and there’s potential for a few more Mutant Rebels such as Jean, Cyclops, and Colossus etc.

Keeping it locked to just Mutant Rebels seems best to me. They’re all still Mutants so they’ll have that pool to receive synergy from, but this will be its own thing to build an army around.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

We also agreed to update Wild Child to a rebel, but not sure if that happened yet.

It would be unthematic if that was a mutant he couldn’t protect.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Simple, I like it. Obviously a bit niche at the moment, but an army of all the rebels is a fun little faction at the moment! Very cool!
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Wild Child was a Flame Gryphon affair. Does anyone have his files? The SP hasn’t been updated there either.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Wild Child was a Flame Gryphon affair. Does anyone have his files? The SP hasn’t been updated there either.

I will look this weekend and if not I'll get it. Feel free anyone to update the SP and tag me in his thread.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Just a sptiball too, but is there a particularly strong reason to limit him to Rebels of the Mutant variety? Opening him up to all Rebels adds in Yukio (definitely X-adjacent) and Spike, who I don't really see as a huge issue. Idk, I just think it could be cool to throw him into an army with...John Connor or somebody like that and have them work together. Apocalypses make for strange bedfellows, you know?
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Just be aware the AoA Magneto will be offering potential multi-turns to Mutant Rebels. So I guess do we want to keep things uniform, or do we want Sabretooth working with all Rebels whereas Magneto is limited?
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

I honestly have no problems with all AoA characters being open to all Rebels, but I haven't read the comics or studied the drafts. Like I said, not particularly opinionated, I could just see a scenario where the AoA X-Men team up with some other post-apocalyptic rebels. :2cents:
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Yeah, I feel Rebel is the more important synergy link for this faction. If a Rebel from another story/world shows up I don't have a problem with them joining up even if they are not a Mutant.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

Could probably go either way on theme. The Age of Apocalypse is essentially about a race war between Mutants and humans, with most normal people being exterminated. The X-Men are pro-unity (as in the normal universe), so they'd be fine working with humans, but I don't think they ever have. Humans are kind of in dire straits! Not much fight left.

I'd probably stick with Mutant Rebels here just to keep things simple and leave the larger faction open as needed. They're alternate reality guys, probably shouldn't be the keystone of a whole class.
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Breathing)

I could see going Rebel on Sabretooth and Mutant Rebel on Magneto. I'd be reluctant to key Magneto on Rebels rather than Mutant Rebels, because it loses some X-Men flavor, and I think you run the risk of future post-apocalyptic stuff getting trampled by X-Men. :2cents:
Re: The Book of Sabretooth (AoA) (Vote for Initials)

Updated with just "Rebels".

I propose a vote to move to Initial Playtesting.