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The Book of Master Lao Xin


Night of the Living Plastic
Site Supporter
The Book of Master Lao Xin
C3V Wave 8 - Curse of Stormtorn Peak - Heroes of a Bygone Age



The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure. The figure name is Seven Deadly Brothers #005 from the Superman set.

Character Bio: Master Lao Xin has been summoned by Ullar. He leads all monks, across all generals, as their Sifu: a master, teacher, or leader. A master of many martial arts, Lao Xin's attacks never miss their target.

After revealing an Order Marker on Master Lao Xin, instead of taking that turn with Master Xin, you may take a turn with one Monk hero you control and either another Monk hero or a Monk Squad you control. You may choose which one to activate first. Master Xin may be one of the chosen Monk Heroes. Any other figure that is taking a turn with Sifu must be within clear sight of Master Xin before moving.

When rolling attack dice for a normal attack, Master Xin always adds 1 automatic skull to whatever is rolled.

Instead of his normal move, Master Xin may use Stealth Leap 25. Stealth Leap 25 has a move of 3. When counting spaces for Stealth Leap 25, ignore elevations. Master Xin may leap over water without stopping, leap over figures without becoming engaged, and leap over obstacles such as ruins. Master Xin may not leap more than 25 levels up or down in a single leap. If Master Xin is engaged when he starts his Stealth Leap 25, he will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-

  • Q: Would Master Lao Xin be able to use the treasure glyph Revenant's Tome when using his Sifu power?
    A: Yes, if Master Lao Xin is one of the units to take a turn.
    Master Lao Xin would be able to use Revenant's Tome immediately before taking his turn. If he is the second unit to take a turn, Revenant's Tome would be used between the two turns.
  • - STEALTH LEAP 25 : “Single Leap” Clarification
    In Stealth Leap 25 it says "Master Lao Xin may not leap more than 25 levels up or down in a single leap." Does a single leap mean one of the 3 moves that Stealth Leap 25 contains or the total of the leap?
    It refers to the total up and down movement of the Stealth Leap move. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Leaping Over Lava
    Can Master Lao Xin use Stealth Leap 25 to leap over molten lava without taking molten lava damage?
    Yes. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Total Up/Down Movement
    If Master Master Lao Xin Stealth Leaps over a 16 level high castle wall, would he be able to land 10 levels down on the other side of it?
    Yes. The total up or down movement cannot be more than 25 levels above or below the level you started on. You ignore elevations up to 25 levels because Master Lao Xin cannot leap higher than that. Wherever you land, it cannot be more than 25 levels above or below the level you started on. (dnutt99)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Leaping Across Obstacles
    Can Master Lao Xin Stealth Leap over a 30 level deep canyon if he lands on the same level on the other side?
    Yes. The total up or down movement for that leap was 0, so that is fine. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Falling Damage
    Does Master Lao Xin take falling damage when he stealth leaps less than 25 levels down?
    No, he does not take falling damage as long as he is Stealth Leaping less than 25 levels down. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Enhanced Movement
    Can Master Lao Xin's Stealth Leap 25 be enhanced by roads or other movement bonuses?
    No, Stealth Leap 25 is not enhanced by anything and has a maximum movement of 3 hexes. (dnutt99)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Leaping Over Terrain Occupied By Other Units
    A narrow wall of terrain rises from a flat field, one hex wide, 10 hexes long and 20 hexes tall, barring the Monk's path. Master Lao Xin wishes to LEAP over the wall, and could ordinarily do so since his LEAP is able to clear a maximum height of 25. However, 10 Minions of Utgar stand along the 10 hexes of the wall-top. Minions are height 6 figures. Does this situation represent a "total height" of 26 (terrain 20 + figures 6 = 26) making the LEAP impossible? Or do the Minion figures NOT count toward the total height that the Master Monk must clear (and thus the is allowed to make this, a height 20 LEAP)?
    A figure's height doesn't add height to the terrain as it is not a wall or a part of the terrain. The monk would be able to leap to the safety of the above height before he started Assaulting the Minions. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - STEALTH LEAP 25 : Stealth Leaping "Through" Figures
    Can Master Lao Xin Stealth Leap through a space that is occupied by another unit if there is not enough room to physically move him through that space? (Like an enemy unit standing in a 'window' of terrain.)
    Master Lao Xin would be able to stealth leap over/through the figure. Remember, figures are not walls. Also, when it comes to "space" there is a point where you just have to draw a line. Even if the figure was encased in the window, and it seems the leaping figure wouldn't be able to leap through/over it, he can. He's a crazy leaping monk. And he's awesome. (Hasbro FAQ)

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

  • EBON ARMOR : Animated Materiel & Eternal War
    As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Master Lao Xin's Army Card to replace Master Lao Xin upon his own destruction.
  • ACOLARH: Ullar's Amulet
    As a unit that follows Ullar,
    Master Lao Xin may benefit from Acolarh's ULLAR'S AMULET movement bonus.
  • MASTER WIN CHIU WOO : Master's Influence
    As Monk,
    Master Lao Xin may benefit from Master Win Chiu Woo's MASTER'S INFLUENCE attack, and defense bonuses.

