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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Cosmic Justice set.
Its model number and name are #016-018 / Lex Corp Battlesuit.
Its model number and name are #206 / Eddie Carlin.
_________________________________________________________________ Character Bio - Initially hired and trained to replace Metropolis' police dept, the LexCorp Security have as much of a checkered past as their owner and CEO of LexCorp; Lex Luthor. When the city of Metropolis was devastated by the brutal fight between its greatest champion Superman and the mindless beast known as Doomsday, the police and the Justice League were completely overwhelmed with the responsibility of the search and rescue of the civilian population. It was in that aftermath that Lex Luthor seized the opportunity to replace Superman's role of Metropolis' savior by having the police dept. authorize his private elite security force to take over in the protective services of the city. Their reputation quickly caught up to them for being bullies and heavy handed though, and it was almost immediately that Lex Luthor had his team carrying out his criminal activities while he stayed protected. Utilizing the similar technology as Lex Luthor's own battle suit, these armored agents had amazing technology in weapons and armor, including the engineering that allowed them to fly and produce strength 10 times that of a normal man.
LIFE = 1
MOVE = 6
POINTS = 130
After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may choose only one LexCorp Security figure to take a turn with this turn. After taking a turn with the chosen LexCorp Security figure, you may take a turn with one Unique Criminal Hero you control. Add 1 die to that Unique Criminal Hero's normal attack this turn.
When rolling defense against a normal attack, you may count one blank rolled as an extra shield.
I just don't feel like they fit into the Nick Fury faction we are building as they are more Criminal related. Something like Security or Guards would fit better here IMO.
I like the half-bonding with Battlesuit Lex, but I'm also not sure I'm keen on them being added to the Nick Fury faction.
I like Guards, Protectors, Enforcers, Lawmen, or even Criminals (they're a lot like the Body Guards, thematically).
I just don't feel like they fit into the Nick Fury faction we are building as they are more Criminal related. Something like Security or Guards would fit better here IMO.
I like the half-bonding with Battlesuit Lex, but I'm also not sure I'm keen on them being added to the Nick Fury faction.
I like Guards, Protectors, Enforcers, Lawmen, or even Criminals (they're a lot like the Body Guards, thematically).
May have gotten my computer corrected - seem to be able to Post Reply.
The official company name is LexCorp Incorporated, so we need to lose the space and the 's' --> LexCorp
EDIT: And I can edit, too.
CRIMINAL ALLIANCE After revealing an Order Marker on this card, instead of taking a turn with two LexCorp Security figures, you may choose to only take a turn with only one. After taking a turn with only one LexCorp Security figure, you may take a turn with one Unique Criminal Hero you control. Add one die to that Unique Criminal Hero's attack this turn.
The "instead" should be enough to let people know they can't use this power if only one LexCorp Security figure is left on the battlefield.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. Pass
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Pass
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. Pass
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak. Pass
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. Pass
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. Pass
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. Pass
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. Pass
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Pass
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Pass
Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 110. - Give a brief overview.They are fast and stout in their defense. Not the greatest hero killers because they only have two attacks per turn, but they can certainly get the job done.
Spoiler Alert!
