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The Book of Power Girl


Power abusing superplaytester
The Book of Power Girl



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Brave and the Bold set.
Its model number and name are #035 / Power Girl.

Character Bio - The Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl, Kara Zor-L shares a very similar backstory with her Earth-One version. Sent through space in the Symbioship as an infant to escape the destruction of her home planet Krypton, Kara landed on Earth decades later then her cousin, Kal-L, the Superman of Earth-Two. Adopted by Kal-L and his wife, Lois Lane, Kara lived happily and eventually became the heroine Power Girl. When the multiverse was erased during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Power Girl found herself once again a refugee, this time as one of the sole survivors of Earth-Two. Now stranded on Earth-One, Power Girl struggled to find a place to fit in, until the Justice Society of America took her under their wing. For the first time in awhile Power Girl had found a home, where she quickly rose to became a field leader for the team and later the chairwoman. Despite her love for the veteran members who had mentored her, Kara often disagreed with them, which eventually led to a division in the group. Splitting off with many of the other protégés, Power Girl formed her own team, the JSA All-Stars!

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Society Field Tactician says it triggers "At the beginning of your turn,". Would that be before or after revealing an Order Marker on an Army Card?
    A: Before.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • After taking a turn with Power Girl or a Mystery Man, Power Girl may use her JSA All-Stars special power to activate a Protégé. Current Mystery Men and Protégés.
  • Mystery Men and Protégés allow Power Girl to use her Society Field Tactician special power. Current Mystery Men and Protégés.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 400

Once per round, after revealing an Order Marker on this card or the card of a Mystery Man you control and taking a turn with that figure, you may take a turn with a Protégé you control within 4 clear sight spaces of Power Girl, and you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

At the beginning of your turn, if Power Girl is engaged and all your Order Markers are on Mystery Men and Protégé Army Cards, you may rearrange any unrevealed Order Markers on cards in your army. You may move Order Markers from cards of your destroyed figures.

If Power Girl begins her turn unengaged, add 2 to her Move number this turn. If she begins her turn engaged, add 2 to her Attack number this turn.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from a figure that is not a Kryptonian, if at least one shield is rolled, all blanks rolled count as additional shields.


Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

The only change to the design since we discussed it in the faction thread was to make JSA All-Stars simply once per round as opposed to requiring the X OM (so she doesn’t conflict with Stargirl). I’m really happy with where we’ve already gotten this design, but all thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
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Quick Chime In

Field Tactician can make Joker (I) and Ozymandias a lot better. There's ways to mitigate that but thought you should know.

~Dysole, powering up
Re: Quick Chime In

Field Tactician can make Joker (I) and Ozymandias a lot better. There's ways to mitigate that but thought you should know.

~Dysole, powering up

I was concerned about it at first, but when I tagged you CRB guys the response I got was that the engagement restriction would prevent it from being an issue. If it is a worry, I'll just add a faction limitation to it.

Don't get me wrong. It's no Sage/Rogers power but I can see it reasonably happening. I doubt game breaking, but it's definitely worth watching because I could see a combo with them making it really annoying.

~Dysole, observationally
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

My biggest issue with Field Tactician is I just don't see why it's needed on the card. I think without it you have a really nice, sleek, three powered card that represents the role. You get her physical nature, her leadership of the JSA, and her Kryptonian heritage. What does Field Tactician add that's not already covered?

Competitive concerns aside, I think the design is better without Field Tactician on it.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

I don't think Field Tactician suits her. She is more of a brash character & acts before thinking.

Also it would be appropriate if you can draft her & Supergirl as although they are the same secret identity she was from another universe & they co-existed in the same universe for sometime.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

Also it would be appropriate if you can draft her & Supergirl as although they are the same secret identity she was from another universe & they co-existed in the same universe for sometime.

