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The Book of Rip Cord


C3G Landlord
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The Book of Rip Cord



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a repainted Heroclix figure from the Man of Steel Gravity Feed set.
Its model number and name are #008 / Soldier.

Painting tutorial

NOTE: Rip Cord requires 2x Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb.

Character Bio - Ripcord has one of the most dangerous assignments among members of the G.I. Joe Team. What he does is jump from a plane so high up in a sky that you need an oxygen mask just to breathe. He then falls like a dead rock for thousands of feet and, at the last possible moment, opens his parachute. The margin for error is way too small for any corrections. All this is to avoid visual and electronic detection. It takes a man who more than really loves skydiving to take that assignment. Ripcord has great confidence in his skills, experience and coolness under pressure. (joepedia)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • For the entire game, instead of attacking with a Commando you control, you may destroy any number of Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bombs on the battlefield placed by Rip Cord. Current Commandos.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • When engaged with a hard to wound opponent (or even just with someone that only has 1 life left), you can circle around that figure without breaking engagement and place a bomb down, then detonate it for an easy wound. Dealing out wounds isn't the only good use for the bombs though. Depending on the board construction, you can also use them as an area denial devise. Leave a bomb somewhere you want to discourage your opponent from moving to. High ground, a choke point, a hiding spot, etc. Them not being willing to move to those locations can sometimes be just as effective for winning the game as dealing a wound, and if they go there anyways you can at least give them a quick and easy wound.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 120

Rip Cord does not start the game on the battlefield. Once per game, after revealing an Order Marker on a card you control, you may place Rip Cord on any empty space on the battlefield. You may not place him adjacent to opponents' figures.

Start the game with two Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bomb on this card. After moving Rip Cord, you may place one Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb from this card power-side up on any empty space Rip Cord occupied before or during the move.

For the rest of the game, instead of attacking with a Commando you control, you may destroy any number of Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bombs on the battlefield placed by the Demolitions Mission special power. When a Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb is destroyed in this way, if it inflicts any wounds to a destructible object, that object receives one additional wound.
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Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Art options:
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Hah this guy is awesome. Just parachute in and blow some bad guys away. I don't see any issues unless the concept of bombing a start zone or something is too powerful.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

I think the fact it’s at the start of the round, and the bombs don’t detonate til the end (and shouldn’t detonate at all if Rip Cord dies) should help a lot.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

For the mini background, I was wondering if we could place him in such a way that it looked like he had a deployed parachute. The mini pose doesn't look right for him to be skydiving, but I think you might be able to fudge it look like he's still falling to the ground after the rip cord has been pulled.





If that idea doesn't work, maybe just have him in the back of a plane about to jump out.





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Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Yeah, he can't land adj. to anyone so he'll like anyone who can bond with him, give him a turn (Zemo), or move him for free. That way he can get his bombs placed as quickly as possible. Hopefully some Joe leaders will come along to give him a good thematic pairing. Or you could just commit to him for a round and give him all your OMs, then drop him in no matter if you win or lose initiative. The remote detonated bombs only deal 1W total to 1 figure that is adj. to the bomb when if goes off. So SZ bombing shouldn't be too big of a concern. It's not like he can HQ bomb them and hit a bunch of people for multiple W's.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

VDO's will be the things that fear him the most, if they can't drive away from the bombs before the bombs go off. Is attaching the bomb directly on a VDO something we want to explore? Then it drives off with a bomb stuck to it and takes 2W no matter what.

You can try to run up and drop the bombs next to figures that don't have any OM's on the card and otherwise can't be moved via bonding or whatever. You'll just be taking LEA as you disengage from that unit if you want to put a bomb right next to them. Maybe he should be able to place the bomb on an adjacent hex and not just the one he occupied before moving?
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Countering Gundams before they're even made. Classic move.

I don't think we need to attach them directly. Playing with Predator, I've definitely had trouble moving all figures outside of a blast zone in other games. It's plenty useful, in my opinion.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

I think the placement wording for the bombs can be simplified, but I also don't really understand how movement works in this game in terms of triggers in rules. :p
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Yeah, I kind assumed someone would want to clean up that power language. I just wanted to be clear the intent at the start. Being moved by another cards power (like hitching a ride from Bumblebee) lets him place down the bomb marker before being moved. So if you build the army a certain way, he's a no OM investment card for a while but still gives you something in usefulness.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Rocket Raccoon (II) might have usable wording? He operates similarly, doesn't he?
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

The drop power is just gonna make him a premiere sniper with a range of 7... I hardly even care about the Glyphs at that point. Even then the bomb power definitely needs some wording help. The line about DOs at the end doesn’t read right at all to me.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Start the game with two Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bomb on this card. After moving Rip Cord, you may place one Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb from this card power-side up on the space Rip Cord started his turn on. At the end of the round, you may destroy any number of Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bomb on the battlefield placed by this special power. When a Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb is destroyed this way, if it deals any wounds to a destructible object, that object is dealt one additional wound.

