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The Book of Red Mist

Lord Pyre

...has moist legs
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The Book of Red Mist



Comic PDF


Movie Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the KA2 set.
Its model number and name are #004 / Chris D'Amico.

Its model number and name are #103 / Chris D'Amico.


Character Bio - At the same time the popularity of superhero Kick-Ass grew, the crime lord Johnny G was running into problems with other, more serious superheroes: Hit-Girl and Big Daddy. Thinking they were all related, Johnny G set out against Kick-Ass, the only widely known hero. Chris Genevese, Johnny G's son, adopted a superhero persona, Red Mist, to befriend Kick-Ass and lure all the heroes into an unsuccessful trap. After the demise of Johnny G, Chris swore revenge against Kick-Ass. He vowed to become the world's first supervillain, traveling to Asia to train under martial arts grandmasters. But after he realized they were swindling him for money, he decided he didn't need awesome fighting skills or unique abilities to be a supervillain: his actual superpower is that he's rich as ****.

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Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:_________________________________________________________________

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Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase




LIFE = 3

MOVE = 5


After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Red Mist, you may choose a Unique Criminal Hero within 3 clear sight spaces of Red Mist and reveal an "X" Order Marker on this card.
  • If you control the chosen Hero, you may take an immediate turn with the chosen Hero.
  • If you do not control the chosen Hero, once per game, you may take temporary control of that Hero and immediately take a turn with that Hero. At the end of that turn, control of the Hero returns to the player who controlled the Hero before the Payoff. All Order Markers that were on the chosen Hero's card will stay on the card. You may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.
Anytime Red Mist would receive one or more wounds, you may instead destroy any common or squad figure you control adjacent to Red Mist.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Obviously going to need some wording touch ups, but I think the theme is pretty darned strong and comes across well, while also being useful for a cheap figure.

Only thing I want to discuss is his name. In the comic/film, he's known as the Mother****er, which we obviously can't put on a card. We could go Red Mist, but that was his Hero persona that he shed for his new villain persona, so it's not technically correct. We could use the classes abbreviation/censor Mofo, which a lot of people call him when they have to censor it, but it is still borderline. Otherwise just call him Chris Geneveve.

Personally, I'd prefer Mofo, with just Chris being my least favorite choice. But I totally understand if you guys are against that. Or maybe we could make two cards, with different names, make everyone happy.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Maybe bullet points would make Payoff read better, hmm.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Looks pretty solid. I like the theme behind Payoff, but I wonder if the number of markers might need to come up to ensure that he's worth the draft pick. The Criminals have a few OM controllers already. Given his low stats and limited number of activations, we'll have to make sure he's definitely draftable. That can be worked out through testing though.

As for the name, I'm very against both Mother****er and Mofo. Both cross a line I'd rather not, as there are too many young children who enjoy C3G, my 7 year old brother being one of them. Red Mist works for me, but I'd it's not accurate, then I'd go with his real name.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Looks pretty solid. I like the theme behind Payoff, but I wonder if the number of markers might need to come up to ensure that he's worth the draft pick. The Criminals have a few OM controllers already. Given his low stats and limited number of activations, we'll have to make sure he's definitely draftable. That can be worked out through testing though.

I see him as a late game type figure. Use your heavy hitter Crime Lords, then when all you have left is Chris, a Criminal or two and some thugs, the thugs protect him, and when they're gone, Chris can beef up your Criminals (Or actually thugs as written now. Do we want a Unique Hero limitation?)

Probably going to give Mother Russia some little bonus for getting an automatic skull, as well, so they work together. :)

As for the name, I'm very against both Mother****er and Mofo. Both cross a line I'd rather not, as there are too many young children who enjoy C3G, my 7 year old brother being one of them. Red Mist works for me, but I'd it's not accurate, then I'd go with his real name.

We could do alternate cards with different names, then. :) We just did this with Witchblade, actually, since there were some reservations about how skimpy her outfit is.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Yes to the Unique Hero restriction.

And yeah, the temporary turn is missing some necessary language (OM staying on the card and all that).

I could see starting with 4 markers, for up to two turns with an enemy figure or up to 4 turns with his own. I don't want him to be too good for the cost, though.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Yeah, forgot the OM thing. I definitely don't want to see him high at all. Anything above 60-65 is going to make me leery. Ventriloquist is at 90, and he's much more of an organized threat than Chris ever was (Of course, Ventriloquist was against Batman, while there are no real superheroes like that in Chris's world).
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Yes to the Unique Hero restriction.

