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The Book of Living Mummy


Supernatural Mystic
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The Book of Living Mummy



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Amazing Spider-Man set.
Its model number and name are #011 / Living Mummy.


Character Bio - Millennia ago, N'Kantu was a slave - mightiest of the Swarili people, he was forced by the Egyptian Pharaoh Aram-Set to construct magnificent monuments in his image. But N'Kantu did not bow so easily, and soon fell in with a contingent of rebels. Their uprising failed - as punishment, he was bewitched, paralyzed, and preserved by a dark priest and mummified alive. Buried in a stone sarcophagus, it was not until the 20th century that the mummy was unearthed. Awake and insane, he rose to walk the earth. However, with time, he became attuned to the mystical forces around him, and now stands on the side of the angels - or, at least, on the side of the monsters.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Can Living Mummy move a figure with Prehensile Bandages 9 if that figure is also affected by Wrapped Up?
    A: Yes, placement is instantaneous and no changes of state occur until after the figure has been placed.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)





LIFE = 6

MOVE = 4

POINTS = 200


Before attacking, you may choose an opponent's small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Living Mummy and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 9 or higher, place the chosen figure on any empty space adjacent to Living Mummy. Figures moved by Prehensile Bandages will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

If Living Mummy is engaged with only one figure, that figure cannot move out of engagement with Living Mummy and rolls one fewer defense die when attacked by Living Mummy.

If Living Mummy is on a lava field space, he rolls 2 fewer defense dice and 2 fewer attack dice.

If Living Mummy receives two or more wounds from a single attack but is not destroyed, you may immediately remove up to two of those wounds.


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Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

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Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Looks good. I kind of think that Mystical Senses should be limited to opponents figures with the Magical Defense special power. It just doesn't seem "mystical" if the figure is on his own team.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Oops. I thought I had that in there. I'll add that after the 48 hr breather.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Looks good to me. What do you think about decreasing his Move to 4? I think it would make him feel like a slow, lumbering monster, which just screams classic horror to me. With the range where it's at on Prehensile Bandages, he'll be just fine getting into battle even with 4 Move.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Looks good to me. What do you think about decreasing his Move to 4? I think it would make him feel like a slow, lumbering monster, which just screams classic horror to me. With the range where it's at on Prehensile Bandages, he'll be just fine getting into battle even with 4 Move.

:up: I like that.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

4 Move makes sense to me - he's a definite lumberer. Beyond that, no problem, naturally. :up:
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I like 4 move, especially with all the undead synergies, he's not going to have problems moving around.

Otherwise great design. :up:
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Yeah, I like 4 move here as well. It was an oversight when I copied it over from what Blink originally had for stats as, for the most part, I liked where she had them.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

SP Updated, and unless there is something else by tonight, I'll propose we move him out to the CRB guys.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I like the switch to 4 move, but with that change I think Prehensile Bandages should be changed to after moving and before attacking. If he has to not move to use it, he'll struggle way too much against any opponent with 5+ range.

My :2cents:.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I like the switch to 4 move, but with that change I think Prehensile Bandages should be changed to after moving and before attacking. If he has to not move to use it, he'll struggle way too much against any opponent with 5+ range.

My :2cents:.

:word: Totally agree with that. :up:
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Good point. Updated.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Thinking about it a little more, I think it'd be more fun if the defense subtract lasted longer. Unlike Spidey who can keep bouncing around and pulling people in, Living Mummy is really only going to be pulling in single target to beat on, and I think it'll be kind of annoying that he can't get the defense subtract for more than one turn.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of the current "cannot move out of engagement wording"; for one, when a power normally uses "friendly", it means friendly to this card and unit, but this power is using it differently.

Just brainstorming, but what if we did it like this:

Before attacking, you may choose a non-adjacent small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Living Mummy. Place the chosen figure on any empty space adjacent to Living Mummy. If Living Mummy attacks the chosen figure this turn, the chosen figure rolls 2 fewer defense dice. Figures moved by Prehensile Bandages will not take any leaving engagement attacks. If Living Mummy is engaged to only one figure, that figure cannot move out of engagement with Living Mummy.

Or even like this:

Before attacking, you may choose a non-adjacent small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Living Mummy. Place the chosen figure adjacent to Living Mummy. If Living Mummy attacks the chosen figure this turn, the chosen figure rolls 2 fewer defense dice. Figures moved by Prehensile Bandages will not take any leaving engagement attacks. If Living Mummy is engaged to only one figure, that figure cannot move out of engagement with Living Mummy and rolls 2 fewer defense dice when attacked by Living Mummy.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I'll admit to not knowing anything about this character, but his attack/defense values seem high, especially with a defense reduction power. Does he really punch harder than Spider-Man? And being a better defender than Batman seems crazy... if he's anything like a classic horror mummy, he would take a lot of hits but keep going. I would think 4/4 attack defense and a bump in life points to 6 or even 7 would be a better fit for a minor character like this, and make him fit into more armies with a lower cost. 4 attack with a defense reduction of 2 still makes him a pretty heavy hitter one-on-one (which seems like about the only battle scenario a slow moving mummy would excel at). At any rate, I really can't see a defense above 4, even if the attack stays the same.

