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The Book of Moon Knight


Prickly Cactus
Site Supporter
The Book of Moon Knight




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Critical Mass set.
Its model number and name are #025-27 / Moon Knight.
Its model number and name are #209 / Marc Spector.
Character Bio - Before becoming Moon Knight, Marc Spector had been a prize fighter, served two tours as a Marine and served as a field agent in the CIA. After leaving the CIA he became a soldier for hire, where he met and befriended Frenchie Duchamp. The two took on well paying assignments mostly in Africa and South America, and Marc invested his earnings wisely. They took on a job in Sudan for Raoul Bushman, who was in the business for the killing, whereas Spector and Duchamp were in it for the money. After Bushman massacred a village and killed an archaeologist named Peter Alraune in search of a an Egyption Pharoh's tomb, Spector had enough and took the Alraune's daughter Marlene to safety in the tomb. He then challenged Bushman, but was mortally wounded. He managed to get back to the tomb before collapsing, where Marlene and Spector's crew got him back into the tomb and laid him at the feet of an idol of Khonshu. Spector's spirit encountered Khonshu, who offered to save his life if he would serve him, and Spector agreed. When he awoke, he thought the encounter just a hallucination, then went and punished Bushman's men, but Bushman escaped.

Spector left the mercenary business to move to New York with Duchamp and Marlene Alraune, who was now his lover. He wanted to do some good, so he decided to fight crime as Moon Knight. He developed other personae as well, such as Steven Grant, a financier, and Jake Lockley, a cab driver. While Steven Grant took Spector's investments and made more money, Jake Lockley developed a network of informants to help him fight crime as Moon Knight. Over time, his four personae of Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, and Moon Knight had put mental stress on Spector, but it had served to save him later in his career when a powerful enemy had tried but failed to mind control him while he was rescuing the West Coast Avengers in ancient Egypt. He later joined the West Coast Avengers for a while, but then left with Tigra and Mockingbird after a disagreement the three had with the rest of the team regarding killing. Since then, Moon Knight had breakdowns and did some killing as a vigilante, urged on by the spirit of Khonshu. But eventually got his act together and returned after self-exile to prove that he can fight crime without killing. He has since served Commander Rogers by infiltrating Daredevil's Shadowland fortress when he was taken over by a demon of the Hand and then served Commander Rogers as a member of the Secret Avengers.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Can you use Frenchie's Airdrop to drop Moon Knight into an area below an overhang?
  • A: No. Just like you cannot with the Airborne Elite.
  • Q: Can you move and attack with Moon Knight after placing him on the battlefield with Frenchie's Airdrop?
  • A: No. Placing Moon Knight on the battlefield with Frenchie's Airdrop is considered Moon Knight's move for that turn.
  • Q: Does using Frenchie's Airdrop to place Moon Knight either on the battlefield or on his card count as taking a turn with Moon Knight?
  • A: Yes.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Vote for playtesting




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 150

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, if Moon Knight is on the battlefield, you may immediately place him on this card. Moon Knight will take any leaving engagement attacks before being placed on this card. Order Markers may still be placed and revealed on this card normally. After revealing an Order Marker on this card, if Moon Knight is on this card and not destroyed, you may immediately place him on any empty space on the battlefield and attack with him.

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airdrop, or if Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more levels lower than his original placement, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

Instead of attacking normally with Moon Knight, you may choose up to two different figures within 5 clear sight spaces of Moon Knight. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. If you roll 9 or higher, the chosen figure receives 1 wound.
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Cool 8) Great design Hahma. Looks like a fun addition to the Fighter/Crime Fighter faction. :)

A little surprised to see him as a Fighter instead of Crime Fighter, but you know the character much better than I do.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Initial thoughts are that he's worth a good bit more than 150-60, probably more in the low 200s. I agree that I'm surprised he's not a Crime Fighter and I was surprised that you didn't make him Insane, but Unstable fits him well too.

