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The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent)


Book Wyrm
The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a modded Heroclix figure from the Man of Steel set.
Its model number and name are #001 / Superman.

Tutorial on how to paint this figure

Character Bio - Christopher Kent (née Lor-Zod) is the son of General Zod and Ursa. Appearing on Earth as a child, he was adopted by Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He experienced rapid growth that was eventually able to be halted, and at one point reversed. He has a strong connection with Thara Ak-Var, who he partners with under Flamebird and Nightwing monikers. Due to his birth in the Phantom Zone, he has developed some abilities unlike that of most Kryptonians. Eventually this is revealed as being due to his status as an Avatar of the Kryptonian Entity Nightwing.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: LordVenoc
  • Second playtest: Arkham
  • Third playtest: Arch-Vile
  • Fourth Playtest: (Cost Change, Avatar Effect Change) LordVenoc
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Art by Arkham
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Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)



LIFE = 6

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 250


After revealing an Order Marker on this card and instead of either moving or attacking with Nightwing, you may either move or attack with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar special power. When Nightwing would be affected by a glyph or special power, you may ignore his species of Kryptonian.

Once per turn, after moving or before attacking with Nightwing, you may choose a figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Nightwing and roll the 20-sided die, adding 1 to the roll for each shadow tile within 2 spaces of Nightwing to a maximum of +4. If you roll a 15 or higher, inflict one wound on that figure. If you roll a 20 or higher, you may also remove one unrevealed Order Marker from that figure's card.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from a figure that is not a Kryptonian, if at least one shield is rolled, all blanks rolled count as extra shields.


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Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

What's the point of treating his species as Entity?

It strikes me as odd that the first power deals with shadow tiles, but the second power, called Shadow Constructs, has nothing to do with them.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

What's the point of treating his species as Entity?

It strikes me as odd that the first power deals with shadow tiles, but the second power, called Shadow Constructs, has nothing to do with them.

Limited ability to channel the Nightwing Entity, so boosts from that and his at time immunity to Kryptonite.

That's fair. Was working some off the structure on Flamebird. The Nightwing Entity gives hims strength from the shadow. He can make the Shadow Constructs regardless.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Is there a planned Nightwing Entity card?
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

You've dug down far enough to pull out a character I don't recognize! I know about the Kryptonian Nightwing, I know about Chris Kent, didn't know he took on that mantle at some point...

As-is I do sort of feel that Nightwing Empowerment comes off as kind of... grab-bag-y? Three separate powers that are only vaguely tied together. It's taking up the bulk of the complexity of the card, and it all feels very situational and esoteric - two things that don't have any mechanical relevance to me, and one that's terrain specific.

But of course, we don't have Flamebird yet, and I assume she'll have a somewhat symmetrical power, which helps.

That's my knee-jerk reaction, at least - ultimately it's fine in my book to have more obscure characters end up situational, as long as you're happy with how they play on the battlefield.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

No clue who this is either. A short bio might help a little. Mechanically I see no issues though.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Threw up a little bio there to hopefully help out. I'm thinking through a little restructuring, but also feeling like the Entity part is probably droppable for streamlining purposes.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

I'd agree. It's not really doing anything beyond being a thematic nod, IMO. And it's going to be a negative rather than a positive most of the time, as outside of counterdraft situations you're more likely to be building around Kryptonian synergies than facing Kryptonite.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Yea I’m not sure what the Entity part really benefits at all outside of theme unless you have that planned as a mechanical hook for the actual Nightwing Entity later on.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

What if he just had the Entity species in addition (and perhaps additionally couldn’t have his A/D reduced, like Prime.)

I’m personally fine with the way it is currenlty. Definitely niche, but it’s a fun little thing that’ll give him a unique IBW spread. But I also understand the desire to go simpler.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

IBW? Infant Birth Weight?
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Since I'll actually be able to run these two pretty close together, would fellow heroes be cool with Flamebird and Nightwing going to testing as a pair? My thought is keeping them solo in their initials and allowing public testing to focus on the pair of them.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

I wish Shadow Constructs had a "react to attack" trigger or was just implemented to be a passive thing, and wasn't a "react to OM reveal" sort of trigger. Weird defensive power in that it's better at protecting figures with higher Defense.

