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The Book of Otar


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The Book of Otar
C3V Wave 8 (Wave 21) - Curse of Stormtorn Peak - Boars and Bluecoats



The figure used for this unit is a D&D Dungeon Command miniature from the Blood of Gruumsh box set. Its name is Boar.

Character Bio:
Otar may be small, but this native of the wilds of Valhalla makes a powerful Beast to go along with the Arrow Gruts. His sharp tusks are perfect both for disposing of squad figures and tossing around heroes.

Spoiler Alert!

Gore and Toss 7
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty space adjacent to Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-

Q: If Otar attacks Rygarn, which happens first: Gore and Toss, or Temporal Jump?
A: Temporal Jump.
Gore and Toss is a similar power to Knockback, so Rygarn's R&C regarding Knockback applies here as well. The full sequence goes as follows: First Otar attacks Rygarn. If he causes one or more wounds, Rygarn may attempt a Temporal Jump. If he succeeds, he jumps to an empty space (assuming there is one), ignores the wounds, and resolves any consequences from that move (e.g., if the space is next to an opponent's Arkmer, roll for Engagement Strike; if it is a lava space, roll the d20 to see if Rygarn survives; etc). If Rygarn is still alive after that, Otar may roll for Toss. If he succeeds, place Rygarn next to Otar (assuming there is a valid space).

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Arrow Gruts: Beast Bonding:
As a beast, Otar may benefit from the Arrow Gruts' BEAST BONDING activation bonus.

Ornak: Red Flag of Fury:
As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Otar may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.

Morgoloth: Swarming Vermin:
As a small figure who follows Utgar, Otar may benefit from Morgoloth's SWARMING VERMIN ability.

Torin: Evil Eye Protection:
As a small figure who follows Utgar, Otar may benefit from Torin's EVIL EYE PROTECTION.

Synergy Imposed
Warden 816: Evisceraxe Special Attack:
As a small figure, Otar is immune to Warden 816's EVISCERAXE SPECIAL ATTACK.​

Power Rankings
Dok: Nice cheap option for Arrow Grut armies that want another hero out front. B

Unit Strategy Review


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The C3V Rules Team would like to add the following R&Cs:
Q: If Otar attacks Rygarn, which happens first: Gore and Toss, or Temporal Jump?
A: Temporal Jump.
Gore and Toss is a similar power to Knockback, so Rygarn's R&C regarding Knockback applies here as well. The full sequence goes as follows: First Otar attacks Rygarn. If he causes one or more wounds, Rygarn may attempt a Temporal Jump. If he succeeds, he jumps to an empty space (assuming there is one), ignores the wounds, and resolves any consequences from that move (e.g., if the space is next to an opponent's Arkmer, roll for Engagement Strike; if it is a lava space, roll the d20 to see if Rygarn survives; etc). If Rygarn is still alive after that, Otar may roll for Toss. If he succeeds, place Rygarn next to Otar (assuming there is a valid space).

Q: Does Crixus receive additional wounds from Gore?
A: No.
The additional wound from Gore is considered part of the attack, so if One Shield Defence activates, Crixus only takes one wound.
Q: Does Crixus receive additional wounds from Gore?
A: No.
The additional wound from Gore is considered part of the attack, so if One Shield Defence activates, Crixus only takes one wound.

I don't see anything about additional wounds in Gore & Toss??

Gore and Toss 7
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty space adjacent to Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.
The C3V Rules Team would like to add the following R&Cs:
Q: If Otar attacks Rygarn, which happens first: Gore and Toss, or Temporal Jump?
A: Temporal Jump.
Gore and Toss is a similar power to Knockback, so Rygarn's R&C regarding Knockback applies here as well. The full sequence goes as follows: First Otar attacks Rygarn. If he causes one or more wounds, Rygarn may attempt a Temporal Jump. If he succeeds, he jumps to an empty space (assuming there is one), ignores the wounds, and resolves any consequences from that move (e.g., if the space is next to an opponent's Arkmer, roll for Engagement Strike; if it is a lava space, roll the d20 to see if Rygarn survives; etc). If Rygarn is still alive after that, Otar may roll for Toss. If he succeeds, place Rygarn next to Otar (assuming there is a valid space).

