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The Book of LexCorp Security


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Site Supporter
The Book of LexCorp Security




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Cosmic Justice set.
Its model number and name are #016-018 / Lex Corp Battlesuit.
Its model number and name are #206 / Eddie Carlin.
Character Bio - Initially hired and trained to replace Metropolis' police dept, the LexCorp Security have as much of a checkered past as their owner and CEO of LexCorp; Lex Luthor. When the city of Metropolis was devastated by the brutal fight between its greatest champion Superman and the mindless beast known as Doomsday, the police and the Justice League were completely overwhelmed with the responsibility of the search and rescue of the civilian population. It was in that aftermath that Lex Luthor seized the opportunity to replace Superman's role of Metropolis' savior by having the police dept. authorize his private elite security force to take over in the protective services of the city. Their reputation quickly caught up to them for being bullies and heavy handed though, and it was almost immediately that Lex Luthor had his team carrying out his criminal activities while he stayed protected. Utilizing the similar technology as Lex Luthor's own battle suit, these armored agents had amazing technology in weapons and armor, including the engineering that allowed them to fly and produce strength 10 times that of a normal man.

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Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents



LIFE = 1

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 130

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may choose only one LexCorp Security figure to take a turn with this turn. After taking a turn with the chosen LexCorp Security figure, you may take a turn with one Unique Criminal Hero you control. Add 1 die to that Unique Criminal Hero's normal attack this turn.

When rolling defense against a normal attack, you may count one blank rolled as an extra shield.


Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I'm not a fan of Agents as a class here.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I just don't feel like they fit into the Nick Fury faction we are building as they are more Criminal related. Something like Security or Guards would fit better here IMO.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I like the half-bonding with Battlesuit Lex, but I'm also not sure I'm keen on them being added to the Nick Fury faction.
I like Guards, Protectors, Enforcers, Lawmen, or even Criminals (they're a lot like the Body Guards, thematically).
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I just don't feel like they fit into the Nick Fury faction we are building as they are more Criminal related. Something like Security or Guards would fit better here IMO.
OK, how do you feel about them being a WONDER like that MARVEL Torch? :lol:
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

Hey, how about Enforcers?
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

Enforcers is good. I like that much better than Agents.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

Better than WONDERS or MARVELS? :lol:
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I never suggested either of those anywhere but yea.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

As discussed I like ENFORCERS.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

Plopping down 3 of these 4A/7D on height would be just flat nasty.

Are they "Lex Corps" (Thread Title) or "Luthor Corps" (Thread Body)?
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

I like the half-bonding with Battlesuit Lex, but I'm also not sure I'm keen on them being added to the Nick Fury faction.
I like Guards, Protectors, Enforcers, Lawmen, or even Criminals (they're a lot like the Body Guards, thematically).

Works for me. :-D
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security Agents

Plopping down 3 of these 4A/7D on height would be just flat nasty.

:word: I think they'll end up being more than 100 pts using the Hawkmen as a baseline, but that's what play testing is for.
Re: The Book of Lex Corps Security

May have gotten my computer corrected - seem to be able to Post Reply.

The official company name is LexCorp Incorporated, so we need to lose the space and the 's' --> LexCorp

:woot: EDIT: And I can edit, too.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with two LexCorp Security figures, you may choose to only take a turn with only one. After taking a turn with only one LexCorp Security figure, you may take a turn with one Unique Criminal Hero you control. Add one die to that Unique Criminal Hero's attack this turn.

The "instead" should be enough to let people know they can't use this power if only one LexCorp Security figure is left on the battlefield.
Thanks SirG.

Shouldn't the "number" of dice also be "1" and not "one"? I am looking at Captain America's card.

NAME OF THE TEST UNIT Lex Corps Security

- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes.
- What should be the unit's point value? 110.
- Give a brief overview. They are fast and stout in their defense. Not the greatest hero killers because they only have two attacks per turn, but they can certainly get the job done.
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes.
- What should be the unit's point value? 110 feel right on IMO. This was a close game.
- Give a brief overview. This was actually really close until the last turn when the LC rolled over the last two Parademons. The LC's range and speed is fantastic, but even that armor that they have can not stand up to an auto wound, and that is something that has to be seriously considered when you think about all the auto wound powers that exist these days.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - Parademons x4.
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes.
- What should be the unit's point value? 110-120.
- Give a brief overview. The Map here just gave them the major advantage to always have height or at least equal height.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents x3.
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes.
- What should be the unit's point value? 120-130.
- Give a brief overview. These guys just work soooo well with Lex that it is stupid. I know that Lex loves fighting a Kryptonian, but really the power boost in this match is Lex's survivability and the level of ease it is to pull that off when Lex bonds with this common squad.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2, Lex Luthor (Battlesuit), and Civilians x2 - VS - Superman II and Green Arrow (Oliver).
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes.
- What should be the unit's point value? 120.
- Give a brief overview. Bonding with criminal is a blast, and also pretty darn powerful. This squad is a great addition to the game, and will likely get lots of use by serious gamers who play to win.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2, Absorbing Man, Trapster, and Electro - VS - Flash, Professor Zoom, and Quicksilver.
Spoiler Alert!
120 is looking good moving forward, but I won't be surprised if we arrive on 110 after all the public tests come in. :) Here's my preemptive yea for playtesting (since I'll be on the road most of tomorrow).
Looks good. Glad to see the cost go up some, I figured it would.

Any chance you could post a photo of the custom map you're playing on? The bridge and manhole covers has piqued my interest. :)
LOL, my wife just knocked my map on the floor with the groceries. I could have fixed it, but I figured it was time for a new map. :lol: I will recreate it today.