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The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan)


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Collateral Damage set.
Its model number and name are #219/Parallax.


Character Bio - Hal Jordan was the greatest Green Lantern. Until the day his hometown, Coast City, was destroyed by Mongul and Cyborg Superman, and Hal’s emotional fallout left him vulnerable to the Entity of Fear. That Entity, Parallax, preyed upon Hal’s fears and took Hal as a host, turning him against the Green Lantern Corps, the Justice League, and even reality itself. After Hal wiped out the rest of the Green Lantern Corps and every Guardian, save Ganthet, he only grew in power and ambition. There would not be another Coast City on his watch! No, he combined forces with villainous time manipulator, Extant, and plotted to obtain enough power to begin anew. And if all of his former friends and enemies were wiped out from reality in the process, it was just the price he had to pay. Hal planned to reset the clock on the Universe and bring it all back to Zero Hour!


-Rulings and Clarifications-_________________________________________________________________

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: (IAmBatman)
  • Second playtest: (Arch-vile)
  • Third playtest: (Arkham)
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Art by Arkham
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Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period



LIFE = 5
MOVE = 9
POINTS = 950


Parallax is considered to have the names of Green Lantern and Yellow Lantern in addition to what is listed on this card. Start the game with 3 green Battery Markers and 3 yellow Battery Markers on this card. Add one to Parallax’s Attack number for each green or yellow Battery Marker on this card.

Range 3. Attack 6.
After attacking with this special attack, if you inflict one or more wounds on the defending figure, you may remove up to 3 yellow Battery Markers from this card. Choose a figure adjacent to Parallax for each Battery Marker removed this way. Inflict one automatic wound on each chosen figure.

Anytime Parallax is attacked by an opponent's figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, instead of rolling defense dice normally, you may remove one green Battery Marker from this card and ignore that attack. When Parallax removes a green Battery Marker to ignore a normal attack from a figure adjacent to Parallax, the attacking figure receives one wound.

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Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Mini Picture

Comic Picture






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Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

So not just the name of but "the name of the name of Green Lantern"

What's the purpose of the yellow markers...just resource for the S.A. And Shield?
Seems odd to have lantern markers that have no reason to want to keep them.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Looks good to me. :up:
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

So not just the name of but "the name of the name of Green Lantern"

What's the purpose of the yellow markers...just resource for the S.A. And Shield?

That was an obvious typo, so I went ahead and corrected it during the breathing period. :p

The purpose of the yellow markers is interaction with the second and third power, as well as with the Parallax Entity, yes.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Is this the first time we used a battery marker that didn't have a static benefit?
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Okay, I was fine cheating Mr. Incredible to Large, but this guy at Huge 5 is clearly over the line! :p

I think the two types of Battery Markers is a bit complicated, but he IS an event hero, so I don't mind pushing the envelope there. Maybe make it 3/3 instead of 4/2, though, just to keep things easier to remember a little bit? And maybe bump his base stats to compensate by a little bit.

I do think having the name Green Lantern is still a bit strange - like, in general I think he's going to be a very good centerpiece to a Green/Blue army, more than he really would be in a Yellow army, but I guess he never really ran with Sinestro anyways? But still, he's going to work great with the Guardians and Ganthet, which is sort of a shame. I just don't see a way to fix that without a ground-up rework of how we've done GL synergies.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

'Parallax counts as having the name Green Lantern for the purposes of powers on Construct Army Cards'?
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Oooh I like this a lot. I’m not up and up on the Lantern synergies so can’t comment on Johnny’s thoughts, but I love the dual mechanic here. Similar to Blue Hal, but way nastier. A GL army with Jade recharging markers might be cool. Might not be as good or as efficient as other things, but it’s a cool thought.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Is this the first time we used a battery marker that didn't have a static benefit?
Yellow Lantern Cyborg Superman was the first. But I'd let the yellow markers boost his stats too. He's an Event Hero and the markers are not boosting his defense, so I say let him get crazy. Thematically his power level is off the charts so it'd be justified.

Why can Hal remove markers from a friendly Sinestro Corps Soldier to use his Energy Massacre Special Attack? I imagine you want the Parallax (Entity) synergy, so I'd just call it out directly. Something like this, or just say "a Parallax you control"
Range 3. Attack 8.
After attacking with this special attack, if you inflict one or more wounds on the defending figure, you may remove up to 2 green or yellow Battery Markers from this card or the card of any figure you control on this card. For each Battery Marker you remove this way, choose the defending figure or a figure adjacent to the defending figure and inflict one automatic wound on the chosen figure.