I really like the power set here, nice work. requiring OMs for the Airlift power is a good way to keep him balanced with Luke Cage.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

I think Unstable works if you want to keep him out of the Insane faction.

I agree about the cost. Looks at least 180-190 IMO. Not worried about that now though.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Thanks GP. :D Believe me, this is something I have worked on and wanted for a very long time, as in years. Just before re-joining C3G, I worked on it a little with Margloth, who added the version of Crescent Darts with the D20, though I lowered it from 11 to 9 since he's extremely accurate with them, though they don't cause much damage.

Regarding Fighter vs. Crime Fighter. Well actually he was originally going to be a Vigilante, which could work too. Then I was thinking that he's done some work as part of a team on occasions with the West Coast Avengers a long time ago and recently with the Secret Avengers. I was thinking Crime Fighter then, but Spidey reminded me of the time that MK cut the face off of one of his enemies, Bushmaster. So with that extra edge and potential brutal methods, he might not be good to be considered a Crime Fighter in the same way that Spider-Man is.

So, I figured Fighter would still get him the synergy with Luke Cage for the occasional bonding so it would still work the way Crime Fighter would. Not to mention that Moon Knight could be more like Wolverine in the way that they are "good" but can have some nasty sides. Also, Marc Spector was a golden gloves boxer when he was younger as well as a mercenary at the time he became Moon Knight. So "fighter" seemed like it could fit well also.

Actually, more recently, he has been used often as an undercover operative. Steve Rogers had MK go undercover (even letting some Hand Ninjas kick his ass) to get captured and be an "inside man" in the possessed Daredevil's Shadowland complex. Steve Rogers also had MK infiltrate another enemy base for the Secret Avengers.

This guy has done a lot of cool stuff and is a great comic character that has gotten a bad rap as a Batman ripoff. But in fact, he and Bats are nothing alike other than being badass rich guys that fight crime. But there are a ton of differences.

I only wish there was a way to have him not get taken control of, because he has multiple personalities and it's kind of a big deal that he can't be mind controlled because of the other personalities. But the other powers I have for him are very iconic and appropriate. So just like other insane character in designs can get mind controlled, it can work for MK too.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Initial thoughts are that he's worth a good bit more than 150-60, probably more in the low 200s. I agree that I'm surprised he's not a Crime Fighter and I was surprised that you didn't make him Insane, but Unstable fits him well too.

I really like the power set here, nice work. requiring OMs for the Airlift power is a good way to keep him balanced with Luke Cage.

Yeah, I made a couple tweaks but forgot to adjust his cost. I don't know about low 200's though. I mean he has to use an OM to get onto his card and an OM to get off of it, so it's not like he can do it all the time during the game. Plus he will take leaving engagement attacks when getting placed onto his card, so that can help keep it from being over done without risk.

Unless he gets to use the Airlift/Drop or jump off of decent height, he's just has an attack of 4 with a range of 4 like Mockingbird. The Crescent Darts are nice, but not overbearing and can be tweaked to tone it down some if needed.

I think Unstable works if you want to keep him out of the Insane faction.

I agree about the cost. Looks at least 180-190 IMO. Not worried about that now though.

Yeah, I don't really want him hanging with the Insane crew. While I had considered it quite a bit and technically at different times he could be considered Insane, but it wouldn't stop others from taking control of him and I figured that it just wouldn't be right for him to be hanging with Harley, Deadpool and the Arkham Inmates. :)
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

With all of that background info in mind Fighter really does sound like the best fit. Good comparison to Wolverine too. :up:
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Definitely a cool and useful design that will be fun to play.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Looks good!

A few notes:

Can we change "Frenchie's Airlift and Drop" to something a little shorter, such as "Frenchie's Airdrop"? It's just a bit of a mouthful right now.

The wording for Cape Glide (the second trigger) seems a tad off right now ... I'm assuming it triggers if he ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than where he was positioned at the start of the move, right? I think the wording needs some tweaking there (no ideas just yet, sorry).

