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The Book of Reed Richards (Visionary)

Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

I don't think he has any issue with the speed in which he's able to stretch, fwiw.


And keep in mind, he's now down to 4 move to get Flying.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

While I’m team “no cap”, I think something that’s worth considering is that this is all supposed to be happening within the span of a turn. Reed’s stretching usually takes a second, so I could see a cap being “this is how far Reed can stretch in 10 seconds” rather than an absolute demonstration of his abilities.


*and Flash has no limit to how fast/far he can run, but we give him a limit for game play purposes.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

limiting him to 20 or 1000 in 99.9999% of games won't matter. Seems an odd thing to get hung up on this early.

If you think his limit is closer to 50 than 20...then is it really an issue to say no limit.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

Pretty sure at this point it sounds like Reed and Hulk can both reach the upper atmosphere in under a minute (and I think that should essentially equal flying for the turn), it's just Super Leap is an old carryover from Hasbro Marvel and they didn't have the cheeky lil' devils C3G does who eventually decided just saying "temporary Flying" makes things way easier on wordage.

Considering we're trying to move away from old card eating rules in general, I'd support keeping it simple and just giving Reed flying for it.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

Ark went through the design and critiques with me and was a huge help. Very much responsible for beautifying this. 

First off, he helped me realize that regular Contingency Plan already addresses my biggest want from that power, by encouraging you to play your best hand with OM placement, which breaks up the tendency to play Illuminati safe with durable figures as OM hubs and hope for initiative to provide flexibility. I’ve been playing Contingency armies too cautiously this whole time!:D So, no more rearranging OMs when losing initiative.

Got rid of the toggling of E-Glyphs. They now have a clear theme built into Contingency, where Reed builds them to be kept out of opponent hands.

We experimented with switching the base move/range values, and the results were messier than one would expect, so sticking with the current version of that power.

Start the game with up to 4 Invention Equipment Glyphs of different types in a Glyph Pool, power-side up. After winning initiative, you may choose a glyph from Reed Richard's Glyph Pool and place it onto the card of a Visionary you control, or onto the card of a friendly adjacent Unique Hero.

Before moving Reed Richards normally, you may subtract up to 8 from his Move number to add that to his Range number for this turn. If you subtract at least 4, he also gains the Flying special power during that movement. Reed never takes any leaving engagement attacks and may attack non-adjacent figures even while he is engaged.

When Reed Richards or an Army Card you control has all of its figures destroyed, you may:
• move any Order Markers from that card to any other card you control; and
• roll an unblockable attack die against a figure equipped with, occupying, or within 1 space of a glyph placed by Reed’s Visionary Theoretician special power.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

I really like these polishes to the design
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

I would still just consider giving him Flying and dropping that aspect from Elongation and dropping his move to 7.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design


Static Flying is too much of a theme break for me. Saying he "flies" only makes sense within the confines of a stretchy power, Imo. Even though Hulk can leap out of orbit, if a Hulk had the regular Flying special ability, I think most people would be scratching their heads.
7 Move sounds good though!
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design


Static Flying is too much of a theme break for me. Saying he "flies" only makes sense within the confines of a stretchy power, Imo. Even though Hulk can leap out of orbit, if a Hulk had the regular Flying special ability, I think most people would be scratching their heads.
7 Move sounds good though!

Agreed. It'd feel really thematically off on Sky terrain, for instance.

I really like the changes. :up: Good stuff.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

Updated the SP.
Haven't changed his move value yet. Without Flying, does 8 come across as too fast? Whichever the majority wishes between 7 and 8.

Last thing would be figuring out the mini for this, since the height will vary greatly depending on which we go with.

I previously went into why the one below is the all-around best, and seems to have a height of 5.

Only issue being that it's currently $16-25.
Not the craziest priced figure. Don't mean to use Brainiac (Vril Dox) (II) as precedent, but his mini is an extreme example at ~$62.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

I think most people proxy, so I don't care too much about the price of the mini, personally.

I'd stick with 8, as subtracting 4 to get the flying would leave you with only a move of 3 if he had 7. 8 also seems reasonable when abiding by level changes normally.
Re: The Book of Reed Richards (Visionary) - Design

I like this a lot actually.
Re: The Book of Mister Fantastic (Visionary) - Design

I think most people proxy, so I don't care too much about the price of the mini, personally.

I'd stick with 8, as subtracting 4 to get the flying would leave you with only a move of 3 if he had 7. 8 also seems reasonable when abiding by level changes normally.

:word: I'd stick with 8 and all I care about when it comes to the mini is we're able to get decent pictures for the card.
Re: The Book of Reed Richards (Visionary) - Design

Cool! I like 8 too.

I edited the Art section of the third post with high resolution images of every remotely usable cover or panel of Reed with the costume from the mini we've talked about.

He wore it in the Secret Wars event, and the same thing with a slightly different 4 around Avengers #40 to the end of those issues leading up to Secret Wars.
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Re: The Book of Reed Richards (Visionary) - Design

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

I propose we move to initial playtesting
Re: The Book of Reed Richards (Visionary) - VOTE for Initial
