Caretaker of the Custom Realm
Re: The Book of Loki - VOTE for PLAYTESTING
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- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak.
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.
- Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero/ Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Yes, at about 420. He seems rather niche. He has his moments, but it depends mostly on your roll.
Spoiler Alert!
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Loki Vs. Thor
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 2 Thor gave Loki 3 wounds with God of Thunder Strike Special Attack, and Loki revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleportation. In round 2 turn 1 Loki gave Thor 1 wound and Thor gave Loki 3 wounds. In turn 2 Loki revealed the X to move with with Deceptive Teleportation. In turn 3 Thor took out Loki with 4 skulls Vs. 3 shields. Loki missed all of his God of Evil rolls. Loki had 6 prior wounds and Thor had 1. Thor won.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units:Lovi Vs. Superman
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 3 Loki gave Superman 3 wounds and Loki took out superman with God of Evil with a roll of 17+4 for the valiant personality. Superman had 3 prior wounds and Loki had none. Loki won.
Map: Turret rocks
Units: Loki Vs. Doomsday
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 2 Loki gave Doomsday 5 wounds and loki took out Doomsday with God of Evil with a roll of 18. Doomsady had 5 prior wounds and loki had none. Loki won.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Loki Vs. Hulk
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 2 Loki gave Hulk 1 wound. In turn 3 Hulk gave Loki 1 wound and Loki gave Hulk 1 wound. In round 2 turn 1 Hulk gave Loki 3 wounds and Loki gave Hulk 3 wounds and revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleportation. In turn 2 Loki gave Hulk 1 wound with God of Evil and Loki took out Hulk with a roll of 3 skulls Vs. 1 shield. Hulk had 6 prior wounds and Loki had 4. Loki won.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Loki Vs. Flash & Batman
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 2 Loki gave Flash 3 wounds. In round 2 turn 1 Loki took out Flash. In turn 3 Batman gave Loki 1 wound. In round 3 turn 1 Loki took out Batman with God of Evil. Loki had 1 prior wound and Batman had none. Loki won.
- Squad / Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Yes, at about 420. He held his own fairly well, but didn't have very good rolls
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Loki Vs. 7x Stingers
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 2 Stingers gave Loki 1 wound. In Turn 3 Lki took out 1 Stingerand revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleportation. In round 2 turn 3 Loki took out out 1 Stinger. In round 3 turn 1 Loki took out 1 Stinger and Stingers gave Loki 2 wounds. In turn 3 Loki took out 1 stinger and revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleport. In round 4 turn 1 lost 1 Stinger to Stinger Drain. In turn 2 Loki took out 1 Stinger and Stingers gave Loki 1 wound. In turn 3 Loki took out 1 Stinger and revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleport. In round 5 turn 1 Loki took out 1 Stinger. In turn 2 Loki took out 1 Stinger and 1 Stinger lost to Stinger Drain. In turn 3 Loki took out 1 Stinger and Stingers gave Loki 2 wounds. In round 6 turn 1 Stingers took out Loki with a roll of 4 skulls Vs. 3 shields. There were 9 Stingers destroyed, and 2 lost to Stinger Drain, and Loki had 6 Prior wounds. Stingers won.
- Army Test/ Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Yes, at 420. He really fills out an army.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Elektra, Bullseye, 7xHand Ninjas(940) Vs. Loki, Nightcrawler, Thaal Sinestro, Boob, Spotter(940)
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 3 Nightcrawler used Teleport Evade to dodge Elektra'sattack and Bullseye gave Nightcrawler 2 wounds. In round 2 turn 1 Bullseye took out Night Crawler. In turn 3 Elektra gave Sinsestro 1 wound and Bullseye gave Loki 1 wound. In round 3 turn 1 Sinistro took out 1 Hand Ninja and Bullseye took 1 wound due to falling damage and gave Loki 1 wound. In turn 2 Elektra gave Loki and Bob 1 wound each with Deadly Barrage Special Attack, and Bullseye gave Loki 1 wound. In turn 3 Loki gave Bullseye 3 wounds and revealed the X to move with Decepetive Teleportation, and Elektra took out Shield Spotter and Bullseye gave Sinistro 1 wound. In round 4 turn 1 Elektra took out Bob. In turn 2 Sinistro gave Elektra 4 wounds. In turn 3 Elektra gave Sinistro 1 wound with Deadly Barrage Special Attack and Sinistro blocked Bullseye's attack with Yelow power Shield. and Hand Ninja's gave Sinistro 1 wound, and Loki revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleportation. In round5 turn 1 Sinistro took out 1 Hand Ninja and Sinistro used Yellow Power Shield to block Bullseye's attack, and again to block 2 attacks from Hand Ninjas. In turn 2 Bullseye gave Loki 1 wound and Hand Ninjas took out Sinistro. In turn 3 Loki took out Elektra and revealed the X to move with Deceptive Teleport, and Bullseye took out loki with a roll of 3 skulls Vs. 1 shield. Loki had 5 prior wounds, Bullseye had 4, and there were 2 Hand Ninjas destroyed. Loki never made his God of Evil rolls.
- Army Test/ Does it pass, Yes or No? What should be the unit's point value? Give a brief summary. Yes, at $20. He really added some strategy with the Om placements.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Thor, Batman, Green Arrow Connor, Green Arrow Oliver, SHIELD Sniper, SHIELD Spotter(1000) Vs. Loki, Punisher, Huntress, Daredevil, 2x Shield Spotter(1000)
Spoiler Alert!In round 1 turn 3 Punisher took 2 wounds from Green Arrow Oliver. In round 2 turn 1 Thor took 2 wounds from Ruthless Counter Strike and punisher gave Green Arrow Oliver 2 wounds with Armor Piercing Rocket Special Attack. In turn 2 Punisher took out Green Arrow Oliver, and gave Green Arrow Connor 2 wounds with his Assault Riffle. In turn 3 Huntress gave Thor 3 wounds. In round 3 team Green Arrow removed the X OM at random from Loki's card. In turn 1 Thor took 1 wound from Ruthless Counter Strike. In turn 2 Punisher took out Green Arrow Connor. In round 4 tunr 1 Thor failed to use God of Thunder STrike Special Attack. In turn 2 Punisher took 1 wound from Batman's Evasive Strike and Batman took 3 wounds from Punisher's Assualt Riffle. In turn 3 Batman took out Punisher. In round 5 Team Green Arrow removed the1 OM at random from Loki's Card. In turn 1 Thor gve Loki 1 wound with Mjolnir Special Attack, and Huntress took out Thor with Ruthless Counter Strike. In turn 2 Batman gave Daredevil 2 wounds with Batarang Special Attack and Daredevil took out Batman with a roll of 1 skull Vs. a null. In round 6 turn 2 Daredevil took out SHIELD Spotter. In round 7 turn 1 Huntress Took out SHIELD Sniper. Loki had 1 prior wound, and Daredevil and Huntress both had 2. Team Loki won.
He's ok one on one, but it really depends on the rolls. Against squads he fairs ok, but unless he can get his rolls he's toast. In an army is where he really shines. Overall he was very thematic for the God of Trickery, Mischief, and Evil. I loved the design, and can't wait for his release.