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The Book of Meteorite


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The Book of Meteorite



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Critical Mass set.
Its model number and name are #055 / Moonstone.
Its model number and name are #056-057 / Meteorite.
Its model number and name are #219 / Dr. Karla Sofen.
Character Bio - Karla Sofen was born in California grew up as the child of Karl Sofen a butler. After her father died, her mother (Marion Sofen) worked three jobs to put her daughter through college, and Karla vowed never to end up like her mother, to never put another's needs before her own. Despite building a successful practice as a psychologist and psychiatrist, Karla so disliked being dependent on her patients for income that she entered the super-criminal world as an aide to Doctor Faustus. Learning of the original Moonstone (Lloyd Bloch) she became his psychologist and manipulated him into rejecting the source of his powers, an extraterrestrial gem of considerable power, which she then acquired and absorbed to gain the powers of Moonstone. As Moonstone she fought the Avengers in the third Masters of Evil and later in the fourth Masters of Evil under Baron Zemo. She participated in the Masters' takeover of Avengers Mansion. She battled Captain Marvel and became paralyzed for a time. She later captured and decided to serve out her prison term and give up her criminal life.

When Zemo formed a group of villains to masquerade as heroes, he broke Moonstone out of the Vault and she reluctantly returned to villainy as Meteorite, a member of the Thunderbolts.


-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Can a figure affected by Blinding Light use a special power that requires clear sight on a figure adjacent to them?
    A: No. Blinding Light completely prevents figures from using special powers that require clear sight, regardless of where the figure is. They can still attack adjacent figures though, because that does not require clear sight.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

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Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 210

Before moving, you may choose one Unique Hero adjacent to Meteorite and remove one unrevealed Order Marker at random from the chosen figure's Army Card. If Meteorite attacks the chosen figure this turn, subtract one skull from whatever is rolled. Manipulation cannot be used against figures with the Valiant personality and can only be used once per round.

Meteorite can move through all figures, Fortress Walls, and obstacles, and is never attacked when leaving an engagement. Meteorite cannot be targeted by opponents' non-adjacent figures for any attacks or for any opponents' special powers that require clear sight.

Opponents' figures within 5 clear sight spaces of Meteorite cannot use attacks or special powers that require clear sight. Figures with the Blind Warrior or Sensory Assault special power are not affected by Blinding Light.


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Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Good stuff A3n. :)

I don't know that she would be human, as she absorbed the power of a Moonstone that she doesn't have any longer, so that would make her mutate.

For her personality, I can't think of the term off-hand, but she likes to play mind games and has messed with her teammates on the Thunderbolts.

I guess that at some point, Moonstone can be done as well since that's Karla's most iconic character, as Meteorite was just a brief period relative to her history. Probably the same stuff but change out Negotiation and give her something more sinister than Protector. Wow, that's usually seems to have been DC only type thing, though usually DC has 6 people playing the same character. :p
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Sounds like she's Manipulative, Hahma. Or maybe Mischievous or Tricky.

All the powers are reuses, so nothing to vet there. :) I don't know her, so if she seems thematic to Hahma, :up: from me.

DCU is all about being generational, Hahma, so, yeah, lots of "rite of passage/coming of age" type stuff.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Yep Bats, that the exact word that was escaping me, Manipulative. :)

Yeah, I just like to give you DC guys a hard time. :p

Aside from having lots of people playing the same character, they love to have their "Lads, Girls, Boys, Kids etc." They start them young over there. :D
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Whereas Marvel likes it's She-stuff and Man-things. :p
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Yeah, and those are stupid too. :puke:
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Critical Mass set.
Its model number and name are #056-057 / Meteorite.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

From what I understand, Critical Mass #055 - Moonstone is the same exact figure, so that should be in there.

Not really familiar with her at all as Meteorite, but the first post seems good if a bit powerful as far as basic stats go.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Well I don't know Johnny, she's got some powerful powers. When being compared to Graviton, though not as powerful, she's no small potatoes.

If anything, I could see her moved dropped to 6.

The old Moonstone wasn't this powerful from what I had seen of her vs. the Avengers, but the new Moonstone in the more current Thunderbolts is pretty powerful. I'm not super familiar with Karla's power level as Meteorite, which is between the two other versions of her as far as time goes.

Spidey could be of great help here.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

According to wiki she has superhuman speed & since we use 6 for peak humans I thought 7 was justified. :shrug:

I believe Meteorite was just the name she chose to use at one point - when she was secretly working to undermine Zemo, I think.

I probably don't like Protector as a class here. But Manipulative is brilliant for the personality. :up:

I can see she could be Mutate but the stone can be extracted from her & she would be just human again so does that really qualify as Mutate?
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I'm fine with the 7 move, I was just thinking of the only thing that I thought might be changeable if Johnny was worried about her power level.

Yeah, Meteorite was just a different name she used for a while when pretending to be a good guy.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I feel like dropping her Defense to 5 would be fair... 5/6 with Range includes top-tier villains like Doctor Doom and Kang, and I feel like 5/5 feels like the top border or something. She's sort of a minor villain, I feel.

Eh, I dunno, mostly psychological, it's not really a big deal.

She's definitely a Mutate, though. The Wrecking Crew are Mutates and their similarly only empowered by magical artifacts so, yeah.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I'm pro-Mutate from the sounds of her backstory.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Hmm... Wikipedia just talks about her manipulating "hard air". Any better references I could get online for her?

Also, I was kind of excited for a meteorite DO design because I was totally unaware of the character. I may just have to make a DO version....
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Also, I was kind of excited for a meteorite DO design because I was totally unaware of the character. I may just have to make a DO version....

That's exactly what I thought this was, too. :lol:
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Hmm... Wikipedia just talks about her manipulating "hard air". Any better references I could get online for her?

Also, I was kind of excited for a meteorite DO design because I was totally unaware of the character. I may just have to make a DO version....

her page on Marvel Comic Database. It has her as Moonstone and there's a section in there as Meteorite.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Hmm... Wikipedia just talks about her manipulating "hard air". Any better references I could get online for her?

Also, I was kind of excited for a meteorite DO design because I was totally unaware of the character. I may just have to make a DO version....

her page on Marvel Comic Database. It has her as Moonstone and there's a section in there as Meteorite.

Thanks! That's a much better reference. The Wikipedia page was about Meteorite / Valerie Barnhardt.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I prefer Marvel Comic Database for my Marvel character info. There's a DC Comic Database as well. :)
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Hmm... Wikipedia just talks about her manipulating "hard air". Any better references I could get online for her?

Also, I was kind of excited for a meteorite DO design because I was totally unaware of the character. I may just have to make a DO version....

her page on Marvel Comic Database. It has her as Moonstone and there's a section in there as Meteorite.

Thanks! That's a much better reference. The Wikipedia page was about Meteorite / Valerie Barnhardt.

Yeah, totally different people. :D
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

Should we use the Moonstone name, then, if Meteorite was only used briefly?

I only know her from Dark Avengers (And never as Meteorite), so I don't know her too well. Negotiation seems weird since she seemed a bit psycho to me, but I'll leave the theme to you.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I'm cool either way. :) DC guy.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

I thought the costume she is wearing on the clix (particularly the headgear) was the one she used as Meteorite though. :shrug: Correct me Hahma if she also wore it as Moonstone.
Re: The Book of Meteorite - Design Phase

You're right, but this is the one I am designing for:

So the question is:
Did she wear this outfit as Moonstone or just as Meteorite?
And if she did wear it as both, would it be passable to use this one as Meteorite & leave the clix of her in her other white costume for another Moonstone design?