Synergy Benefits Offered

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index
The Shaolin Street Sweeper (Master Woo + Master Lao Xin + Monks x3) is on par with the old Steamroller. B

Unit Strategy Review

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Just a heads up, but there's a minor typo on the list of monks under Sifu. It calls Master Woo "Master Win Chui Woo" instead of Master Win Chiu Woo.
He also benefits from Acolarh's Ullar's Amulet and Master Win Chiu Woo's Master's Influence.
He also offers benefits to Ebon Armor (Animated Materiel).
Added Acolarh's Ullar's Amulet, and the Ebon Armor Animated Materiel info. However Master Win Chiu Woo's Master's Influence only affects squad figures.
Just a heads up, but there's a minor typo on the list of monks under Sifu. It calls Master Woo "Master Win Chui Woo" instead of Master Win Chiu Woo.
Fixed. Thanks for catching that.
Part of Master Win Chiu Woo's Master's Influence only affects squad figures (the enhancement to Stealth Leap), but the extra attack and defense die only states Monk figures that you control, so it should still work for these new Monk heroes.
Part of Master Win Chiu Woo's Master's Influence only affects squad figures (the enhancement to Stealth Leap), but the extra attack and defense die only states Monk figures that you control, so it should still work for these new Monk heroes.
Huh... I never noticed that. Master Woo is much more valuable now.
This guy doesn't excite me nearly as much as I had hoped that he would. I understand that the idea was to make the Monks into their own army, and there are only so many ways to do that, but I can't shake the feeling that I've seen Master Lao Xin before.

Kato Katsuro, flawed though he may have been, was a unique way of managing Order Markers for Samurai and buffing the Ashigaru, separate from the Bonding Common squads that we would typically see. If my memory serves me correctly, the closest thing to Kato that we officially saw was the Red Skull in Marvel HeroScape.

Kantono Daishi, however, took the idea behind Kato and made it work well, transforming the disparate ninjas into a 500pt army. He seemed like a strictly improved Kato to me, and since there were few other ways to help the ninjas (along with them being commonly associated with Samurai), it didn't bother me too much.

With Xin, however, I don't see as strong of a thematic link, and this is already after we have seen very similar powers before. Since the standalone Monk heroes were all (expertly) designed by C3V, I would've liked to see something else than essentially making another Kantono Daishi for the Monks. Kato, Kantono, and Lao Xin each have their own quirks, of course, but they practically fulfill the same role.

I love C3V for their creativity and dedication towards this game (units like the 8th Infantry Pathfinder and Tomoe Gozen are radically different from what we've seen before but are still able to create a functional army), but Lao Xin is the only figure so far that I haven't been a huge fan of. Admittedly, I find it hard to imagine how else a bunch of Monk heroes and a common squad can become an effective army without a very Lao Xin-like figure, but I saw a mention that the Lawmen would be getting a leader next, and I wanted to voice my concerns that all of these leaders would feel too similar to each other if they used the same types of powers.

That all said, I look forward to seeing the next release C3V has planned, and I'd like to thank everyone for the many hours that they put into each and every unit that they design.
This guy doesn't excite me nearly as much as I had hoped that he would. I understand that the idea was to make the Monks into their own army, and there are only so many ways to do that, but I can't shake the feeling that I've seen Master Lao Xin before.

Kato Katsuro, flawed though he may have been, was a unique way of managing Order Markers for Samurai and buffing the Ashigaru, separate from the Bonding Common squads that we would typically see. If my memory serves me correctly, the closest thing to Kato that we officially saw was the Red Skull in Marvel HeroScape.

Kantono Daishi, however, took the idea behind Kato and made it work well, transforming the disparate ninjas into a 500pt army. He seemed like a strictly improved Kato to me, and since there were few other ways to help the ninjas (along with them being commonly associated with Samurai), it didn't bother me too much.

With Xin, however, I don't see as strong of a thematic link, and this is already after we have seen very similar powers before. Since the standalone Monk heroes were all (expertly) designed by C3V, I would've liked to see something else than essentially making another Kantono Daishi for the Monks. Kato, Kantono, and Lao Xin each have their own quirks, of course, but they practically fulfill the same role.

I love C3V for their creativity and dedication towards this game (units like the 8th Infantry Pathfinder and Tomoe Gozen are radically different from what we've seen before but are still able to create a functional army), but Lao Xin is the only figure so far that I haven't been a huge fan of. Admittedly, I find it hard to imagine how else a bunch of Monk heroes and a common squad can become an effective army without a very Lao Xin-like figure, but I saw a mention that the Lawmen would be getting a leader next, and I wanted to voice my concerns that all of these leaders would feel too similar to each other if they used the same types of powers.

That all said, I look forward to seeing the next release C3V has planned, and I'd like to thank everyone for the many hours that they put into each and every unit that they design.
I'm inclined to agree. While I'm glad to see support for the monks, as I really like them, (and felt that Master Woo was over priced with just the Shaolin Monks to buff) I wish that this support had been implemented in a different way. It's current implementation is not bad really, it just seems like it was "the easy way out".

