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The Book of Mimring
Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Set
Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Set
Character Bio: Who would suspect that a creature of his size could ambush even the most wary of warriors? Yet Mimring is notorious for
such attacks. This fire-breathing behemoth can swoop down undetected and, within seconds, incinerate an enemy line up to 8 warriors deep.
In this war of horrific battlefield events, Mimring's Fire Line Attack is absolutely the most terrifying of all.
Mimring is no slack-jawed, mindless minion; he has a keen intelligence, and can communicate with surprising eloquence when it serves
him. But these powers are squandered on a life devoted solely to stalking, burning and brutalizing. In Mimring, there is a chilling lack of
morality and remorse. His only allegiance is to Utgar, his only goal to forge an ever-widening swath of destruction. (Hasbro)
-Rulings and Clarifications- - MIMRING : Hit Zone
MIMRING : Target Point
ERRATA: Mimring can use his horns as a secondary Target Point. (Hasbro FAQ)
Is Mimring's tail a hit zone?
Yes. (Hasbro FAQ)
Is any figure within any eight spaced line from him attacked at the same time, or any figure within one eight spaced line.
All figures within one eight spaced straight line are hit, as long as you have line of sight. You must decide which direction
he will fire. See page 11 of the Master Game guide for an illustration of this attack. (Hasbro FAQ)
Mimring uses his Fire Line Special Attack into a crowd. Who gets hit first?
Mimring causes an exception to the "attacker decides" rule. The breath moves from the figure out - so closest to furthest
is the order of hit. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- - ARROW GRUTS : Beast Bonding
As a beast, Mimring may benefit from Arrow Gruts BEAST BONDING activation synergy.
- - GREENSCALE WARRIORS : As a Unique Huge Dragon Hero, Mimring may be chosen as to benefit from the Greenscale Warriors' LIZARD KING BONDING activation synergy.
- - ORNAK : Red Flag of Fury
As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Mimring may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- - GREENSCALE WARRIORS : Loyalty to the Lizard King
As a Unique Huge Dragon Hero, if selected as the Greenscale Warriors "Lizard King," Mimring may aid the Greenscale Warriors with their LOYALTY TO THE LIZARD KING Attack and Defense enhancements.
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Dragon, Mimring provides the Nhah Scirh Cultists one additional attack die when it is targeted.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- - TBA
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking
@MKSentinel/@Jexik: Fitting well into an Arrow Grut army, Mimring can be devastating at times. His 150-point death before doing much damage can be equally devastating. B-
@OrcElfArmyOne B-
@dok B-
@Cleon Tier 7 (104/319)
Master Index
Ambushing from Bio? http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=6779
LOS? http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=549
Target Zone…WHY? http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=2434
Fireline and Castle? http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=2436
Unit Strategy Review
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