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The Book of Moon Knight (Avengers)


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of Moon Knight (Avengers)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Superior Foes of Spider-Man set.
Its model number and name are #037 / Moon Knight.


Character Bio - Moon Knight, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley: four different aspects of the same man who was resurrected by Khonshu (the Egyptian Lunar-God of Vengeance and Justice) to serve as his "avatar." Those unjust mortals who prey upon the innocents traveling at night, with powers that come from the moon, beware the Vengeance of the Moon Knight! -Comic Vine

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Moon Knight's Audacious Avenger has synergy with figures with an Avenger Marker.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: (Arkham)
  • Second playtest: (Ericth74)
  • Third playtest: (Arkham)
  • Fourth playtest: (IamBatman)
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by Arkham
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 170

At the start of the game, place a white Avenger Marker on the card of a friendly figure. If an enemy figure would inflict one or more wounds on an adjacent friendly figure that has an Avenger Marker on its card, you may instead have that enemy figure inflict those wounds on Moon Knight.

Moon Knight may attack non-adjacent figures while he is engaged. After attacking with Moon Knight, if he did not inflict a wound, you may remove an unrevealed Order Marker from a card in your army or place a Wound Marker on this card to attack again.

Once per game, when an enemy figure would inflict enough wounds to destroy the last figure you control, if Moon Knight is currently destroyed, immediately remove all Wound Markers from this card and place Moon Knight on an empty space on the battlefield. You may then move any unrevealed Order Markers on cards in your army to this card.
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

:up: Curious to see how he works out once we get him on the field.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Oversight on my part, but I think I’ll probably bump his range to 5 and the range on the unblockable to 5, to keep all his numbers 5 in his powers.

Also open to alternatives on how he is resurrected, if there’s other ideas.

Points wise I’d imagine we’re looking at 160-190.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)


"Anytime Moon Knight receives one or more wounds, if the inflicting figure is within 4 clear sight spaces, you may roll an unblockable attack die against it."

Just be like:

"Anytime Moon Knight receives one or more wounds from a figure within 4 clear sight spaces, you may roll an unblockable attack die against that figure."


Seems more straight forward.

I'm assuming you're assuming that wounds he redirects to himself count as coming from whoever would have inflicted the wounds originally so he can roll an unblockable attack die against that person? That interpretation leads to some dicey areas mechanically with other cards, but I'm not sure C3G has a rule one way or another there.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Yeah, I was actually thinking in my head as I lay here in bed about that wording, and came up with the same rewording there. :up:

That’s indeed the intention, yes. With that wording change, I believe it seems clear, but we can FAQ it if need be.

One alternative on the resurrection is when a friendly unique hero is destroyed, you roll the 20-sided die. 14 or higher he comes back etc.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Looks like 220-240 to me (factoring in the bump to range 5).

I worry a bit about the top end power of an offensively efficient team with his first power added on.

I worry about how the second and third power combine with each other and then a more defensive Avenger team built around Avengers Thor.

Both effects seem like they're adding strength on strength, which could affect the competitive impact significantly, IMO.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we've been consistent in the past that if a power on one of your cards "redirects" wounds, they don't count as coming from the original source anymore.

Could maybe do something like this with an FAQ?
If an opponent's figure would inflict one or more wounds on a figure that is adjacent and friendly to Moon Knight, you may instead have that opponent's figure inflict those wounds on Moon Knight. Anytime Moon Knight receives one or more wounds, if the inflicting figure is within 4 clear sight spaces, you may roll an unblockable attack die against it.

I was wondering last night if there's any natural place to fit a line like this;
Moon Knight may attack non-adjacent figures while he is engaged.
That feels like a generally Moon Knighty thing to do, and it would pair well with WCA/SA ally War Machine. However, I don't really see a natural place to tack it on.

Lastly, could we possibly make the unblockable in WTTTH into a D20 roll? Light synergy with SA ally Beast, and Vizh as well (Who I do think he has slight WCA ties to?)
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Yeah, I'm on the same page as Nobody - pretty sure Aaron Cash style effects don't count the wounds as coming from the original source anymore. Seems work-aroundable wording-wise, though.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

D20 roll for WTTTH is cool with me. Was actually considering that as well after posting, to get some more D20 in the faction, and with them being allies on SA.

Rewording to make it work as intended is fine with me.

As for cost, I don’t personally see it as more than 190 all things considered, but I could certainly be wrong. Hard to say for sure without seeing it in action. I’m absolutely fine reigning in the attack and resurrection ceilings if necessary, as long as the design as a whole is useful and fun.

Could make the attack an additional attack on his own turn with that possible drawback. Resurrection could be limited to once per game etc.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Alright, after mulling over some possibilities, here's what I'm thinking:



LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = ~180

At the start of the game, place a white Avenger Marker on the card of a friendly figure. If an enemy figure would inflict one or more wounds on an adjacent friendly figure that has an Avenger Marker on its card, you may instead have that enemy figure inflict those wounds on Moon Knight.

Moon Knight may attack non-adjacent figures while he is engaged. After attacking with Moon Knight, if he did not inflict a wound, he may attack again. After each additional attack, if he does not inflict a wound, you must remove an unrevealed Order Marker from a card in your army or place a Wound Marker on this card.

