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The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator


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The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Superman set.
Its model number and name are #003 / Kryptonian Infiltrator.

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Superman: Battle for Smallville Fast Forces set.
Its model number and name are #005 / Kryptonian Renegade.

Character Bio - After swearing their loyalty to the rise of a New Krypton and its leader General Zod, some Kryptonians went into undercover work as normal Human citizens to spy and gain power, position, and information for the cause. When the timing is right, these lethal spies will reveal themselves in the midst of their enemies. When the enemy realizes what has happened, it will be too late to for them to form a defensive plan and these furious females will not stop until they fulfill their mission: exterminate all life forms that stand in the way of a New Kryptonian Empire!

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As a Kryptonian Spy, Kryptonian Infiltrator has these
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 160

Before initiative is rolled each round, if this figure is not engaged, you may roll a single combat die. If you roll a blank, place this figure adjacent to any enemy figure.

When this Kryptonian Infiltrator attacks, she may attack one additional time.

When rolling defense against a normal attack from a figure that is not a Kryptonian, if at least one shield is rolled, all blanks rolled count as extra shields.


Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I figure that the hair on Ursa can be made yellow. It is the best I could do on comic art.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I'm worried about Infiltrate being too powerful at the start of the game in some situations, but we will see.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I'm worried about Infiltrate being too powerful at the start of the game in some situations, but we will see.

Being that that they are Uncommon, you could put 4 or 5 of them adjacent to opponent's figures and start them all off being engaged. That's pretty darned scary and powerful. You could put several around Prof X if there are open spaces and just kill him in the first round and call it a day.

Out of curiosity, was there any plans for another Kryptonian design that would allow for extra movement or activations of other Kryptonians? Getting multiple activations of these or the Kryptonian Soldiers would be pretty darn powerful.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I'm also not sure why the wording in bold is there:

At the start of the game, before rolling for initiative, you may remove this figure from the battlefield, and place it adjacent to any enemy figure.

Why does the figure have to be removed from the battlefield? You're not going to be subject to powers like Cyberclaw or Stuck at the start of the game when you're in your startzone. Why not just the placement?
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Maybe if Infiltrate was capped at a max number of figures at some point to prevent the issues above?
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

What about something like this?

At the start of the game, before rolling for initiative, you may roll one combat die for this Kryptonian Infiltrator. If you roll a blank, you may place it adjacent to any enemy figure.

Continues the "blank" for Kryptonians theme a bit and majorly cuts down on the power level and reliability.

If it seems like it depowers it too much, you could always make it so it triggers at the start of each round.

Or, alternately, you could just lower their stats a whole bunch so they aren't too nasty in enemy startzones ... but then they might end up not feeling very Kryptonian.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I'm worried about Infiltrate being too powerful at the start of the game in some situations, but we will see.
I tried dumbing their stats down for this cause.
Being that that they are Uncommon, you could put 4 or 5 of them adjacent to opponent's figures and start them all off being engaged. That's pretty darned scary and powerful. You could put several around Prof X if there are open spaces and just kill him in the first round and call it a day.
Well, that tactic is valid, but also easy to counter because these figures "infiltrate" after all figures are placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. So the X-Men for example could easily create a pod to counter this possibility.

Out of curiosity, was there any plans for another Kryptonian design that would allow for extra movement or activations of other Kryptonians? Getting multiple activations of these or the Kryptonian Soldiers would be pretty darn powerful.
General Zod will be able to "Red Skull" Kryptonians, meaning that he can give up his turn to allow 1 Kryptonian to take a turn. Double Kryptonian bonding would definitely break the game.
I'm also not sure why the wording in bold is there:

At the start of the game, before rolling for initiative, you may remove this figure from the battlefield, and place it adjacent to any enemy figure.

Why does the figure have to be removed from the battlefield? You're not going to be subject to powers like Cyberclaw or Stuck at the start of the game when you're in your startzone. Why not just the placement?
The timing of the power allows all figures to be placed first, and then allows these figures to be placed in an enemy start zone AFTER the enemy has a chance to set up a counter defense posture.

Maybe if Infiltrate was capped at a max number of figures at some point to prevent the issues above?
That would be great, but with these being Uncommon, I have no idea how to word that without every card being triggered. Maybe the White Martians can help.
What about something like this?

At the start of the game, before rolling for initiative, you may roll one combat die for this Kryptonian Infiltrator. If you roll a blank, you may place it adjacent to any enemy figure.

Continues the "blank" for Kryptonians theme a bit and majorly cuts down on the power level and reliability.
I will admit, that is a tempting proposition. However, I would be sad to draft "infiltrators" without any guarantee that they will in fact "infiltrate".
If it seems like it depowers it too much, you could always make it so it triggers at the start of each round.
That might be a better option.

I am all ears guys. We are just getting started here, so feel free to keep the comments coming and help me direct this design.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Another cool thing about the every round roll for Infiltration is that it'd keep their coolest power more relevant throughout the game.

Thanks for explaining the reason for the whole "remove from the battlefield" thing. I see now how it helps define the timing of the power nicely.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Another cool thing about the every round roll for Infiltration is that it'd keep their coolest power more relevant throughout the game.

That would be really cool, it would allow them to "teleport" across the battlefield with stealth though. Maybe just allow them to move X number of spaces at the start or end of each round instead without leaving engagement attacks. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Maybe only let unengaged Infiltrators in your startzone do it?
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Yeah, I am being sold more and more on that "roll a blank at initiative" idea, I just want to here from some others, but I think that will be a popular choice.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I already can't wait to try these gals and Zod together. :-D
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Cool. I am looking forward to the day when we have all the Kryptonians and military you need for a campaign of scenarios.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Maybe make it do you can't place more than one Infiltrator adjacent to a single figure?

I'd hate to see single attackers get bogged down forever cuz they got surrounded by 6 infiltrators.

I do like the once per round, roll a blank thing.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Maybe only let unengaged Infiltrators in your startzone do it?

At the beginning of the game, all of them will be unengaged and in your start zone.
Two things:
  1. Bats was offering that suggestion for the power if we made it apply each round rather than just the first round.
  2. Y'all seem to keep forgetting that some maps that people play on put one or two start zones spaces right next to each other. So some games, on some maps, may have some figures start engaged with each other. ;)
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing


I think I like the roll a blank at the beginning of each round, but let them take leaving engagement attacks, so there's a risk/reward involved.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

With them being super powered spies, Kryptonians, and them using a power that is quite "stealthy" in its nature, I think it makes much more sense for them to NOT take LEAs. Also, as much as I like Risk VS Reward, it isn't as appealing when it is coupled with "Chance", and this power already has a good deal of "Chance" in it not even happening at all, and definitely not even knowing when it will happen.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Well, chance is part of the "risk" element much of the time, but when the chances are already so low (1 in 6), I agree. I figured if we specified unengaged, though, we could just skip all that to disengage or not to disengage stuff.

Also, thematically, if they're already engaged, I figure they're in soldier mode.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

If this figure is not engaged at the start of each round, before initiative is rolled, you may roll a single combat die. If you roll a blank, remove this figure from the battlefield and place it adjacent to any enemy figure.

I think that looks pretty good.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

Looks good. Nice work here fellas :)
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

I like that version a lot. First round they'll all get to roll.
Re: The Book of Kryptonian Infiltrator - Designing

You know I dig it. :-D