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2 - VS - Doctor Octopus. They kept taking height until Doc destroyed the warehouses that they were perching on. By then though, he had taken 3 wounds and destroyed only 1 Lex Corps Security man. They then surrounded him from range so that he could not have multiple targets and took him down, but he did kill just one more. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Lex Corps win with 2 men left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2 - VS - Doctor Octopus. LC took height on both sides of the map, then Doc went down the middle and threw a Manhole cover at one but missed. Two more LC took the bridge and put 2 wounds on Doc. Doc went to the bridge and killed both of them from below. The Last LC maneuvered and shot down on Doc and took him out. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 2 men left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2 - VS - Hawkgirl. LC took height on both sides, then Hawkgirl went to the bridges. LC lined up two attacks and landed 2 wounds. HG swooped and killed one. LC attacked again on same height and put 2 wounds on her again while backing off and baiting her melee attacks towards the warehouses where they had one on height. HG charged and killed one. They attacked again but failed, even with one on height. HG flew up top and took him out. HG wins initiative and swoops down for the kill but is blocked by that amazing armor. The last LC man kills her on same height. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 1 man left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2 - VS - Hawkgirl. HG swoops up to the bridges while the LC does the same. HG couldn't attack more than one at a time because the LC's ranged attacks allowed them to fan out and attack. However, that also worked against them as she swooped on each attack giving her a second chance at killing one who may have had a great block with his armor. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Hawkgirl wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - Supergirl. This was an incredibly long match. Anytime Supergirl tried to hit with her fists, it was blocked with ease, so she relied heavily on her Heat Vision Special Attack to bypass the Kryptonian Armor. That also meant that she failed a lot of attacks too. The LC kept on attacking, and always from the same height, as she is just too fast for them. Finally it was down to Supergirl and one last LC and the LC rolled 4 skulls on same height and Supergirl rolled 3 blanks but no shields, so that killed her. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 1 man left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - Supergirl. Supergirl had amazing showing with her defense and her Heat Vision was on fire. Once though the LC threw a Manhole Cover adjacent to her and then one landed on hit to get a height advantage shot on her. She responded with a huge Heat Vision blast on the DO of 6 skulls, taking out the advantage that they were trying to use on her. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Supergirl wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - Sinestro. Sinestro rushed in and with a ranged attack failed. Then he was engaged and one on height. The LC put 3 wounds on Sin real quick. Sin then released his SA and burned a battery to use it again, killing two LC. The LC took height and put one more wound on Sin, then Sin engaged two in the start zone and burned a battery again to kill two with his SA. The LC shot down on him and he had to burn a battery on one attack to survive, leaving him with one left. He had engaged two more and killed one, burned his battery and killed the other, leaving one left. That last one took the height and killed Sinestro. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC win with 1 man left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps - VS - Sinestro. The LC took a Warehouse and Sinestro took the adjacent Warehouse. Sin and the LC were at a standstill until the LC rolled 4 skulls and forced Sin to burn a battery. Now that Sin was out ranged, he came down and hid under the warehous and started destroying it. Then two more LC took the nearby bridge and from height knocked a hole in the Warehouse and hit Sin forcing him to burn another battery. Sin engaged and with his SA started killing all that he could (never missing an attack). But the LC kept on forcing him to burn down his battery or take wounds, until he had nothing left but one life point to hang onto. Sin killed an LC with his SA, but was then shot down from the last LC on height. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 1 man left.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x4 - VS - Superman (II). Superman was in their face real quick and unloading his Heat Vision which worked out half the time. The LC eventually surrounded Kal-El on the bridge and the slug fest began, only Superman could at least use his Heat Vision when his fists got tired. The LC got clever once and threw a Manhole next to Superman and used the height advantage to put 3 wounds on Superman. Superman then decided to instead of blasting the Manhole with his heat Vision, to punch it. The Manhole survived the attack but was knocked back right from under the LC standing on it, and as it went flying down the bridge, it hit and crashed into another LC and they both were destroyed. The slug fest continued and it funneled down to Superman with one life left against two LC, and so he blasted one with his Heat Vision, won initiative, and blasted the other for the win. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Superman wins with 7 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x4 - VS - Superman (II). This game Superman engaged and tied up as many LC's as he could to prevent them from getting clever and using any DOs against him or gaining height advantage. Superman relied on his normal attack of 8 a lot, as it proved useful many times over as it either destroyed LCs or knocked them into each other. Ultimately though, the LCs were able to gain height after surviving a free disengage from Superman's knockback, and the multiple attacks of 5 were enough to eventually win it. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 2 men left.
Squad Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 110 feel right on IMO. This was a close game. - Give a brief overview.This was actually really close until the last turn when the LC rolled over the last two Parademons. The LC's range and speed is fantastic, but even that armor that they have can not stand up to an auto wound, and that is something that has to be seriously considered when you think about all the auto wound powers that exist these days.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - Parademons x4.
Spoiler Alert!
The Parademons were at a big disadvantage in speed, power, range, and defense, but their ability to prevent flight overhead and mainly their Apokolyptian Weaponry gave them some real usefulness mid game when there were engagements everywhere. However, the LC pulled this one out surprisingly in the end when it was 2 VS 2 and the LC won initiative. Who won and how many wounds did they have?LC wins with 2 men left.
Squad Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 110-120. - Give a brief overview.The Map here just gave them the major advantage to always have height or at least equal height.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x3 - VS - S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents x3.
Spoiler Alert!