At the end of the round, if Moon Knight is destroyed, roll the 20-sided die. Once per game, if you roll 12 or higher, remove all Wound Markers from this card and place him on any empty space on the battlefield. After placing him, if the enemy figure who destroyed him is within 4 clear sight spaces, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, that figure receives a wound and you may roll again.
This feels a bit more interesting and less power stacking.

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Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

I dig it. :up: The wounding part of that last power is probably going to be pretty streaky in terms of never paying off in most games but getting explosive and turning a game here or there, but that's probably the most swingy thing in terms of gameplay.

Definitely takes care of my stacking strength on strength concerns and just turns him into a cool, playable Avenger piece, IMO.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Breathing)

Really dig that!

I am planning on maybe hitting a Marc Spector design one day that lets you switch between Moon Knights that have different classes. Could be fun to give this guy a different class to play into that, but also kinda fine with him filling the same "niche" as MK vI in that kind of build.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Vote 4 Initial Playte

Yeah I’m not sure what other class would be fitting, open to recommendations if there’s a really good one though!

I propose a vote to move to Initial Playtesting.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Vote 4 Initial Playte

Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

This passes.

Testing Version:
Spoiler Alert!




Army Test 1
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Moon Knight(190), Luke Cage(190), Cap(220), Spider-Woman(250), Spider-Man(250) (1100)
Star-Lord(250), Nebula(240), Gamora(300), She-Hulk(310) (1100)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 2
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Moon Knight(190), Wasp(160), She-Hulk(370), Wolverine(270) (990)
Luke Cage(190), Iron Fist(260), Thing(340), Daredevil(200) (990)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 3
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Moon Knight(190), Cap(220), Ms. Marvel(350), Quicksilver(240) (1000)
Fantastic Four (1000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 4
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Moon Knight(190), Cap(220), Ms. Marvel(350), Vision(340) (1100)
Professor X(220), Gorgon(300), Phoenix(230), Colossus(260), Angel(90) (1100)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 5
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Moon Knight(190), Cap(240), Spider-Man(280), War Machine(260), Scarlet Witch(330) (1300)
Hawkwoman(260), Green Arrow(210), Black Canary(220), Wonder Woman(310), Martian Manhunter(300) (1300)
Spoiler Alert!


He serves a decent purpose. All of his powers had their uses in most of the games. Audacious Avenger of course is nice to save some key figures when possible. Can certainly challenge the opponent to get around him or force them to prioritize him first. Relentless Resolve was cool, allowing you to keep attacking to try and inflict at least one wound when it really counts, at the cost of unrevealed Order Markers or wounds on him, which can sometimes be a good tradeoff depending how important that wound is to get. Rise With the Moon obviously didn't come into play in games his team won, which of course is nice, and was cool to see him come back at the end when needed to save that last ally to potentially try and turn the tides.

Scarlet had some interesting interactions with some newer Avenger figures like War Machine who doesn't need to worry about LEAs again, and for Moon Knight she can bring him back and he can just keep attacking til he hits at least one wound, thanks to them not able to be destroyed during that turn. Pretty neat combo, though she removes him from the game when doing so, so it can be a hard judgement call to make if he's not already used Rise With the Moon, which assumed she's the last one and on death's door. Was worth the attempt in my last game against the JL since Scarlet was so weak to Hawkwoman's Nth Metal Defense, she needed whatever help she could right away.

Overall, he could probably come down a little in points? He's super easy to take out with 4 Life and 4 Defense. Even if he comes back a second time, you'll see his impact in each game was fairly minor, which isn't necessarily bad, but he never felt like a pest or anything and was quickly disposed of in most cases both times on the board. So either we up his Defense to 5, Life to 5, or just let his points come down a hair. 2 of his powers hurt his own life essentially to use, so 5 Life may not be that crazy? Not sure. Cool with whatever though.
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Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

Few games in, I've cut the d20 auto-wounding from when he's brought back and made it so you have to place the wound or remove the OM before each additional attack rather than after(depending on if he caused the wound).

Both should help streamline him and keep his points down, which I prefer.

So far he's been fun. Absorbing wounds is of course nice, and Relentless Resolve is cool in that you're almost guaranteeing yourself finishing off a near death enemy in a pinch, as long as you're willing to pay with OMs or wounds.

Rise With the Moon was super lucky in the initial 3 games, coming back right away after dying. However, in game 4 he failed all 3 attempts and it costed his team. So it's nice that it's not a guarantee, giving the opponent a chance to score some wounds on key figures before his return.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

Just for the sake of doing something a bit different and interesting, how would people feel if we did something like this?
Once per game, when the last figure you control would be destroyed, if Moon Knight is destroyed, remove all Wound Markers from this card and place him on an empty space on the battlefield.
I feel like that maybe captures him in a bit of a cooler way?
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

I'll wait to get buy in from others before proceeding. I think with that change, we could drop his life by 1 and up his move by 1? Probably should be faster than 5, and him getting a guaranteed resurrection near the end, 1 life down makes sense.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

Yeah, that’s pretty cool. I’d agree with a life drop.
Re: The Book of Moon Knight (Avenger) (Initial Playtest)

Initials posted.

I think he could either come down a little in points(170?), or bring his life back up to 5? With Audacious Avenger and Relentless Resolve both hurting his own life to benefit from, he falls really quick, both times, especially if the enemy prioritizes him.