Q: Does Crixus receive additional wounds from Gore?
A: No.
The additional wound from Gore is considered part of the attack, so if One Shield Defence activates, Crixus only takes one wound.

Updated! Thank you.
Q: Does Crixus receive additional wounds from Gore?
A: No.
The additional wound from Gore is considered part of the attack, so if One Shield Defence activates, Crixus only takes one wound.

I don't see anything about additional wounds in Gore & Toss??

Gore and Toss 7
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty space adjacent to Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.
Crap. That must have been left over from an earlier iteration.

Please remove that R&C.
Q: Does Crixus receive additional wounds from Gore?
A: No.
The additional wound from Gore is considered part of the attack, so if One Shield Defence activates, Crixus only takes one wound.

I don't see anything about additional wounds in Gore & Toss??

Gore and Toss 7
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty space adjacent to Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.
Crap. That must have been left over from an earlier iteration.

Please remove that R&C.

Done! Thank you.
There's a missing sentence in the text transcript:

Gore and Toss 7
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty space adjacent to Otar. The space must be on the same level as Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.

However, I don't believe the correct Heroscape wording template was used here. The separate-sentence template is only used for "same or lower" effects, as seen in Knockback 14 (Shurrak) and Ramming 6 (Augamo): "The space must be on the same level as or lower than its current location." In these more complex equal-or-lower situations, it wouldn't be practical to embed that constraint into the main sentence, so it gets its own sentence.

On the other hand, among the abilities that are restricted to just the same level, none that I could find use a separate sentence just to say "same level." They simply insert that requirement inline, along with any other constraints on figure selection. (I'll highlight where these wordings all overlap perfectly with Otar.)
  • on a same-level space adjacent to that Marro Warrior (Water Clone)
  • on a same-level space adjacent to the defending Marro Divider (Cell Divide)
  • onto any empty same-level space adjacent to Heirloom (Mage Hand)
  • on any empty same-level space adjacent to that Drow Chainfighter (Chain Grab)
  • on any empty same-level space adjacent to Motley Max (Dread Chain Grab 6)
  • on any empty same-level space adjacent to that Shadow Binder (Tentacle Grab 8)
  • on an empty same-level space adjacent to this Wyvern (Talon Grab)
  • on an empty same-level space adjacent to this Clawfoot Interceptor (Claw Grab)
  • on any empty same-level water space within 5 spaces (Water Elemental: Water Tunnel)
  • on any empty same-level swamp water space within 5 spaces (Marro Drudge: Swamp Water Tunnel)
Now, there are also a few units (4 that I could find) that do not hyphenate same-level as a unit modifier, but instead cast it as a prepositional phrase; but even these 4 all place the restriction inline within the main sentence. Arrow Volley SA and Zombie Onslaught SA are kind of moot because they aren't about choosing or placing a figure, but the other two provide more evidence that Otar's same-level restriction should definitely be placed inline:
  • Tor-Kul-Na may choose a small or medium figure that is adjacent, on the same level, and on a space where Tor-Kul-Na may end his movement (Trample Stomp)
  • choose any empty space that is on the same level and within 10 spaces of Tul-Bak-Ra (Teleportation)
Anyway, the point is that a pretty exhaustive search on same-level figure placement makes it clear that if Otar wishes to use standard Scape wording conventions, he should go like this:
When a small or medium figure rolls defense dice and is not destroyed by an attack from Otar, immediately roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 7 or higher, you may Toss the figure by placing it on any empty same-level space adjacent to Otar. The space must be on the same level as Otar. A figure moved by Gore and Toss never takes any leaving engagement attacks.​
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I recently picked up Otar and he is proving to be an absolute unit when paired with the new Dryans. His 4 attack is the highest of any familiar so far, and gore and toss works great to line up enemies for Soul Fury or Twister.

My favorite moment with him so far was when he jumped into the swamp water, smacked Cyprien for 3 wounds, and tossed him into the water next to him. This allowed the Arrow Gruts to shoot at the vampire from height, finishing him off.