Seems like a good dude to just keep your OMs safe while you run around with Flamebird (depending on what she looks like?), or like... Hawkeye (III) for now.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Alright first off gonna reduce the first power down like this:

Nightwing's Attack and Defense numbers cannot be reduced by any special power on any other Army Card of Glyph. Instead of taking a turn with Nightwing, you may take a turn with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar Special power.

Cleaner, accomplishes most of the same stuff, and makes him a little less niche. Though, may up the Flamebird connection to something more like:

Nightwing's Attack and Defense numbers cannot be reduced by any special power on any other Army Card of Glyph. Instead of moving or attacking normally with Nightwing, you may either move or attack normally with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar Special power.

I do like Ronin's idea of just making Shadow Constructs more just something that works off opponent's attacks rather than triggering off the revealed OM. Making it something like that could merit maybe a D20 boost up in the Avatar power.

I'll review their comics a bit more and have something a bit more concrete soon.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Cool. Good changes to the first power.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Alright, here's where I've landed. Making him more of an offense figure feels like it fits more, and we steer slightly less into the full fledged Avatar thing that wasn't a terribly long time for him. I think I like the more giving actions to each other approach than a D20 boost (which I'd go with if they were just trading turns).



LIFE = 6

MOVE = 7

POINTS = ???


Nightwing's Attack and Defense numbers cannot be reduced by any special power on any other Army Card of Glyph. Instead of moving or attacking normally with Nightwing, you may either move or attack normally with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar Special power.

After moving and before attacking with Nightwing, you may choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces of Nightwing and roll the 20-sided die, adding 1 to the roll for each Shadow Hex within 5 spaces of Nightwing. If you roll a 14 or higher, inflict one unblockable wound on that figure. If you roll a 21 or higher, you may also remove one unrevealed Order from that figure's card.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from a figure that is not a Kryptonian, if at least one shield is rolled, all blanks rolled count as extra shields.


Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

I dig the direction. Not a pod-happy power set anymore.

Instead of moving or attacking normally with Nightwing, you may either move or attack normally with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar Special power.

Intended that you could replace his move with Flamebird's attack (or his attack with her move)? So he could have a turn like Flamebird attack -> Shadow TK -> Nightwing attack?

(Or I guess Flamebird attack -> Shadow TK -> Flamebird move, if that was advantageous for some reason)
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Looks good to me. If you really want him to be an Entity you should just make him that and give him the Kryptonian DNA power we already made.

Edit: not that he needs it, but we do have that power already.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Not unintended? But probably a bit much if trying to keep their points reasonable. Is there a concise way to word that it has to be the same action? So like only give up move for move. Something like

Instead of moving or attacking normally with Nightwing, you may take a turn with a turn with a figure with the Flamebird's Avatar special power. During this turn, that figure may only move if Nightwing did not move and may only attack if Nightwing has not attacked.

Its not...great. But it kind of works?

Looks good to me. If you really want him to be an Entity you should just make him that and give him the Kryptonian DNA power we already made.

Edit: not that he needs it, but we do have that power already.

He's as much an Entity as Dr Fate is, ultimately. So this approach is far better thematically, IMO. The immunity he has is both from the Nightwing Entity and from his Phantom Zone birth.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

Personally I like the free mixing being allowed - it's between two specific melee figures, so it doesn't seem like "two attacks with no movement" is really a super juiced thing we need to shut down. I just wanted to raise the question.
Re: The Book of Nightwing (Chris Kent) (Breathing)

If we do keep it that way, I think I'll change the telekinetics wording some. I would want him being able to use it on Thara's turn (and she'll have something a little similar for her second power).