The Book of MACH-I
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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Sinister set.
Its model number and name are #040-042 / MACH-1, MACH-3, MACH-4.
Its model number and name are #202 / Abner Jenkins.

Comic PDF

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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Sinister set.
Its model number and name are #040-042 / MACH-1, MACH-3, MACH-4.
Its model number and name are #202 / Abner Jenkins.
Character Bio - Abner Jenkins was first known as the Beetle, a small-time enemy to heroes like Spider-Man and the Human Torch. Abe donned the guise of MACH-I when he joined the Thunderbolts, Helmut Zemo's new team of supervillains masquerading as heroes. Abe had been regarded as a failure throughout his criminal career, and found that he enjoyed the public admiration that came with the lifestyle of a hero. He quickly emerged as the most truly heroic of the Thunderbolts. When the Thunderbolts were outed to the public as villains, Abe joined most of his teammates in turning against Zemo and putting an end to his schemes.
Despite his heroic nature, Abe also had more skeletons in his closet than did his teammates; he was the only one with murder on his rap sheet. After the Thunderbolts defeated Zemo, Abe turned himself over to the police to prove that the Thunderbolts were sincerely trying to reform their ways. Abe went to prison for his crimes, but was eventually pardoned.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-
Incoming Synergy:
- As a Human, MACH-I has these Human Synergies.
- As a Charlatan, MACH-I has these Charlatan Synergies.
- As a Repentant figure, MACH-I has these Repentant Synergies.
- As a figure with the Super Strength special power, MACH-I has these Super Strength Synergies.
- N/A
- As a Human, MACH-I interacts differently with these special powers.
- As a figure with a special attack, MACH-I may interact differently with these special powers.
- As a flying figure, MACH-I interacts differently with these special powers.
- As a figure with the Super Strength special power, MACH-I interacts differently with these special powers.
- Flying figures may bypass MACH-I's Evasive Flying special power. Current Flying Figures.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
- Initial playtest: Ronin
- Second playtest: Lazy Orang
- Third playtest: Ronin
- Fourth playtest: japes
- Art: Comic, Figure, Background
- Art by japes
- Beetle created by Stan Lee and Carl Burgos
- MACH-I persona created by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley
- Comic art by Declan Shalvey
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