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The Book of Rick Jones


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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The Book of Rick Jones



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Marvel Incredible Hulk set.
Its model number and name are #025/Rick Jones.


Character Bio - A born adventurer, Rick Jones wandered into a gamma bomb testing site on a dare, and happened to witness (and be saved by) Bruce Banner transforming into the Hulk. He befriended Hulk, became an honorary Avenger, and even briefly fought alongside Captain America as his new sidekick, which gave him the skills to survive in a world of super powered conflict.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Card Updates:
24 February 2022 - Honorary Avenger updated for start of round clarity
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Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing



LIFE = 3
MOVE = 5


Start the game with a white Avenger Marker. If another figure places an Avenger Marker on this card, you may place Rick's Avenger Marker on that figure's card. After rolling for initiative, if Rick Jones is within 4 clear sight spaces of an enemy figure, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on the card of a friendly Hero that is a Gamma Mutate or has an Avenger Marker on its card. If you do, for the remainder of the round, enemy figures cannot target Rick for an attack or special power if they could target that friendly figure instead.

If a friendly Unique Hero that is a Gamma Mutate or has an Avenger Marker on its card attacks a figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Rick Jones, subtract 2 from the defending figure’s Defense number.

When Rick Jones is adjacent to any terrain, obstacle, or destructible object with a height higher than his base, Rick cannot be targeted for an attack by a non-adjacent figure. At the end of the round, you may move Rick, during which he does not take any leaving engagement attacks. He cannot end this move engaged.
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Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Mini Picture

Comic Picture

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Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Sneak and Survive is quite cool. Little throwback to Bob there.

I do wonder how much use the second power will get. If someone gets to him to engage, Rick may not last long enough to be a distraction to anyone worth of needing a Defense drop.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Well presumably he'll be backed by Cap a lot and won't often be a priority target. Also if you send him up on Ms. Marvel's turn, she can attack afterwards with the bonus. Or if you move Rick up and then use Hawkeye (Avengers) instead of his attack, you can get a nice attack in right away. There's also always the option of pairing him with defensive figures. For instance, he's an Adventurer, so he gets the full +4 defense from Invisible Woman.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Should be "an" X OM vs "the".

Honorary Avenger feels a little tactical to me in a way that doesn't necessarily scan as a Rick thing? Like it puts me in mind of Cyclops (II). Mechanics are obviously neat.

Dig the other powers.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

I'm open to suggestions if folks really aren't digging the Honorary Avenger as is. The two main things I'd like to keep for that are:

1. He gets an Avenger marker
2. The soft synergy of revealing an OM on another Avenger at the start of the round

If y'all have any thoughts on how to sell that package with a theme better, I'm open to ideas.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

What if it were like a souped-up version of that Trickster "look over there" type power combined with a little bit of that Baby Groot sort of "beneath notice" thing?

Start the game with a white Avenger Marker on this Army Card. At the start of the round, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on the card of any other Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card. Enemy figures cannot target Rick for an attack or special power if they could target that Hero instead.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Yeah, I dig that. :up: I think that sells the theme I articulated in LCW better than an initiative boost. He's an Avenger, but not really, so they feel the need to protect him a bit better.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

That tracks better for me than an semi-random init boost.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Obviously juices up his distraction power as well.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Should it require another Avenger to work? Just thinking in terms of Rick/Hulk or Rick/Captain Marvel or whatever being a valid combo without needing Avengers.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Speaking of, why does Rick place an Avenger Marker on his own card? Because of that he requires being in army with two different Avenger Marker designs to function properly. All the other Avenger designs give a marker to someone else.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Should it require another Avenger to work? Just thinking in terms of Rick/Hulk or Rick/Captain Marvel or whatever being a valid combo without needing Avengers.

The theme is about Avengers, though, and his place in the group. So if he's hanging out with someone who isn't an Avenger, it doesn't make sense for it to trigger, IMO. Not too hard to get at least one Avenger in an army with a 60 point figure, though. :p

Speaking of, why does Rick place an Avenger Marker on his own card? Because of that he requires being in army with two different Avenger Marker designs to function properly. All the other Avenger designs give a marker to someone else.

His second and third power work solo. But he's basically a very low point sidekick unit. Robins require Vigilantes to function properly and we have about as many Avenger marker giving figures as we have Vigilantes at this point.

But the theme of the power is about him and about his presence in the group. He doesn't lead anyone else, he just tags along. So handing out a marker to someone as if he's inviting them into the Avengers doesn't track for me.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

I get what Archie is saying. In order for his first power to actually work with Cap the way it’s intended, you have to draft Rick, Cap, and at least one other Avenger. That doesn’t feel very streamlined, but I also agree that him placing markers exactly like every other Avenger design doesn’t feel quite right either. Could do something like this;
If at least one design you control places an Avenger Marker using a special power at the start of the game, you may place an additional Avenger Marker on a Unique Hero you control.
But that still doesn’t feel quite right.

Also sucks that if you do bring that additional Avenger to make Cap and Rick work together, it can’t be Hulk. If only we had a Hulk that placed markers. :p
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Something like this?

If a figure you control places an Avenger Marker on this card, you may place an Avenger Marker on that card.

But yeah, having him in a build requiring 2+ Avengers is fine at this point since we've expanded the faction a lot. It just keeps him out of Hulk builds without another Avenger.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Avengers stuff gets a little weird around the edges considering Cap (or whoever) makes people Avengers but like he isn't an Avenger himself unless someone else makes him one. So anybody that should be Avenger support but not giving out markers gets a little janky.

Like I'm not sure him putting a marker on himself even matters for Cap at all if you have to have someone else put a marker on Cap for the parts Cap cares about. By that point you'll be struggling to use up all the markers anyway I'd think.

I like Archie's suggestion that he 'bounces back' markers.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

Yeah, needing another Avenger card to get Cap to work is a solid point I hadn't considered. Since we're changing that power anyway, I could be into the bounce back option. :up:
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Breathing

OK, updated the SP here with this for Honorary Avenger

If a figure in your Army places an Avenger Marker on this card, you may place an Avenger Marker on that figure's card. At the start of the round, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on the card of any other Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card. If you do, enemy figures cannot target Rick for an attack or special power if they could target a figure with an Avenger Marker on its card instead.

Got Spider-Woman to do first, so no hurry, but I'll get to the checklists when I can and make a proposal for the initial from there. Open to any feedback in the meantime, though, of course.
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Design

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Rick Jones - Design

I propose we move to initial playtesting.