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The Book of Low-Light


C3G Landlord
Site Supporter
The Book of Low-Light



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

Night Vison Alternative cards:
Spoiler Alert!

The figure used for this unit is a repainted and modified Heroclix figure from the Deadpool Booster set.
Its model number and name are #001 / Agent X.

It also uses the scope from the Heroclix figure from the Clobberin Time set.
Its model number and name is #004-006 / S.H.I.E.L.D. Sniper.

How to Mod and Repaint this figure


Character Bio - His childhood was not an easy one. The dark had given him near endless nightmares. He feared the creatures of the dark and loud noises startle him. His father often took him on hunting trips to accustom him to his phobias. In an unfortunate incident, if you could call it that, on one trip the two were separated and Low-Light was forced to fend for himself for several weeks. When authorities finally found him, he has changed. He used to be afraid of the bogeyman, now he has become one himself. Low-Light can maintain his position and be still for hours. It doesn't matter what advantage the enemy has, when the sun goes down, and you can't even see two inches from you, that is where Low-Light truly reigns. Low-Light's superb sniper skill enables him to pick off his targets in even the lowest of illumination affordable. He prefers to maintain his own night-vision equipment. He actually made his own innovations in image-intensification, mostly self-taught, and even holds two patents from his efforts. (joepedia)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Can I use the Deadly Shot power to double the automatic skull I receive from the Sniper Targeting power?

    A: No, Deadly Shot only doubles the skulls rolled on your attack dice for that attack, it has no impact on skulls generated by other means.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • A lot of soft synergy can be generated for a unit like Low-Light. General stat boosters capable of helping him roll more attack dice pairs well with the Double Shot power. Then any figure than can help move Low-Light into position on their own turn is good for two reasons. Sniper Targeting only works when Low-Light does not need to move on his turn, so being moved by other units is a big boon for that power. Then being able to move Low-Light up to high ground or onto a shadow space quicker also helps his effectiveness.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 160

When Low-Light attacks a figure on a Shadow Tile, the defending figure does not receive any additional defense dice for the Shadow Tile. Low-Light cannot be targeted by non-adjacent figures for any special powers or attacks while on a Shadow Tile.

If Low-Light does not move this turn, you may add 3 to his Range number and 1 automatic skull to whatever is rolled when he attacks a non-adjacent figure.

When attacking with Low-Light, each skull rolled counts as an additional hit.
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Spoiler Alert!
Mini Pics:
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2nd set using natural light:
Spoiler Alert!
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Does the defense subtraction on Night Fighter just work for all opponent’s figures as long as Low Light is alive?
Hopefully one of these will work. Not a ton of options.






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Does the defense subtraction on Night Fighter just work for all opponent’s figures as long as Low Light is alive?

Good catch, that needs to be cleaned up. Just posted where I left it in the Joe thread. Intent is it only works for his attacks, not everyone else's. Although if that is something we want to explore here, I'd be open to that. When pulling the Bio together, his joepediea entry talks about how he has 2 patents for nightvision equipment. So he could be a guy that hands out nightvision gear to the other members of the team at the start of battle if we wanted that. Maybe that would give him a Commando synergy hook to help build out the team a little more.
Low-Light may not be targeted by any non-adjacent opponents' attacks or special powers that requires clear sight while occupying a Shadow tile. For the rest of the game, opponents figures who occupy a Shadow Tile roll 1 fewer defense dice when attacked by a Commando figure you control.
Background for the mini could be just about anyplace where a sniper might set up shop. A blasted out building would match up well with the grey/black outfit without having to put him in the dark. Would also give him an Enemy at the Gates vibe.



Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Random question but if I did the art here could I do a night vision alt card? (Like it's in the greens and whatnot of looking through night vision googles.) That seems fun to me.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Pretty straightforward. Looks good.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

He's like a combo of Merlyn and Deadshot, so a simple enough design. I like opening the bonus against Shadows to all Commandoes. Snow Job does something similar for snow/ice bonuses.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Random question but if I did the art here could I do a night vision alt card? (Like it's in the greens and whatnot of looking through night vision googles.) That seems fun to me.

No problem with me. Sounds pretty cool actually. Just check with Japes on it as he's been signing up for a lot of Joe cards. Low-Light isn't that popular a character though, so I can't imagine he'd have a problem with letting you have him.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

He's like a combo of Merlyn and Deadshot, so a simple enough design. I like opening the bonus against Shadows to all Commandoes. Snow Job does something similar for snow/ice bonuses.

Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Cool, I'll update with that for sure then. Wet Suit can do something like give all Commando's scuba gear at the start of the game so they have slither throughout then and we can keep this Joe specialist boosting Commando's thing going. Dusty something with Sand tiles, Recondo something with Jungle Plants.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Snow Job actually boosts both soldiers and commandos while on snow or ice. I think low-light is good with just commando though. Is this something we need to change with Snow-Job and future environment Joes or is it ok for them to boost both classes?
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

It's fine with me if they all work a little differently. So it's up to the LD and character IMO. I am really warming up to the idea of having Commando themed powers that continue after they are KOed though.

Rip Cord's bombs can be set off even after he's no longer around, now Low Light is handing out night vision googles at the start of the game that don't disappear after he's gone. I was just thinking if I ever find a good Recondo mini option, then he could provide the Commando's (and natives?) with Jungle Camo that makes them invisible when next to a Jungle Plant. That would continue after he goes down too. Seems like a good idea when the theme works out for low life/def/point level units that are part of one team. Otherwise guys get picked off too quickly for their 'specialist' contribution to have a real impact. Was thinking if you wanted to revisit it, Snow Job could hand out snow shoes and everyone would move normally on snow tiles even after he goes down. I don't think the theme will work for everyone, but I'm going to keep in in mind going forward.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

I've got a reaper miniature that is perfect for Recondo, right down to the mustache. No modding, just paint required.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Oh yeah. I think you may have shown me that one before. That would work out great.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

Random question but if I did the art here could I do a night vision alt card? (Like it's in the greens and whatnot of looking through night vision googles.) That seems fun to me.

Sounds really cool. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

I think having all your commandos boost a different range of figures (just soldiers, just commandos, soldiers and commandos) is a bad precedent for the faction and is poor design making it harder on the end user to remember which effects apply on each different figure. Constantly having to reference the difference between Snow Job and Low Light mid game sounds unfun.

Also not a fan of stacking a bunch of "for the rest of the game" boosts into a faction, I thought Rip Cord did it just so you could get use out of his Glyphs when he died. Doing it for every commando just increases the complexity and power of the designs too much. Normally if there's a problematic boost being provided to the opponent's army you can take down the figure in question. That's how the game works. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Breathing

SP is up to date.

I Propose Low-Light for an Initial PT

Yoda - yea
tickle - nay
Nobody - yea
Arch - yea
LP - yea
Bats - yea
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Re: The Book of Low-Light / Vote Initial PT!

Nay, you didn’t even bother responding to my concerns.
Re: The Book of Low-Light / Vote Initial PT!

I gave it 24 hours and no one responded to your post. You stand alone on an island here.