The Agents had a hard time getting height advantage EVER compared to the fast flying Lex Corps. Because of this, they never used their Special Attack, so they relied solely on their normal attacks and using the three attacks per turn to their advantage. Also, they tried to use their superior range to draw the LC off of height, but the LC just had too many places to perch, and their speed allowed them to grab those spots with ease. Who won and how many wounds did they have?The LC wins with 3 men left.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 120-130. - Give a brief overview.These guys just work soooo well with Lex that it is stupid. I know that Lex loves fighting a Kryptonian, but really the power boost in this match is Lex's survivability and the level of ease it is to pull that off when Lex bonds with this common squad.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2, Lex Luthor (Battlesuit), and Civilians x2 - VS - Superman II and Green Arrow (Oliver).
Spoiler Alert!
Civilians move up (all and make a circle for Lex to land in, but GA advances and with an Explosive Arrow, takes out 3 Civies. The LC bond with Lex as one takes height on GA and puts a wound on him then Lex moves into his circle of friends. GA backs up and puts a skill shot on Lex but Lex just throws a civie in the way. The LC advance and one manages to put GA within one of his life. GA fires another shot at Lex and Lex lets a Civie die, then the LC close in and kill GA and put a wound on the Man of Steel. Superman flies up and kills some LC on the bridge with a knock back so that they smack into each other, and the Civies scramble up the mountain side to get to the bridge. The LC block the bridge for Lex and trap Superman in. Superman kills one but stays engaged. An LC goes and lands near a Manhole, then Lex goes up the bridge using an LC as interference and the bridge as a bottleneck against Superman, then the LC below throws the Manhole up on the bridge. Superman kills the LC in his way to get to Luthor, then the last LC jumps up on the manhole next to Luthor and fires down with a big attack that put 3 wounds on Big Blue. Now Luthor engages Superman but is still adjacent to the last LC on height. Lex is now free to use his SA without harming his allies.... not that he would care, but he may need them for something..... "else". Superman pounds away on Lex's Armor and tries his Heat Vision, but has a hard time doing what needs to be done, though Lex did take two wounds instead of letting his LC ally die. By now the last two civies have made their way over to Lex and Lex starts killing them off to avoid damage on himself, as he and the last LC put Superman down. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Lex Luthor and Lex Corps wins with 2 wounds on Luthor and 1 Lex Corps remaining.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 120. - Give a brief overview.Bonding with criminal is a blast, and also pretty darn powerful. This squad is a great addition to the game, and will likely get lots of use by serious gamers who play to win.
Map: Custom.
Units: Lex Corps x2, Absorbing Man, Trapster, and Electro - VS - Flash, Professor Zoom, and Quicksilver.
Spoiler Alert!
Quick moved out and hide under a bridge as the LC took the bridge. Zoom zipped up on the bridge to challenge. The LC put a wound on Zoom. Flash got into the start zone of his enemies but couldn't attack as he was out of "juice" to go that far. Trapster advanced towards a hill and another wound was dealt to Quick from an LC above. Quick engaged Trapster and put a wound on him. Trapster took a disengagement attack and put a Paste Pot on Flash. Flash was stuck.
A-Man engaged Quick and with a Special Attack, put him one wound away, then the LC put a wound on Zoom. Electro moved out with the LC and put a wound on Zoom, then Zoom took out 2 LC with his SA. Absorbing Man stole the strength of Quicksilver and hit him with an attack of 9 and somehow Quick blocked it, but was slammed up against the wall for the kill. Quick lost his turn too. Trapster tried to paste Flash down but failed, then Flash engaged Trapster and took him out with his SA. It came down to A-Man, Electro, and 2 LC - VS - Flash and Zoom and Zoom cleared up the LC for good with his perfectly placed special attacks, then ended that chain with his last attack on the nearby Electro - who was waiting and used his electric skin to fry Zoom for two wounds and death. Then Flash took Absorbing Man down, but after A-Man put Flash in the critical. Flash engaged Elektro and Elektro used his skin again to kill Flash. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Elektro wins with 2 wounds.
120 is looking good moving forward, but I won't be surprised if we arrive on 110 after all the public tests come in. Here's my preemptive yea for playtesting (since I'll be on the road most of tomorrow).
LOL, my wife just knocked my map on the floor with the groceries. I could have fixed it, but I figured it was time for a new map. I will recreate it today.