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airlift And Drop, or if Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than his previous placement, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

Looks good overall, though, like I said! :)

I know the synergies would feel a tad odd, but we are starting to put together more and more Marvel Vigilantes ... I wonder if we shouldn't just go with Vigilante here since it really seems like the most accurate fit?
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Looks good!

A few notes:

Can we change "Frenchie's Airlift and Drop" to something a little shorter, such as "Frenchie's Airdrop"? It's just a bit of a mouthful right now.

The wording for Cape Glide (the second trigger) seems a tad off right now ... I'm assuming it triggers if he ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than where he was positioned at the start of the move, right? I think the wording needs some tweaking there (no ideas just yet, sorry).

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airlift And Drop, or if Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than his previous placement, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

Looks good overall, though, like I said! :)

I know the synergies would feel a tad odd, but we are starting to put together more and more Marvel Vigilantes ... I wonder if we shouldn't just go with Vigilante here since it really seems like the most accurate fit?

Is this any better maybe?

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airdrop, or if after moving normally, Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than his previous placement, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

Frenchie's Airdrop is doable for sure.

I certainly am still open to Vigilante since that's the original thought.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

I wonder if "original placement" or "placement at the start of the turn" wouldn't clarify better?
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airlift And Drop, or if Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than his placement at the start of the turn, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

After being placed on the battlefield by Frenchie’s Airlift And Drop, or if Moon Knight ends his move 5 or more spaces lower than his original placement, you may add 1 automatic skull to Moon Knight’s normal attack this turn if he attacks an adjacent figure. Moon Knight never takes falling damage.

One of those above?
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

I prefer original placement. It's clear but concise.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

I think either of those do the job. :)
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Okay, I know the breathing period isn't up, but I ran some HH tests for him because I had time and I just wanted to gauge where to price him. Besides, nobody here knows this character close to the way I do and considering the earlier comments that were more about wording and not about changing powers or power level, I figured he wasn't going to change from now until later tonight.

Anyway, I guess I was closer to his cost than others may have thought initially.

Vs. Mockinbird at 130 points:
1. Moon Knight wins with 4 wounds on T4R2.
2. Mockingbird wins with 1 wound on T2R3.

Vs. Echo at 130 points:
1. Echo wins with 3 wounds on T4R3.
2. Moon Knight wins with 0 wounds on T1R2.

Vs. Batgirl at 130 points:
1. Batgirl wins with 2 wounds on T3R2.
2. Moon Knight wins with 4 wounds on T4R2.

I will do more of course, but just wanted to point out that he should end up closer to 150 than 200. Maybe 140- 150 when taking Airdrop and Cape Glide into consideration. I tested on HB Gehenna, which has plenty of height for him to climb to, but Mockingbird can close in quick with her Pole Vault to get engaged to him before he can get all the way up the ladder, Echo can Mimic to suite the desired situation and Batgirl can Grapple at will w/o leaving engagement attacks. While MK has 1 more life than any of them, MB has same defense, Echo can Mimic the same defense as MK and BG can get defense +3 boost from rolling 9+. Mockingbird can lower his attack with Mocking Words (and did) in conjunction with Counter Strike. Echo can give him wounds (and did) with Mirrored Counter Strike and Batgirl can give wounds (not this time) with Defensive Precognition 9. Actually, the only reason MK won the one game vs. her was because with 4 wounds vs. her 2 wounds (from Crescent Darts to bypass her Precog9), he gambled and moved onto ladder while adjacent and attack with height. She rolled >9 for Precog9 and had defense of 7 just ready to put the last wound on him. But Khonshu was smiling down on him and he rolled all 5 skulls vs. her 2 shields to kill her.