If they add support for the Lawmen, I would prefer to see it in the form of a squad/pose of deputies that bonds with them, instead of Sheriff Kato Kantono Lao Xin. That or a Hero that has a catch to the bonding, like Deathcommander Mark 3, to make it more interesting.
Although it is the “cheap way out” I like him. Wished it was worded better, (maybe like my Kato Katsuro CUA) but OK with it. I agree for lawmen, maybe have something different than double bonding, maybe combine Deathcommander Mark III with Omegacron somehow, or like Greenscales where you pick two or three lawmen at beginning of game to bond with each other, but that’s another discussion.

Will definitely need to think of good army ideas between 450 and 600. Only issues is I will have to proxy Shaolin Monks and a couple of the Monk heroes. Even Ebon Armor would be good with them.
I've commented elsewhere about my disappointment with him. He's grown on me a little bit, but I still feel that the wording is really off on Sifu. I can't really say how I would have worded it, but it just feels clumsy as it is, something very unlike C3V designs. What the ability accomplishes is pretty great, but I think it does so at the expense of elegance.

Not all designs can be masterpieces though. I've still gladly added him to my collection amidst all of C3V's more elegant designs.
The text of the power was shortened to fit the available space on the card. Our editors did a great job building new wording from scratch that accomplished the same effect as Kato et al. while taking up fewer lines.
The text of the power was shortened to fit the available space on the card. Our editors did a great job building new wording from scratch that accomplished the same effect as Kato et al. while taking up fewer lines.
That's it. Space was a major problem. We had to shorten the wording as much as possible while still keeping the power the same.
The C3V Rules Team would like to add the following R&Cs:
Q: Would Master Lao Xin be able to use the treasure glyph Revenant's Tome when using his Sifu power?
A: Yes, if Master Lao Xin is one of the units to take a turn.
Master Lao Xin would be able to use Revenant's Tome immediately before taking his turn. If he is the second unit to take a turn, Revenant's Tome would be used between the two turns.
The C3V Rules Team would like to add the following R&Cs:
Q: Would Master Lao Xin be able to use the treasure glyph Revenant's Tome when using his Sifu power?
A: Yes, if Master Lao Xin is one of the units to take a turn.
Master Lao Xin would be able to use Revenant's Tome immediately before taking his turn. If he is the second unit to take a turn, Revenant's Tome would be used between the two turns.
I'm hoping to run a Shaolin Street Sweeper build at SoCal Slaughter 2018:

Master Lao
Chen Tang
3x Monks

520 points, 12 figures, 13 spaces
I'm hoping to run a Shaolin Street Sweeper build at SoCal Slaughter 2018:

Master Lao
Chen Tang
3x Monks

520 points, 12 figures, 13 spaces

Zetacron is my favorite monk. I'm glad to see that he's finally getting some recognition.

In all seriousness, that looks pretty good. Replacing Master Win Chiu Woo with Zetacron and Chen Tang is an interesting way to diversify the army, which I think will help against ranged forces.
Can this dude Sifu himself twice, being a Monk you can activate? I assume not, that would be huge. Also assume you can't take a turn with a different Monk hero twice.

Really cool figure. Lots of possibilities. Kind of reminds me of Zaeus and Gorillinators; the Shaolins still a bit of a struggle but definitely better now that you can get a free bond with them. Running x1 Shaolins with him is likeable.

These new Monk heroes are very cool.
Your interpretation is correct, note that it says "another Monk hero," which means it can't be the same as the first.

I like x2 Shaolins with him, and fill in some other monk heroes depending on space and point limits.
Your interpretation is correct, note that it says "another Monk hero," which means it can't be the same as the first.

I like x2 Shaolins with him, and fill in some other monk heroes depending on space and point limits.

That's what I figured. Still a good figure, I like him. If more monks come out he could get really good.
Just played a few games with Master LX, and the enhanced monk faction is a fantastic design from the C3V team. I think the ability to choose bonding order and targets creates lots of interesting options that the standard melee bonding doesn't have. I liked running both Yi Feng and Zhen Yuan as they can punch an opposing hero really hard while maintaining board presence.
In your opinion, does Master Lao Xin really help the Monks by himself, or is he mostly the Mover of Woo™? Granted, the extra attack per order marker is helpful, but I can imagine you would also want to draft Master Woo for boosting the monks.
In your opinion, does Master Lao Xin really help the Monks by himself, or is he mostly the Mover of Woo™? Granted, the extra attack per order marker is helpful, but I can imagine you would also want to draft Master Woo for boosting the monks.

The double bonding is great with Lao Xin. Master Woo gives them a much needed +1 attack/+1 defense.

Both of them are a core part of a Monk army.
The double bonding is great with Lao Xin. Master Woo gives them a much needed +1 attack/+1 defense.

Both of them are a core part of a Monk army.

Yes, the pair makes up a powerful core for the Monk army, but has anyone tried leaving out Master Woo? It sounds only half effective because the Monks really benefit from Master Woo's influence. Including some of the other monk heroes instead sounds interesting, as mentioned in the previous post.