And yeah, the temporary turn is missing some necessary language (OM staying on the card and all that).

I could see starting with 4 markers, for up to two turns with an enemy figure or up to 4 turns with his own. I don't want him to be too good for the cost, though.

:stupid: I'd be against Mofo also as the main card, we can certainly do an alternate card. If Red Mist was his hero name then it's probably best to just use his civilian name.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

I'd really like a "The Mother****er" with grawlix. "The Mother&!@?er" or something - you know, a lot more comic-y than just stars. Of course that could be for more private use... I'd probably just go with his straight name rather than the Red Mist since that's inaccurate at this point in his career.

Any reason we're not reusing the Investment Markers off of Black King?
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

It's not an investment, he literally throws stacks of cash :p
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Yeah, but we already have markers that are big dollar signs, it feels weird to have two of those. :p
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

While we're having this discussion of appropriateness of names, how are you going to handle Kick-***? Seems like, if we're going for making these appropriate for 7 year olds, that that needs to be toned down as well.

That being said, I'm more in favor of making 2 cards. I am respectful of parent gamers wanting to protect their kids, but we have plenty of adult gamers here too who would prefer accurate cards.

Besides that, we have actual mechanics and power names that reflect cannibalism, evisceration, and other definitely-above-a-7-year-old's-appropriateness... I am extremely sympathetic to parents protecting their kids but at a certain point it is on them to do the censoring, not us.

Not trying to start a huge argument, just throwing out my 2 cents.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

I think Kick-Ass is fine, any kid watching tv likely saw an ad for the film, anyway. Culturally it's not that bad a word :p
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Yeah, but we already have markers that are big dollar signs, it feels weird to have two of those. :p

:word: to this. I also like the idea of not having to put together another set of markers unless I plan on running Black King and this guy at the same time (which I probably wouldn't).

For the name issue, I don't have kids, so I'll defer to others there.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Can't we just use the same markers, but just call them something different? Investing isn't in this guys vocabulary :p
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Wouldn't it be against the website rules to have a cuss word on the card?

Also, do we even need markers? He should have unlimited funds.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Red Mist, you may choose a Criminal figure within 3 spaces of Red Mist. If you control the chosen figure, you may take an immediate turn with the chosen figure and add 1 automatic skull to that figure's attack this turn. Once per game, if you do not control the chosen figure, you may take an immediate turn with the chosen figure. After taking a turn with the chosen figure, you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Wouldn't it be against the website rules to have a cuss word on the card?

I would assume that anything that we can post, we can put on a card. So if it's caught by the filter, it's a no-no, but otherwise should be all right. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

I think ass is fine as it is openly used on TV in prime time & there are animals named that. :shrug:

I am thinking along Quozl's line of thoughts about an alternate card for Mother****** would be against website rules unless it was written as something like Mother*@$#er, but even then I think we would need to check with somebody first. (The website filter cannot detect words on the cards.)
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

I don't really consider ass as bad as word as others, so it wouldn't bother me. I totally understand about Chris, though. When we get to Kick-Ass, we could always make an alternate for that too, if the art department is willing. I don't mind, but I think it's okay if Kick-Ass is the main card, with Dave Lizewski being the alternate.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Start the game with 3 green Cash markers on this Army Card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Red Mist, you may choose a Unique Criminal figure within 3 spaces of Red Mist.
  • If you control the chosen figure, you may remove a Cash Marker to take an immediate turn with the chosen figure, and add 1 automatic skull to that figure's attack this turn.
  • If you do not control the chosen figure, you may remove 2 Cash Markers to take an immediate turn with the chosen figure. You may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

Is this looking good? I can't find any precedent for the OM's staying on an opponents card off the top of my head, so I left that out for now.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Did you not like the no marker version?
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

Whoops, I lost a reply when the sure went down earlier, and forgot about that part. Basically, I think it's too good for his character. I want to keep him as cheap as possible, and being unlimited like that is pretty hefty, especially being able to take control of opponents. If he ends up being 30 points, I'm perfectly okay with that. :)
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

You could tie it to the X-Marker to make it once per round. I kind of like the thought of going no power marker if possible.
Re: The Book of Red Mist ~~ Design Phase

You could tie it to the X-Marker to make it once per round. I kind of like the thought of going no power marker if possible.

I like the idea of paying more for a figure you don't control, but I'd be fine with the X marker if everyone doesn't like more markers.