So the moral of the story is that the vast majority of the time that Moon Knight is going to be fighting, he's more in line with a 130 point unit. He never takes falling damage (situational) and will occasionally get a single big attack after Cape Glide which is also situational since he doesn't have grapple to get him to height easy and only has a move of 5. So in army tests he can get away with that nice big Cape Glide attack once in awhile, but then again, the map has to have height greater than 5 for him to have a chance to use it other than after Airdrop. His Crescent Darts are a saving grace for him to bypass special defense on occasion, though for only 1 wound, but it helps. Of course he can only attack 1 target with each Dart, so it keeps it from being too dangerous against the likes of GL's and Flash types.

Regardless of his class being Vigilante or Fighter, neither should affect his cost as Mockingbird has Agent synergies, Echo has Vigilante synergies, and Batgirl has sidekick synergy/benefits with Vigilantes. So their costs reflect that, and we have seen what he did against them.

Anyway, taking my fanboy hat off, while I would love for him to be more powerful, I'm perfectly fine with him as he's shaking out to be so far. This version is more in line with him early in his career and is what the Airdrop and Cape Glide help represent, and they take up two powers and he needs Crescent Darts to be ideal. If I ever made another version of him, it could be the more current and badass one with more of an armored costume and more badass fighting abilities. But for now, I just don't want to overpower him just for the sake of keeping up with the Jones'. :D
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

If you like him as is, I'm cool with him at 130. :) Might be more of a reason to stay Fighter/Crime Fighter then, though, so he doesn't double up with Echo.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Yeah, and it would give a nice lower priced Fighter.

Just did 2 more HH's. This time vs. Green Arrow (Connor) and GA won both times. With 2 wounds on T6R2 and with 2 wounds on T3R4. GA's range forced MK to chase him, so MK had no reason to get to height for Cape Glide from the building near his SZ because Connor would just get to the top of his building and shoot from range all day long. So GA had height all the time and MK tried Crescent Darts sometimes for a couple wounds while staying on shadow below, and chased him to the top of the building in game two but GA was on the only single spaced height up there and while they went at it for awhile hand to hand, GA had the advantage with CCE and attack/def 4 with height. MK could have tried CD's some more, but he wanted to get some good die rolls to hopefully put multiple wounds on GA, not just have a chance of putting only 1 wound on him.

Believe me, I wouldn't mind him being a bit higher priced but that would mean giving him a better attack (5) but then it would make his ranged attack with his club too much as compared to the ones from DD and Mockingbird with similar club attacks. He does fall in line with Mockingbird, Echo and Batgirl and some others w/o superpowers that are supposed to be awesome melee fighters, but for some reason we have have some huge disparity between some units that are supposed to be very good melee fighters in the 150 and less range and some that leap in cost a vast amount.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Well Green Arrow Connor is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the DCU as well if that helps any.

I think the disparity between them and some of the higer costed Vigilante/Crime Fighter types is that the higher costed ones (like Batman, Punisher, Daredevil, etc.) are more used to tangling with supers and holding their own.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Well Green Arrow Connor is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the DCU as well if that helps any.

I think the disparity between them and some of the higer costed Vigilante/Crime Fighter types is that the higher costed ones (like Batman, Punisher, Daredevil, etc.) are more used to tangling with supers and holding their own.

Oh for sure. I mean Bats has all the gadgets available, Punisher has all the weapons available, DD has Radar Sense, Black Canary is one of the best fighters in DC and she has Canary Cry to help. Huntress, Elektra and Black Widow also have stuff going for them as well. Shang-Chi doesn't have any super powers though, but is represented leaps and bounds above everyone else on fighting skill alone. So by comparison on fighting skill alone represented on a design, he is much better than any other unit we have that doesn't have super powers. I just didn't want to up the ante with Moon Knight to try to keep up, as it seems some pure fighting powers are getting stronger than previous "top of X universe are".
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Sorry, I just had a cool design for Shang-Chi and he worked out to not be too crazy expensive without any changes so I didn't see any reason to change him.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight - Design Phase

Yeah, I think that anyone we want to represent as a hand-to-hand fighter first and foremost these days needs to either have Close Combat Expert or Master of Martial Arts on it. So we're making a decision to not really go that route here (which I'm fine with).