Actually, one is Kara Zor-El and one is Kara Zor-L. So it's not a problem. :)
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

Compared to the other JSA members, Power Girl is very much a tactician in my mind. Sure, she's brash and always on the front lines (hence the engagement restriction), but she's also giving out orders and helping her teammates work together efficiently. One of the reasons I like the character so much is that she's not just a kryptonian bruiser, she's very tactically minded.

I'm not a fan of just cutting it and relying on JSA All-Stars, because I don't think it's enough. A once-per-round additional activation is just going to fall short compared to Hawkman's multi-activations, the mobility of Stargirl+Mystery Man of your choice, or the consistent bonding with Liberty Belle and Hourman. I also think Field Tactician would really help pull the faction together nicely, as they already have a few powers that trigger on an OM reveal that won't work with the turn bonding.

If it's really a no-go with everybody, we can drop it, but I'll want to look into making JSA All-Stars stronger if we do.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

My only concern is Field Tactician being too strong with Joker, Ozy, etc. as Dysole said. The engagement restriction and a high cost definitely help, but I could see her still falling into that Sage/Rogers role. I'm not opposed to dropping it either, but I think it suits her well.

Other than that, I'm happy with the design.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

What would it look like to make JSA All-Stars stronger? I think that's an option really worth considering.

Edit: I should mention that I've been playing Oracle with just about every JSA Army I've run, because having a bunch of mid-level Heroes makes it so losing Order Markers can be devastating. So maybe mixing some JSA-specific Contingency Plan in there? I know you have an aspect of that in the Field Tactician, and I do like that.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

What would it look like to make JSA All-Stars stronger? I think that's an option really worth considering.

Not entirely sure. I was wondering if we could sort of combine the powers to make it more like Cyclop's Field Commander power, or swapping the once-per-round restriction with something less restrictive.

Edit: I should mention that I've been playing Oracle with just about every JSA Army I've run, because having a bunch of mid-level Heroes makes it so losing Order Markers can be devastating. So maybe mixing some JSA-specific Contingency Plan in there? I know you have an aspect of that in the Field Tactician, and I do like that.

This is part of my thinking. As-is the JSA really struggle with OM placement and frequent OM loss (I don't know if I've gotten through a game with them without them loosing at least one OM), and it would be nice if a JSAer had a power to mitigate that. We could go with a version more like Contingency Plan, but I feel the current power is more fitting and interesting.

Would people feel better about the power if I made it specifically JSA-focused?


At the beginning of your turn, if Power Girl is engaged and all your Order Markers are on Mystery Men and Protégé Army Cards, you may rearrange any unrevealed Order Markers on cards in your army. You may move Order Markers from cards of your destroyed figures.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

It'd certainly help with competitive concerns.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

Also it would be appropriate if you can draft her & Supergirl as although they are the same secret identity she was from another universe & they co-existed in the same universe for sometime.

Actually, one is Kara Zor-El and one is Kara Zor-L. So it's not a problem. :)

True, I forgot they did that small difference in name. ;)
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Design Phase

Unless I hear any more objections for Field Tactician as a power, I'm going to move forward with this change:

At the beginning of your turn, if Power Girl is engaged and all your Order Markers are on Mystery Men and Protégé Army Cards, you may rearrange any unrevealed Order Markers on cards in your army. You may move Order Markers from cards of your destroyed figures.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Vote for Initial

yea. Does the Mystery Men and Protoge restriction for the OM rearrangement power remove concerns of abuse? Or do they still exist since you can rearrange the OMs onto cards of non-Mystery Men/Protoges?
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Vote for Initial

yea. Does the Mystery Men and Protoge restriction for the OM rearrangement power remove concerns of abuse? Or do they still exist since you can rearrange the OMs onto cards of non-Mystery Men/Protoges?

I'm pretty certain the issue is placing the OMs on figures like Joker(I) and Ozy and Brainiac 5 at the start of the round to use their powers, then moving them off unto your offensive figures. The current wording completely prevents you from doing that, so we should be safe.
Re: The Book of Power Girl - Vote for Initial

Cool. Thanks for elaborating. :up: That's one exploit that tends to go over my non-competitive head. :p