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The Book of Nick Fury (MCU)


Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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The Book of Nick Fury (MCU)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Marvel Chaos War set.
Its model number and name are #040/Nick Fury.


Character Bio - He’s one bad*** mother******.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Crossover Symbol: The Crossover Symbol below Nick Fury's name indicates that he is draftable into the same army with other Nick Fury cards. See C3G's Secret Identity Rules.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Nick Fury's Avenger Assets and Desperate Measures special powers offer synergy to figures with an Avenger Marker.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing



LIFE = 4
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 170


At the start of the game, place a white Avenger Marker on the card of a friendly Unique Hero. Anytime you would place an Avenger Marker on another card, or a friendly figure with an Avenger Marker on its card would be destroyed, you may place that marker on this card.

Once per round at the beginning of your turn, you may remove an Avenger Marker from this card to do one of the following:
• Rearrange any Order Markers on cards in your army.
• Move any two figures you control. Figures you control will not take leaving engagement attacks this player turn.
• After revealing an Order Marker and before taking a turn, attack normally with one figure you control.
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Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

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Comic Picture

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Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

OK, took all the notes from LCW and thought on them. Decided I wanted him to still have an Agent connection so we can bring in the Coulsons and what not of the world and it not feel awkward, so I worked that in a bit.

Rearrange OM/marker type powers aren't usually my jam and I did like the idea of him having more to do on his turn and liked how double attack works with Cap, so I went with that over the pep talk.

I didn't want to use the Secret Avengers title, because MCU Nick wasn't on a team called that, so I went with an Initiative title to call out the MCU a bit more.

I liked the idea of having a list of once per game options for the first power, but nothing really appealed to me as a list of options, so I went with more what Ark suggested there, just changed up the timing and restrictions a tad.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Hah completely different than what I was expecting. :lol:

Still keeping the marker hub which was my favorite part of this. His bonuses are easier to burn now and basically are just attacks and possible unblockables, so he's not as flashy, but it's definitely streamlined.

I like the cleanness of it. I guess my main kinda-negative thought is that the main way to use him is really to use his attack bonding with Cap, and have Nick throwing a double attack of 5-6 dice. Doesn't seem very MCU Nick Fury to me, especially when he's basically outperforming MCU Falcon in firepower. At best he usually just carries one small sidearm. There's just more all-out-attack on him rather than the leadership/pulling the strings behind the scenes. Your first draft had that and that concept is what I miss.

But as for this card by itself, theme aside, it seems cool.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I could pop him down to 3 attack if we're worried about him being too offensive. I just didn't like his being completely behind the scenes either.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Yeah 3 attack is what Falcon has, so that feels a bit better to me.

I guess I don't see the need for a Jackson-type Fury to be a big offensive guy, since both MCU and Ultimate Fury are nearly all behind the scenes. 616 Fury I've definitely seen on the front lines more often (Or at least, behind an LMD, the cheater).

I'm not naying it or anything, Jackson Fury has definitely been in scraps so I think you have a thematic enough basis. I just think if you swapped his name to Hawkeye I would be 100% on board and not think twice about it.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Missing a word:
Anytime you would place a white Avenger Marker on another card, you may place that marker here instead. Once per round, before taking a turn with a figure you control that is in clear sight of Nick Fury, you may remove an Avenger Marker from this card to either move or attack with Nick Fury or another figure you control that is an Agent or has an Avenger Marker on its card.

I'd agree that Double Attack makes MCU Fury seem a bit more offensive than he's typically portrayed. But it works well with the mechanics, it just feels slightly off. I dig the design overall.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

If there is an Avenger Marker on this card, figures you control that are Agents or have Avenger Markers on their cards never take leaving engagement attacks. If you win initiative, you may immediately remove an Avenger Marker from this card. If you do, choose up to 2 figures you control. Roll an unblockable attack die against a figure engaged with each chosen figure.
What's the goal of this line? I ask just cause I don't love that slight tension between keeping a marker on his card and spending it to get effects. It's the one minor bit I dislike about GA II, since I feel like having to make that choice just feels unfun most of the time. I think it makes a bit more sense here as a "limited resource" deal, but it's still something I see irking me as a player. Not sure how everyone else feels about that.

