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The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (Young Justice)

Lord Pyre

...has moist legs
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The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (Young Justice)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Hypertime set.
Its model number and name are #028-030 / Robin.


Character Bio - After deducing Batman’s identity with his natural detective skills, Tim Drake proves himself an invaluable asset to the Dark Knight, and eventually becomes the third Robin. He also finds himself to be a natural leader, and along with his friends Superboy and Impulse, founded Young Justice. Tim unofficially leads the team through many adventures. The Bat-family’s secrets eventually take a toll on the team, and they start to mistrust Tim after finding out about Batman’s secret files on the Justice League. While Tim eventually falls back into their good graces, Secret never fully recovers and harbors a resentment towards him. In the interest of fairness in light of the trust issues, Young Justice holds a formal election, with Wonder Girl winning and becoming the new leader. Tim wholeheartedly backs her, and she relies on his wisdom and friendship to lead the team successfully.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Robin can take a turn before taking a turn with Sidekicks or Titans you control with his Teen Leader special power. Current Unique Titan and Sidekick Heroes.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 150

After rolling for initiative, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on this card. After revealing an Order Marker on any other Titan or Sidekick you control in clear sight of Robin, before taking a turn with that figure, if there is a revealed "X" Order Marker on this card, you may take a turn with Robin. You may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

Once per round, after an enemy figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Robin rolls attack dice, you may subtract one skull from whatever is rolled.

Instead of his normal move, Robin may move up to 3 spaces with Bat-Grapple. When moving with Bat-Grapple, Robin has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 30 levels in a single grapple, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
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Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing


Spoiler Alert!


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Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing

Alrighty, the start of the Young Justice Leaders! Wonder Girl will be next and the two of them together should hopefully be a new core of a Titans team.

Robin here acts similar to his vigilante sidekick counter part with the bonding. We also represent his detective skills and leadership in battle.

Art wise, we obviously can use Young Justice art, but I'm sure his solo series has lots of good stuff too. The main this is I want his green costume.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing

Wait I thought when you said Robin that it was the Venom bird... talk about a disappointment :p
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing

Not sure I agree with Titan or Medium. Otherwise, leftbox is clearly spot on. :p

Dig the power set and always happy for more Tim Drake! :) Should the second power specify that it's for your numbered Order Markers? Could have some interesting interactions with powers that let you reveal enemy Order Markers otherwise (would have to research what those are).
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake II) ~ Breathing

It does specify Numbered markers. I think YOU suggested that, because of weird interaction with Elongated Man or something like that. I feel like it's just cleaner on numbered, since he's meant to just support your team with it.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

Yeah, the interaction with Elongated Man is blocked by numbered. Also blocks an interaction with Tim's own "X" here, which I thought was intentional?

I THINK that current powers only let you "view" Order Markers on enemy cards, not "reveal" them as "revealing" them would remove them. I searched the index for "reveal and remove" and there were only things that affected your own Order Markers or that compelled/allowed your opponent to do it to their own Order Markers, so we're probably good here.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

Yeah it's fine on Tim's X, since that's before the round anyway. Just put #1 on Robin if you want him to get the boost. Otherwise if #1 is on Starfire, then both Robin AND Starfire get it. I'm good with it!
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

We definitely figured out the whole view/look at/reveal/remove distinction with OMs in Detective Chimp's thread but I'll be damned if I remember what's what. :lol: A quick check says it should be "you may view any Order Markers on that figure's card" I think.

Tim Drake getting a second leadership figure is interesting, but I suppose warranted if he's lead multiple teams in the past. This one being a Sidekick and the other a Titan and in general having completely different powersets helps I guess. :p I'd say that he should maybe have Utility Belt over Bat-Grapple since he's iconically a gadget-y type? But maybe that would make them a little more redundant.

All told, he's fine.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

What other class were you thinking here Bats? His bonding power gives him a Sidekick vibe and the Titan and Sidekick Synergy is already pretty tight, so I would consider that but I'm not sure what else.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

What other class were you thinking here Bats? His bonding power gives him a Sidekick vibe and the Titan and Sidekick Synergy is already pretty tight, so I would consider that but I'm not sure what else.

That was a joke based on his Species being listed as Dinosaur. :p

That said, I do wonder if he makes more sense as Sidekick than Titan, as he was still an active Sidekick to Batman at the time, and Young Justice is not really the same as Titan.

Edit: Oh, it looks like LP edited to Sidekick already. :up: Still says Dinosaur, though .... :p
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

We definitely figured out the whole view/look at/reveal/remove distinction with OMs in Detective Chimp's thread but I'll be damned if I remember what's what. :lol: A quick check says it should be "you may view any Order Markers on that figure's card" I think.

Tim Drake getting a second leadership figure is interesting, but I suppose warranted if he's lead multiple teams in the past. This one being a Sidekick and the other a Titan and in general having completely different powersets helps I guess. :p I'd say that he should maybe have Utility Belt over Bat-Grapple since he's iconically a gadget-y type? But maybe that would make them a little more redundant.

All told, he's fine.

Yeah he's quite different than Red Robin. I want to stay away from gadgets here 1, because I don't really like using them terribly often, 2 because he doesn't use many in the Young Justice run (And that's the MAIN place I'm pulling this from, even if he's still a bit lunchbox Tim!), and 3 it keeps him more different from Red Robin!

Also I THINK I'm going to go with the first one, but we have 3 mini choices. I don't normally get minis of V2's, so I'll personally still use my red suit Robin. So I don't much care what's picked, only that it's the red and green outfit!






Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

I have the second one, but am fine with any of the options. :)
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

I have 1 & 3 so we are covered
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

If nobody cares, I’ll default to 1. Oldest and probably most plentiful.

The other question is comic art. I love Nauck’s art and it’s be cool to keep the YJ aesthetic, but the series really lacks clear character art. So if anyone knows some good pics of him in the correct costume, that’s be cool. Otherwise I might browse covers from his solo series.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

I could see eventually doing more of a solo book version of Tim that uses the 2nd one there.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

I won’t stop until there’s more Tims than Eddie Brocks.
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

I won’t stop until there’s more Tims than Eddie Brocks.

Smart. I'm on board. :up: Wasn't he technically Batman for a very, very short period of time after Bruce "died"?
Re: The Book of Robin (Tim Drake) (II) ~ Breathing

The third one has more of a dino look.