Of course he'd be really crappy on a lava heavy map, but then, he's a niche character, you know?
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Hmm. How about we combine the two suggestions. I like the idea of him keeping the defense subtraction but I also like him being able to throw his opponent from height. This would give us:

Before attacking, you may choose a small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Living Mummy. Place the chosen figure on any empty space adjacent to Living Mummy. Figures moved by Prehensile Bandages will not take any leaving engagement attacks. If Living Mummy is engaged to only one figure, that figure cannot move out of engagement with Living Mummy and rolls 2 fewer defense dice when attacked by Living Mummy.

Hmm. I just realized he could us PB to move up some allies early game if you wanted. So he could literally have Grundy, or someone else, tagging along. Are we alright with this? Personally, I see at as an interesting little maneuver and have no issue with it as the real benefit of the power will be from using it against opponents figures.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I'll admit to not knowing anything about this character, but his attack/defense values seem high, especially with a defense reduction power. Does he really punch harder than Spider-Man? And being a better defender than Batman seems crazy... if he's anything like a classic horror mummy, he would take a lot of hits but keep going. I would think 4/4 attack defense and a bump in life points to 6 or even 7 would be a better fit for a minor character like this, and make him fit into more armies with a lower cost. 4 attack with a defense reduction of 2 still makes him a pretty heavy hitter one-on-one (which seems like about the only battle scenario a slow moving mummy would excel at). At any rate, I really can't see a defense above 4, even if the attack stays the same.

Of course he'd be really crappy on a lava heavy map, but then, he's a niche character, you know?

The idea behind the defense is his rock hard skin nakes him extremely difficult to injure. I'll have to review him about the attack value though.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I would think 4/4 attack defense and a bump in life points to 6 or even 7 would be a better fit for a minor character like this, and make him fit into more armies with a lower cost.

I agree.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Ok. I see why I had him at 5 attack. It's because he was granted superhuman strength due to the mystical process by which he was mummified and was already stronger than his felliw Swarili before the process. I'm not sure how I feel about him at 4 attack because of that information. I would rather not go below 5 defense and I'd rather see his life go up one if we do drop his defense at all. I'm honestly not all that concerned with him fitting into more armies. He already has 4 potential armies that are all fairly strong (Creatures, Undead, Avengers, and Masters of Evil).
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Before attacking, you may choose a small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Living Mummy. Place the chosen figure on any empty space adjacent to Living Mummy. Figures moved by Prehensile Bandages will not take any leaving engagement attacks. If Living Mummy is engaged to only one figure, that figure cannot move out of engagement with Living Mummy and rolls 2 fewer defense dice when attacked by Living Mummy.

Perfect, I love it. :up:

As to his stats, I'll support whatever is most thematic to the character.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

Sounds like we need some @Spidey'tilIDie info here. I'm not necessarily opposed to 4/4 attack/defense but it doesn't feel right to me. Although, if Spidey says otherwise, I'll go with it as he would know better than I.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

So, a couple of things:
1) This guy is really tall. Marvel has him listed at 7'6" or over 2 meters tall. So he should at least be Medium 6 if not Large 6.
2) He should definitely have Superstrength. His body is highly resistant to damage unless its fire.
3) He has is known to possess the Orb of Ra. Have you considered giving him an E-Glyph to start? Orb of Ra essentially makes him fireproof.
4) I'm wondering if you couldn't combine Tough and Fire Weakness into one power and call it Re-Animated Life, Mystical Corpse, or something similar and use it for both him and Frankenstein's monster (Marvel version).
5) He is a skilled Warrior, so I'd suggest either high attack and lower Defense with tough like power, or higher defense.
6) Also, his mystical senses really have to do with the descendants of a single person, so I'd leave that off.

I hope that helps!
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

I think keeping Fire Weakness is necessary for interactions with other powers. Plus it just "feels" right to have a mummy weak to fire.

And the Mummy in general is a real tank, so high defense + life feels thematic to me. I could see dropping his Defense some and swapping his Mystic Senses with Tough, though, if they're unthematic. Attack could probably go down to 4, particularly with the defense reduction aspect of his bandages.

I don't think he should be able to use his bandages to bring along allies, though.
Re: The Book of Living Mummy (Design Phase)

3) He has is known to possess the Orb of Ra. Have you considered giving him an E-Glyph to start? Orb of Ra essentially makes him fireproof.

Everything I can find on the Orb indicates that it has the power to raise and "secure" the dead, whatever thry mean by that. Care to expound upon what you know of the Orb?