Double Attack is the classic and probably best way to get synergy with Cap, but what if we explored some other ideas? One thing that really sticks with me about Jackson's Fury is that he's a survivor. Dude get shot at, blown up, and assassinated all the time, and he always finds a way out. What about playing around with his defense stat, like Genius Escape?
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

The problem with a defensive/passive power is it misses the point of giving him Double Attack, which is to have a reason to activate him and take turns with him.

IMO, MCU Fury can throw down, he just chooses not to most of the time.

The goal of the line you quoted, MrNobody, is to ape the way Green Arrow (JL) does it, because I enjoy that aspect of the design and enjoy the resource management tension of deciding when to blow his last JL Marker.

Going to fix the typo Archie pointed out because it doesn't change any mechanics and I don't want it to slip through the cracks.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Chill, valid points! :up:

I guess my idea overall is maybe we could try brainstorming something that feels a little more unique to the character than standard double attack? Cause I can definitely see where LP is coming from.

What if he just kept coming back?
At the start of the round, if Nick Fury is destroyed, you may place him on an empty space within 2 clear sight spaces of a friendly figure with an Avenger Marker on their card and place or remove Wound Markers until there are X on this card.
That would make you not afraid to put him on the front line, but I’m not sure it would incentivize you to actually do so.

I guess what I’d want to see is a design that gets one or two cool action scenes (things to do) per movie (game), but isn’t the kind of combat piece that’s gonna stand on the front lines. Not sure exactly what that looks like yet, admittedly.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Yeah, not sure that gets to what you’re asking for.

Any third power needs to be pretty slim also or one of the first two powers needs to be trimmed down. I don’t want three meaty powers here.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I think this design is fine, I just wanted to put out my initial concern. If this is the way you wanna go, I’m fine with it.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Don’t get me wrong: double attack isn’t a sacred cow here. I’m not even particularly arguing for keeping it. Just trying to establish the type of replacement I’d want.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I’d suggest the Pep Talk approach over Double Attack, as it feels more like Fury to have contingencies and motivate his soldiers so to speak, as that happens a few times in the movies and in the comics. Him being able to repurpose their Avenger Markers after they fall to call someone else to action or use it to burn feels more accurate here than him going guns blazing with Cap. The OM save will also work quite well with all the hubs in the faction, as well as Widow who only retrieves them from the fallen figure(which can be a bummer if they weren’t the ones with the markers thus not giving her her bonus).

And fwiw, he already will work great with Cap I, so I don’t think adding extra emphasis is necessary.

Adding Agents in is something I was also contemplating so good call there. :up:
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I considered Pep Talk when you brought it up in LCW but went away from it because I don't love him having three passive/behind the scenes powers. I'd prefer a third power to give him a reason to be activated and in the action.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I guess that’s where I’m not sure I understand the goal here other than the markers bit. MCU Fury and Nick Fury Jr.(Sam Fury), are typically behind the scenes orchestrators/directors not unlike an Oracle or Lex etc. I feel start zone dude who keeps the team optimal is the way to go.

But, that’s just my analysis on the character and design’s role in the faction. I certainly digress though as to avoid pushing my stance on it if that’s not what you’re feeling.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Would an attack-y power track better if it felt more contingency flavored?

I think Nick Fury getting in the mix feels thematically right, but I imagine that more in a "Cap is down, this chump from the other team thinks he can fight me, but I've got an ace up my sleeve" context versus a sort of more proactive "rolling out alongside Cap with a Cap-friendly power" thing.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

I definitely understand and appreciate the theme of his being a behind the scenes character. I don't think "guns ablazing" is the right approach for him and if that's what double attack is feeling like for folks, definitely not the direction we should go.

I guess I just see him as a bit more of an active participant in battles than Oracle typically is and I'm not sure start zone camping and being completely passive feels right either.

Maybe the ability to activate him with his Avenger Marker burns in the first power is enough for that?