I think this wording works - moving and placing are the same, and since this doesn't specify "moving normally," it works if he's moved by other powers. I think even knockback and stuff, though, which may not be ideal. I dunno, here's some alternatives:

"After moving Rip Cord,"
"After Rip Cord is moved,"
"After moving Rip Cord during your turn,"
"After Rip Cord is moved normally or with a special power on a card you control,"

Powerset looks good, I like the idea of blowing stuff up.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Breathing

Thanks! Updated with Johnny's wording. I'm want to get the mini done before I start testing, but we can vote on the initial.

I Propose Rip Cord for an PT.

YK - yea
SW - yea
T - yea
Nobody - yea
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Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!


I think you want 'the space he started this player turn on' instead of 'his turn' if the idea is he can be carried/thrown/etc.

If you don't want him to be able to do during other people's turns it would be like 'After moving Rip Cord on your turn' at the start of the second sentence.

The end should be 'if it inflicts any wounds on a destructible object, that object receives one additional wound' or something like that. You don't deal wounds in Heroscape.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

Got him at about 160 on the calculator, btw. Value of the first power should be fairly map dependent but it's useful, as are the auto wounds you can get from the bombs.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

This is what I updated it too....

Start the game with two Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bomb on this card. After moving Rip Cord, you may place one Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb from this card power-side up on the space Rip Cord occupied before being moved. At the end of the round, you may destroy any number of Glyphs of Remotely-Detonated Bomb on the battlefield placed by this special power. When a Glyph of Remotely-Detonated Bomb is destroyed this way, if it inflicts any wounds to a destructible object, that object receives one additional wound.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

I tried to set up a photo booth using artificial light tonight, so you'll need to let me know if these pics work or if I need to get some natural light ones later.


The one above is tilted up some to see the face better, but also a little crooked now.




Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

Got him at about 160 on the calculator, btw. Value of the first power should be fairly map dependent but it's useful, as are the auto wounds you can get from the bombs.

Dropping his Attack to 3 would probably bring his cost down to the range you were looking for.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

Painting Guide for Rip Cord

This is a simple repaint. You really only need 2 different shades of green paint, and an optional green shade/wash.

First just take the lighter green of the two green paints and paint over everything on the mini that is grey with it. That would be the pants, shirt, and helmet. Be careful and avoid getting paint on the backpack/vest, gun holster, knee pads, boots, gloves, goggles, and face. I used what ever paint I had on hand, which happened to be a MSP Highland Moss #09083.


Once that has fully dried, I then used the darker green paint to first repaint the knee pads. Then add dark green blobs all over the shirt and pants. I didn't take a picture immediately following this step but this is what you are going for. Leave the helmet alone during this step. For this step I used Citadel Dark Angel Green, again because this is what I already had on hand. You can use any two green paints as long as they are distinctly two different shades, one lighter than the other.


You could easily stop at this point if you want too. Since I had a green shade/wash on hand (Citadel Shade Biel-Tan Green), I decided to wash the uniform with it and see how it looked. It turned the lighter green base a little darker, but not dark enough to make the paint splotches disappear, and as a result ties the two shades together a little better IMO. Note I did not add the wash to the helmet, so it remains the lighter shade of green and gives it a distinct different look that the uniform.


And that's it, Rip Cord is ready to go. You can choose to rebase the figure if you want too. You can see I painted the part of the base I am keeping in preparation for this. Then I removed that mini raised base from the larger Clix base, super glued it onto a Clix disc, and added some grass flock using Elmer's glue.

Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

Got him at about 160 on the calculator, btw. Value of the first power should be fairly map dependent but it's useful, as are the auto wounds you can get from the bombs.

Dropping his Attack to 3 would probably bring his cost down to the range you were looking for.

I was just going to leave it as is for the initial. Way back when I wrote up both Rip Cord and Low Light I was trying to make a pair of Joes that would work well with Optimums Prime (410), Bumblebee (200), & Prowl (270). So two figures that add up to 320 would get that army up to 1200. So two figures both at 160 would be a win, I just didn't think he would come in that high.

That being said, now that we are going with Commando's for most of the Joes, Prowl loses out on the Soldier synergy so I might just try for a 1000 point Joe/Autobot team up using just Prime and Bee. That 390 points for 3 Joes. So if you prefer Rip Cord being a little lower in cost I can drop the base attack down to 3. He's not one of the top tier Joes IMO and could have HG fairly often due to the drop power.
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

There is no reason you can't make Ripcord and Low Light both Soldiers if you want that team-up. Right now the only real difference (C3G game mechanics) between a Soldier and a Commando is synergy. Making them both Commandos just means they don't get certain benefits. However, I do worry about Low-Light getting Attack bonuses as a Soldier.

And at 160, it would make Ripcord one of the highest cost non-leader joe. Might be better to bring him down a bit. But you could wait until the initial is complete and see how he is fairing
Re: The Book of Rip Cord - Vote Initial!

I'm happy with them both being Commandos. It'll make them good pulls once some Commando synergy gets going. I think Stalker for one will be a Commando only leader since he's the LRRP guy. Then Duke can do more stuff with Soldiers (and Commando's). I'll drop the base attack down to 3 though and see how he feels.