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The Book of Morgoloth

Filthy the Clown

Online HS Season 1 Champion & 'scape's foremost 's
The Book of Morgoloth

Tyr's Advance - Heroes of Braunglayde


PDF Download

The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Ram Army Box. The name of the figure is Great Skull.

This figure fits on a single-spaced base.

When Morgoloth attacks, he may attack one additional time.

Friendly small figures who follow Utgar or Valkrill are never attacked when leaving engagement with a figure within 5 clear sight spaces of Morgoloth.

All Demons you control, except Morgoloth, move one additional space.

Character Bio: (by Sir Heroscape)
Spoiler Alert!


-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Offered

SWARMING VERMIN : Small figures who follow Utgar or Valkrill

Synergy Benefits Received
  • WOLVES OF BADRU : Darklord Bonding
    As a Darklord, Morgoloth may benefit from the Wolves of Badru's DARKLORD BONDING activation synergy
  • SKULL DEMON : Valkrill Attack Aura 1
    As a Valkrill follower with a Range of 1, Morgoloth may benefit from the Skull Demon's VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 ability

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index
Fast and hard hitting. Elevates the Wolves of Badru and helps the Mezzodemons. A-

Unit Strategy Review

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It'll be particularly interesting to play armies using Morgoloth, Goblin Cutters, and WoB, perhaps with some Mezzos thrown in for large-point games (though it gets a bit squad-heavy there). Use the Cutters to create an effective screen for melee units, grant them Disengage, allowing for greater flexibility, and then pick off the enemy with Wolves.

Morgoloth- 140
Wolves of Badru x2- 160
Goblin Cutters x4- 200
500 points, 23 hexes.

If we want to eliminate the screen, we can replace it with ranged figures, and a nice way to stand against the swarms of commons that Wolves dislike.

Morgoloth- 140
Wolves of Badru x3- 240
Mezzodemon Warmongers x2- 193
510 points, 14 hexes.

Go fishing with Mezzos, draw in the squads, which will be thinned by the time they reach the demons, then pounce the stragglers with your Wolves, not to mention the nice boost of Morgoloth's 2 attacks of 4. If we want to build more on the idea of fishing, we go with the army type below, which is perhaps a bit more competitive.

Morgoloth- 140
Krav Maga Agents- 100
Wolves of Badru x3- 240
Marcu Esenwein- 20
500 points, 14 hexes.

Go fishing for melee units with the Krav, or eliminate the ranged units with them. When the foot-soldiers come a' knocking to deal with the agents, ambush with the wolves and Darklord. Esenwein is a nice glyph grabber and wound soak. The best part of this is that you don't need to send the wolves, with a frail 3 defense dice, against ranged units, since the Krav can smoke 'em out. After ambushing with the wolves, retreat with them quickly, using their newfound disengage if a unit or two is left over (which I doubt, given their abilities to throw 23 dice per turn with their Darklord).

Overall, Morgoloth is a very nice cheerleader/beatstick, it'll just be hard to assemble a competitive army that incorporates all his synergies.
For Swarming Vermin, don't forget the Marrden Nagrubs and Deathreavers (though the latter don't need Swarming Vermin to Disengage).

Added, thanks. Although, I purposely left off the Deathreavers, inititally, as it is rather moot. Still, for perfection's sake, I suppose that they should be added.

Like the Fen Hydra, Morgoloth loves sending out the Finn/Theracus smartbomb.
How are people getting 25 dice per attack? I'm getting 15 for pounce for wolves and 8 for Morgoloth. Are you guys assuming permanent height for Morgoloth, maybe?
I am fairly sure that he assumed height when mentioning 25 attack dice. Still, 23 is nothing to scoff at. Few bonding combos can match this.

Morgoloth is the Darklord with a much more favorable matchup against the Q brothers. The Werewolf Lord can't infect them, and if you make it to engagement, you are placing your hopes on a defensive whiff; Morgoloth can throw some serious dice their way, and free up the Badru as well.

For Hero-heavy events with squad limitations, the following core offers up some fun options:

Morgoloth 140
Werewolf Lord 140
Van Nessing 105
Badru x1 80
<Add filler to suit>
8+ spaces

-With 1 left in your startzone, the Badru provide some tactical OM flexibility for either Darklord.
Although, I purposely left off the Deathreavers, inititally, as it is rather moot. Still, for perfection's sake, I suppose that they should be added.