He definitely talks to heroes and villains a lot in the movies. Sometimes they're pep talks, sometimes they're coercion, sometimes they're negotiation, sometimes manipulation. I'm a bit iffy on rearranging Order Markers and Avenger Markers really *feeling* like a pep talk either.

I dunno. I feel like I need to think on it more in terms of what his actual role should be. But three fully passive powers doesn't seem quite right to me.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Would an attack-y power track better if it felt more contingency flavored?

I think Nick Fury getting in the mix feels thematically right, but I imagine that more in a "Cap is down, this chump from the other team thinks he can fight me, but I've got an ace up my sleeve" context versus a sort of more proactive "rolling out alongside Cap with a Cap-friendly power" thing.

Yes! Thank you for articulating what I was trying to get at so well.

The one factional thing to watch out for is that Black Widow has the Contingency market fairly covered, so figuring out how exactly to do that could be challenging.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Just spitballing some theme and mechanic ideas here. Nick could:
- Rally the Avengers to his location (some sort of movement bonding). This would set up Covert Initiative.
- Could have a high risk high reward thing. Like let Nick subtract so many from your initiative one round then add the same number to your initiative next round.
- Maybe add a space restriction to either Avenger Assets or Covert Initiative. That forces Nick to be in the mix, and would synergize well with a defensive power like Evasive Strike or something similar.

Here's another idea. Gives Nick a reason to take a turn every round since it's free:
Anytime you would place a white Avenger Marker on another card, you may place that marker here instead. Once per round, before taking a turn with a figure you control that is in clear sight of Nick Fury, you may remove an Avenger Marker from this card to either move or attack with Nick Fury and another figure you control that is an Agent or has an Avenger Marker on its card.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Would an attack-y power track better if it felt more contingency flavored?

I think Nick Fury getting in the mix feels thematically right, but I imagine that more in a "Cap is down, this chump from the other team thinks he can fight me, but I've got an ace up my sleeve" context versus a sort of more proactive "rolling out alongside Cap with a Cap-friendly power" thing.

Yes! Thank you for articulating what I was trying to get at so well.

The one factional thing to watch out for is that Black Widow has the Contingency market fairly covered, so figuring out how exactly to do that could be challenging.
Black Widow and Wolverine both can recover Order Markers, yes, but both only recover the ones from the destroyed figure. The issue I've run into with Black Widow, and why she's not a go-to draft for me personally, is that I have noticed more often than not her ability leads to disappointment on my end.

Here's why:
At the start of the game, you may choose 1 other Unique Hero you control and place a white Avenger Marker on its card. When a Unique Hero you control that is an Agent or that has an Avenger Marker on its card is destroyed by an enemy figure, you may immediately remove any unrevealed Order Markers from that card and place them on this card. For the rest of the round, after revealing an Order Marker on this card, before taking a turn with Black Widow, you may take a turn with one other Unique Hero you control that is an Agent or that has an Avenger Marker on its card, and you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.
She can only recover Order Markers from the destroyed figure. So if the enemy kills someone with 1 Order Marker(possibly already revealed/used), or no Order Markers, that power will ultimately not trigger.

Then the 2nd part of that, it's a limited time boost, reliant on the Order Markers being on her card to capitalize. So if you lost a figure that didn't have the Markers, if Widow doesn't have Markers already, you're SOL on any sort of retaliation advantage for them destroying that figure. Even if that figure or she did have the Markers, it's also reliant on when the figure was destroyed to determine how much she can capitalize on that loss, by which turn it happened on since it only lasts 0-3 more turns.

Now, compare that to:
When a Unique Hero you control is destroyed by an enemy figure, you may immediately place any unrevealed Order Markers on any of your Army Cards on this card. For the remainder of the round, after revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Geo-Force, you may immediately choose and take a turn with up to two other Unique Interloper Heroes you control.
Geo can take all OMs in this situation, guaranteeing you the bonus. The bonus lasts the same length of time, so they are equal in that risk. The bonus nets you 2 additional turns instead of 1.

I've found it hard to capitalize when using Widow, thus I haven't felt like she's worth taking for that power. She's got solid offensive power, so that's definitely where she shines, and I've had good success there, but I don't find her Contingency + Bonding to be a shining aspect of the design.

Wolverine's is similarly limited, but his avoids the bonding false hopes in favor of him just dealing out some more punishment on the spot if you kill his buddies.

All this is to say, I don't think that market is monopolized in the faction as of yet. Not only that, Fury would help Widow, as he can guarantee any Markers go to her to make best use of her power, as well as a restructuring that could see Cap get a revealed OM in a pinch if you wanted to use that turn elsewhere in a heated pivotal moment.

As for not seeing it as a Pep Talk thematically. Here's how I see it:

A figure you control is destroyed. People are down and defeated. He moves OMs around. That gets that person back into the fight, or puts the emphasis on your strongest option if the Marker wasn't on them before, to maximize retaliation. For the Avenger Marker bit, let's say you didn't have enough Markers in your army, maybe a team game or something. Someone gets taken out, Fury recruits someone else with that Marker, talking them into standing up for the fallen. Or he just takes the Marker for himself, and uses it to burn to make the team better through his words, using the fallen person(their marker to represent them) as his driving factor much like Coulson's demise with his bloody Cap cards in the first movie. That was my logic there.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

As for not seeing it as a Pep Talk thematically. Here's how I see it:

A figure you control is destroyed. People are down and defeated. He moves OMs around. That gets that person back into the fight, or puts the emphasis on your strongest option if the Marker wasn't on them before, to maximize retaliation. For the Avenger Marker bit, let's say you didn't have enough Markers in your army, maybe a team game or something. Someone gets taken out, Fury recruits someone else with that Marker, talking them into standing up for the fallen. Or he just takes the Marker for himself, and uses it to burn to make the team better through his words, using the fallen person(their marker to represent them) as his driving factor much like Coulson's demise with his bloody Cap cards in the first movie. That was my logic there.

I see him taking Avengers Markers from fallen allies as giving him more army building options as well and not just the few figures that bring extra markers. You guys spent a lot of time developing the one marker Avengers so let them come to the party here.

I too had similar ideas to what Arkham said above. I didn't realize you were this close to running him yet or I would have brought it up earlier.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Just spitballing some theme and mechanic ideas here. Nick could:
- Rally the Avengers to his location (some sort of movement bonding). This would set up Covert Initiative.
- Could have a high risk high reward thing. Like let Nick subtract so many from your initiative one round then add the same number to your initiative next round.
- Maybe add a space restriction to either Avenger Assets or Covert Initiative. That forces Nick to be in the mix, and would synergize well with a defensive power like Evasive Strike or something similar.

Here's another idea. Gives Nick a reason to take a turn every round since it's free:
Anytime you would place a white Avenger Marker on another card, you may place that marker here instead. Once per round, before taking a turn with a figure you control that is in clear sight of Nick Fury, you may remove an Avenger Marker from this card to either move or attack with Nick Fury and another figure you control that is an Agent or has an Avenger Marker on its card.
Fwiw, Cap II has some solid figure movement on initiative, so I feel that already makes for a great combo with Covert Initiative without needing Fury to gain a figure movement aspect as well.

I like your suggestion on Avenger Assets. That to me works more favorably for the design that Double Attack, IMO. Avenging Agents might be a good alternative name option there.
Re: The Book of Nick Fury (MCU) - Breathing

Yeah, I like Archie's tweak to Avengers Assets. I might consider dropping the movement part at that point though, for wording's sake. There's definitely a few characters like Spider-Woman who will find it useful, but I feel like for the most part, if I'm burning a marker, I want to be dealing some damage.
Anytime you would place a white Avenger Marker on another card, you may place that marker here instead. Once per round, before taking a turn with a figure you control that is in clear sight of Nick Fury, you may remove an Avenger Marker from this card to attack with Nick Fury and up to one other figure you control that is an Agent or has an Avenger Marker on its card.

I had an OM rearrange similar to Pep Talk on a MCU Hawkeye draft, which I think could be fun since him and Nat are such close allies. Not that I disagree with it being on Fury or anything, just saying there's always another potential home for it.