If he's a Green Lantern, how about making him a Yellow Lantern as well? It would only give Lyssa Drak synergy currently (Sinestro Corps Soldiers bond with Unique Yellow Lanterns), but it'd allow him to use Yellow Constructs when we get there. Come to think of it, he'd need to be a Yellow Lantern to avoid Parallax (Entity) autowounds too, which is the important one. :lol:
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Okay, I was fine cheating Mr. Incredible to Large, but this guy at Huge 5 is clearly over the line! :p

That was a total troll. :p Glad someone noticed. The rest of you should be ashamed! :lol:

I'll fix it down to Medium 5, assuming I remember, once breathing is up.

I think the two types of Battery Markers is a bit complicated, but he IS an event hero, so I don't mind pushing the envelope there. Maybe make it 3/3 instead of 4/2, though, just to keep things easier to remember a little bit? And maybe bump his base stats to compensate by a little bit.

I'd be comfortable with largely any split between the markers, so long as he has at least one of each going in. We could even tamp it down to 2/2 to give him less hardware and just bump up his base stats. That might be easiest.

Or go with 2/2 and let both bump his stats.

Why can Hal remove markers from a friendly Sinestro Corps Soldier to use his Energy Massacre Special Attack? I imagine you want the Parallax (Entity) synergy, so I'd just call it out directly. Something like this, or just say "a Parallax you control"

We could do it that way. I kind of liked the idea of the Entity being able to drain the corps he's powering for resources if he wanted to. I think it could be fun gameplay too.

I'm borderline considering just dropping the whole Green Lantern name call out thing. It takes up a lot of text just to be able to use constructs, and I'm iffy on whether or not that's important enough to me. I guess it is pretty thematic, though. But, yeah, would make sense to give him both names for constructs, but not for any other synergies.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

I liked it. Wasn't gonna comment :p

I assumed you wanted the mechanical immunities of Huge.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

:lol: Nah, gonna go with the actual sculpt size. :p
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

I noticed after Johnny already pointed it out so there :neener:
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Just making sure we're staying sharp after the Incredible Debacle. :p
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Any additional thoughts on:

1. Whether he should gain the names of Yellow Lantern and/or Green Lantern, or neither

2. How many markers he should start out with in each color (I'd adjust stats accordingly)
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

I like a 3/3 split on markers personally. I understand the argument you made while workshopping that this Hal shouldn't feel less powerful than regular Hal, but it just feels a lot more clean to have an even split. I think you can justify it too, because you can argue that his natural willpower is being weakened by Parallax.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

Or that more of his energy is built in. I could even potentially see going down to 2/2 since he can drain his allies.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Breathing Period

1) I'd honestly go neither. Like, I do think constructs would help here, to fill out a "one man army" role, but it brings some weird baggage that it makes more sense to avoid. Yellow Lantern if you must - that would give him access to synergy with Lyssa Drak, which is at least vaguely thematic, and future yellow constructs.

Unless big green constructs are iconic for him in a way that isn't represented by his base stats - I can't say if that's the case.

2) I'd say either 3/3 or 2/2. As long as it's balanced I don't have a strong preference, it's just way easier to remember that way.
Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Design Period

Here's where I'm at on him. Thoughts?



LIFE = 6
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 650?


Any special power on a Green Construct or Yellow Construct Army Card that refers to a Green Lantern or Yellow Lantern refers to Parallax as well. Start the game with 3 green Battery Markers and 3 yellow Battery Markers on this card. Add one to Parallax’s Move, Range, and Attack for each Battery Marker on this card.

Range 3. Attack 8.
After attacking with this special attack, if you inflict one or more wounds on the defending figure, you may remove up to 2 yellow Battery Markers from any card you control. For each Battery Marker you remove this way, choose the defending figure or a figure adjacent to the defending figure and inflict one automatic wound on the chosen figure.


Anytime Parallax is attacked by an opponent's figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, instead of rolling defense dice normally, you may remove one green or yellow Battery Marker from this card and ignore that attack. When Parallax removes a Battery Marker to ignore a normal attack from a figure adjacent to Parallax, the attacking figure receives one wound.

Re: The Book of Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Design Period

So he's starting with 11 Move, 7 Range and 10 Attack? Seems a little brutal.