Yes, agree that is currently moot. However, when someone finally creates a special power that negates the powers on Common Squad cards, it may prove useful. :)
Morgoloth is the Darklord with a much more favorable matchup against the Q brothers.

I can vouch for that -- in one of the playtests I ran, Q9 barely survived going toe-to-toe with Morgoloth.
He bonds with the Wolves, so it should be a lot easier to get him in the right place for them.
I would have thought so too, but didn't find it worked out that way. Perhaps I just needed more Wolves though.
Wolves can pounce without risk of LEA I believe. Right over screens.
You can use Swarming Vermin to disengage before using Pounce, but the wolf cannot be engaged when it Pounces (since you must attack figures you're engaged with and you cannot Pounce adjacent figures). I think that makes Swarming Vermin a little trickier to use, though it certainly makes the wolf's opponent work harder on placement.
You can use Swarming Vermin to disengage before using Pounce, but the wolf cannot be engaged when it Pounces (since you must attack figures you're engaged with and you cannot Pounce adjacent figures). I think that makes Swarming Vermin a little trickier to use, though it certainly makes the wolf's opponent work harder on placement.

Well met!

Looks awful easy to me!
Just ran a test of some of the new figures against myself:

Mok 220
4x Axegrinders 500


Quahon 190
Morgoloth 230
2x Wolves of Badru

I was expecting Quahon and Mok to be the stars of the battle, but do you know who ended up being the MVP?

The Wolves of Badru. They pounced the crap out of the Axegrinders, slinking past Mok while Morgoloth finished off the mounted behemoth. Having a really solid hero to bond with along with the tactical advantage of disengage really puts them over the top.

They're a B- instead of a C+! They've broken free of the unusable tier! Yay! I'm going to be packing these guys a lot more.

Props to the C3V team for bringing this janky squad back into the drafting pool. Is there no unit you guys cannot fix?!
Glad to hear Sir Denrick.

We do not go out of our way to fix units, but if it is a by-product...that is a bonus. :)
I think there was a mistake in the OP. It says that Swarming vermin benefits the Death Reavers, however the Death Reavers already have disengage, so unless I've missed something the Death Reavers do not benefit at all from Morgoloth. I may be wrong, but I just thought I'd give you a heads up.
I think there was a mistake in the OP. It says that Swarming vermin benefits the Death Reavers, however the Death Reavers already have disengage, so unless I've missed something the Death Reavers do not benefit at all from Morgoloth. I may be wrong, but I just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Technically the OP is correct, but most of the time it is a mute point.

But if by chance there is a special power or glyph that can negate the Deathreavers Disengage; Morgoloth would be able to re-give them that ability with his Swarming Vermin ability.
I think there was a mistake in the OP. It says that Swarming vermin benefits the Death Reavers, however the Death Reavers already have disengage, so unless I've missed something the Death Reavers do not benefit at all from Morgoloth. I may be wrong, but I just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Technically the OP is correct, but most of the time it is a mute point.

But if by chance there is a special power or glyph that can negate the Deathreavers Disengage; Morgoloth would be able to re-give them that ability with his Swarming Vermin ability.

Okay, that makes sense.
Glad to hear Sir Denrick.

We do not go out of our way to fix units, but if it is a by-product...that is a bonus. :)

It's just really awesome thinking that I paid X amount of money for Morgoloth, but for that amount of money I'm dusting off my otherwise useless 4 squads of Wolves of Badru. So in a way I'm really making money by buying C3V stuff.

Yeah- that's what I'll tell my fiance. Good thinking.:twisted:

Does a bio will be made for Morgoloth or there's nothing in preparation?
I'd like to know because I'm the Guardian of the French's Book of (so, making the updates) and it could be nice to know if I've to keep an eye on this book or not. ;)
Wow. Can we call our Book-thread-starters "Guardians of the Books"?

Does a bio will be made for Morgoloth or there's nothing in preparation?
I'd like to know because I'm the Guardian of the French's Book of (so, making the updates) and it could be nice to know if I've to keep an eye on this book or not. ;)

FWIW, the "bios" in the other books from Tyr's Advance are nothing more than a little blurb, not an actual bio.

Also, I would not mind being the "Guardian" of the 5 or so books I've made.:D