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The Book of Psylocke


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The Book of Psylocke



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Giant-Size X-Men set.
Its model number and name are #023 / Psylocke.
Character Bio - Elizabeth Braddock was born into a superhuman family. Her father was not of this planet; her twin brother was the hero Captain Britain. Elizabeth has been a member of S.T.R.I.K.E. and the X-Men. She has had her eyes gouged out, replaced with cybernetic ones, and rehealed. She has had her mind transferred into another’s body and back out again. For a time she gained Jean Grey’s telekinetic powers. She’s been killed and resurrected a number of times. Her current telepathic powers can be focused into a ‘psychic knife,’ which can be used to wound, incapacitate, or kill.

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  • N/A

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Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

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Re: Psylocke - Design Phase




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 250

After moving and instead of attacking, you may choose an adjacent figure and roll the 20-sided die.
  • If you roll 1-9, nothing happens;
  • If you roll 10-16, the chosen figure receives 1 wound;
  • If you roll 17-19, the chosen figure receives 2 wounds, and you may remove 1 unrevealed Order Marker at random from the chosen figure's Army Card;
  • If you roll 20 or higher, the chosen figure is destroyed.
Destructible objects are not affected by Psychic Knife.

When attacking an opponent's adjacent figure with a normal attack, add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled. When defending against a normal attack from an adjacent figure, add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled, and all excess shields count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure.

Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

If anyone can find better comic art (one with her knife to match the mini), it'd be much appreciated.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Having trouble finding anything better than what's in the OP ...








Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Love the mini, love the stats, love the powers. I literally only have one issue and its this:
When attacking an opponent's adjacent figure with a normal attack, add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled. When defending against a normal attack from an adjacent figure with X, add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled. All excess shields count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure.
Shouldn't there be a name or phrase right where the big red X is? (I added the X)
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

That's a good one A3n.

Slick design SirG. Does about everything she should do.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

I like this one:

Yeah, probably the most appropriate art style for a picture that has the katanna and psychic blade both. Hopefully when it's on a card, the angle won't look so awful. :p
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Figures with Mental Shield should probably have immunity to Psychic Knife right?
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Nope, she sticks it in their head. Plus, she isn't taking control of them, just wounding or incapacitating them.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Yeah but the mental shield stops psychic attacks, it's not just about stopping them taking control, it stops psychics from actually getting in at all.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

I swear I think I have seen her stab Juggernaugt in the helmet before and **** him up. I think we need Spidey to get in here and tell us if the Mental Shield should block the attack or not.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

It really seems like a physical attack that she uses mental energies to produce ... so I'm digging it as is. :) But if our Theme Police alerts us otherwise, that's OK too.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

I thought it was worth bringing up. Not entirely certain one way or the other.

Another thing worth noting, as it pertains to the Shadow King design I'm working. Shadow King had possessed Psylocke and took over her body for awhile. Whether or not this should rule out Mental Shield is something to consider. There can be varying levels of Mental Shield depending on how it's produced and whether or not it's an absolute thing. Perhaps Shadow King is just strong enough to bypass all mental barriers physical or otherwise.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Well, at least with her being a Telepath, he has other ways of affecting her.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Or I could just remove the 'Mental Shield' restriction from his power.
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

I think the question is, when in her life is this card supposed to represent? I think it is safe to say it is sometime after she changed bodies with Kwannon because the mini is asian, but is this supposed to represent the current Psylocke? I mean there are really three versions of her to simplify it (although there could be a fourth) Armorer, British, Telepathic Betsy (who did shoot her psycho-blast through Juggernaut's helmet), Ninja Betsy who traded telepathy for telekinesis (the mini with the Glowing Katana represents this I think), and the current version who has a Physic Knife and has both Telepathy and Telekinesis. She can actually form either a Psychic Knife and disrupt or kill someone with it OR she can form her Psychic Katana which is actually focused telekinesis and can cut through any substance on earth, supposedly. The fourth one I spoke of was a brief time when she carried only the psychic knife, but was substantially weaker due to splitting her powers between her own new body and her old one. She could also teleport in this incarnation, though she can't anymore. Basically, her splitting her powers reduced her psychic blast to a short-range weapon which married itself well with her new ninja skills at the time.

Currently, she boosts her own powers by a) giving herself greater agility, speed, and power via her use of Telekinesis and b) gives herself an advantage in fights by reading the thoughts of her adversary in close combat and re-acting before they even act.

Does that help?
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

Wow ... just when I thought we'd found a straightforward character ... :p
Re: Psylocke - Design Phase

That doesn't help me Spidey. I just need you to tell me what we should do here. :lol: