The Book of Robin (Dick Grayson)
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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Icons set.
Its model number and name are #002 / Robin.
The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Batman: Alpha set.
Its model number and name are #028 / The Boy Wonder.
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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Icons set.
Its model number and name are #002 / Robin.
The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Batman: Alpha set.
Its model number and name are #028 / The Boy Wonder.
Character Bio - "In his first appearance, Dick is a circus acrobat, and with his parents make up the "Flying Graysons". While preparing for a performance, Dick overhears two gangsters attempting to extort protection money from the circus owner. The owner refuses, so the gangsters sabotage the trapeze wires with acid. During the next performance, the trapeze from which Dick's parents are swinging snaps, sending them to their deaths. Before he can go to the police, Batman appears to him and warns him that the two gangsters work for Tony Zucco, a very powerful crime boss, and that revealing his knowledge could lead to his death. When Batman recounts the murder of his own parents, Dick asks to become his aide. After extensive training, Dick becomes Robin. (...) Robin's origin has a thematic connection to Batman's in that both see their parents killed by criminals, creating an urge to battle the criminal element. Bruce sees a chance to direct the anger and rage that Dick feels in a way that he himself cannot, thus creating a father/son bond and understanding between the two. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, DC Comics portrayed Batman and Robin as a team, deeming them the "Dynamic Duo", rarely publishing a Batman story without his sidekick" (
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-
Incoming Synergy:
- As a Human, Robin has these Human Synergies.
- As a Sidekick, Robin has these Sidekick Synergies.
- As a figure with the Vigilante Sidekick special power, Robin may take a turn after a Vigilante you control. Current Vigilantes.
-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-
- N/A
- As a Sidekick, Robin can stop Talia Al Ghul from attacking via her Divided Loyalty special power.
- N/A
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- N/A
- Initial playtest: (Bats)
- Second playtest: (Margloth)
- Third playtest: (Scapemage)
- Fourth playtst: (Red Eyed Jedi)
- Mini Photo: (Good Pig)
- Art by A3n
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