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The Book of Krug


Well-known member
The Book of Krug
Utgar's Rage - Collection 2 - "Heroes of Barrenspur"

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: Bred to battle, Krug was recruited to serve in Utgar's front line. His sheer size and foul disposition make him a formidable opponent but it is his thirst for blood that makes him the legend he is. Stomping across the battlefield, Krug will decimate anything in his path. Krug knows no defeat. When wounded, he battles more fiercely. He has sworn his allegiance to Utgar and will give his life if necessary. He is feared for Skelblade, a massive weapon cast from the armor of the enemies he has taken in battle. He swings Skelblade as a true swordsman but the power behind it is unmatched by any other known warrior. Each cast of the sword deals two deadly blows as he hits with an initial swing and then again with a massive secondary backswing. (Hasbro)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • - DOUBLE ATTACK : Attacking Different Figure
    How does Krug's Double attack work? Does he have to attack the same opponent?
    No, once Krug attacks one opponent, you can choose any figure adjacent to Krug and attack again. The second figure can be the same figure you attacked the first time, or a different one. (Hasbro FAQ)

    - MOVEMENT : Fitting On Hexes
    Figures normally have to fit completely on a space in order to move onto it, but Krug’s sword is too low when standing on the bridge and it causes him to lean and not stand completely on the space. Can he still move there?
    No. You must fit completely on the space. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • - ARROW GRUTS : Beast Bonding
    As a beast, Krug may benefit from Arrow Gruts’ BEAST BONDING activation bonus.

    - KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD : Relentless Assault
    Having a relentless personality, Krug may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT attack bonus.

    - ORNAK : Red Flag of Fury
    As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Krug may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.

Synergy Benefits Offered
  • - N/A
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

  • - TBA

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Krug- They just don't make them like they used to. Although tons of fun, more people seem to have access to enough squads to bring the old angry teddy bear down these days. B+


Cleon: Tier 8 (41/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A-

Master Index
MKSentinel said:

Unit Strategy Review
  • - TBA
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An important thing to remember:

Double Attack is a Special Power NOT a Special Attack.

Thus, Syvarris, Krug, Einar Imperium or any other figure with that special power gets two distinct normal attacks.

Sargent_Drake_8 said:
The exception to that rule being Kaemon, who has a double attack special attack.
NO please!!! Don't mix people more!!! :roll: :lol:

Kaemon Awa doesn't have Double Attack Special Power. It is something else, a Special Attack with a different name:
Kaemon Awa
Quick Release Special Attack
Range 4. Attack 4.
When Kaemon Awa attacks with his Quick Release Special Attack, he may attack one additional time.

Krug is drafted over 50% of the time at my house. He is the counter to every other large/huge figure. In addition, he can wade through a hail of ranged attacks getting stronger as he approachs allowing him to do some serious damage once he is engaged with the enemy.
I have a question about Krug, and since I can't search anymore, I'm not sure if it had already been asked/answered.

Can Krug (or any other figure) disengage and reingage as many times as their move permits. Obviously this strategy is to incur extra wounds and increase attack.

Krug is currently engaged....

Move away from engagement to receive passing swipe
Move away from engagement to receive another passing swipe
Not used
lonewolf said:
I have a question about Krug, and since I can't search anymore, I'm not sure if it had already been asked/answered.

Can Krug (or any other figure) disengage and reingage as many times as their move permits. Obviously this strategy is to incur extra wounds and increase attack.

Krug is currently engaged....

Move away from engagement to receive passing swipe
Move away from engagement to receive another passing swipe
Not used

That would work except that passing swipes are optional and your opponent isn't required to roll for it.
Since he's a double spaced figure, it'll take 2 move to fully diengagae, so he'll only be able to do it once per activation (and still get back in attack position). [EDIT: Actually, there are situations you could do it twice, my mistake.] Also, disengaging strikes are optional, so your opponent can just let you dance around without providing Krug extra attack dice.
NecroBlade said:
Since he's a double spaced figure, it'll take 2 move to fully diengagae, so he'll only be able to do it once per activation (and still get back in attack position). Also, disengaging strikes are optional, so your opponent can just let you dance around without providing Krug extra attack dice.
I might not take 2 move to fully disengage. He could be engaged on the end of his figure. With K's being krug and O being the Opponent. He could back up one space and then move forward one space right?

Yeah I almost never give passing swipes to Krug early in the game. You are usually better off ignoring him and hopefully having a decent ranged unit to finish him off later in the game.

Krug has some great unit choices though that synergize well. Ideally your army should have some way to deal with ranged threats. Once the ranged threats are gone Krug is nearly unstoppable.

Arrow Gruts - this one is pretty obvious

Eldgrim - Helps offset his 5 movement a little

Saylind - This'll get Krug way into enemy territory before they even know what hit em.

Braxus - Kill pesky ranged units like KMA, Marro Warriors before they have a chance to wreck you.
Best for the points value melee figure in the game, IMO. As said above, when ranged figures are down, this is the go-to guy.
Also easily my favorite sculpt. I love this guy.
I'm toying around with the idea of this army for competitive purposes:
Q9 x180
Nakitas x120
Raelin x80
Krug x120

Nakitas and Raelin protect Q9 while Q9 and Nakitas take out the enemy ranged figures. Then Krug bats clean up (or engages any melee figures that move up to attack Q9 - though if Krug's unwounded at the time, it might be better to let Q9 just take care of himself).
If you really need Krug to be powered up, you can pound him with your own arrows before he attacks. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I have wasted many a hero and army doing this.
Tholarthemag said:
If you really need Krug to be powered up, you can pound him with your own arrows before he attacks. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I have wasted many a hero and army doing this.

I've heard this strategy before and I guess that it is as silly as disengaging him to get wounds...although I didn't realize the passing swipe was optional, so it makes the disengage strategy useless.

I really don't like the idea of attacking your own figures. I know that the rules and FAQ's allow for it, but it doesn't seem like good sportsmanship to me. It would definitely be frowned upon at my game table, however if I was at someone else's house and they wanted to play that way, I would play along.
lonewolf said:
Tholarthemag said:
If you really need Krug to be powered up, you can pound him with your own arrows before he attacks. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I have wasted many a hero and army doing this.

I've heard this strategy before and I guess that it is as silly as disengaging him to get wounds...although I didn't realize the passing swipe was optional, so it makes the disengage strategy useless.

I really don't like the idea of attacking your own figures. I know that the rules and FAQ's allow for it, but it doesn't seem like good sportsmanship to me. It would definitely be frowned upon at my game table, however if I was at someone else's house and they wanted to play that way, I would play along.

Hi all -

This is my first post here. I have been reading the forums for little more than a week now and every time I have gone to post about a question or thought I have I find some new little shiny gem on this site to distract me and take me off in a new direction. Anyway its a great site / community and I look forward to being trounced by you guys at GENCON.

I just bought Krug and instantly went to Bixbys spreadsheet (one of the many great gems here for newbs) to find the discuss link (since there is no search and I finally found the discussion about why).

Anyway, I think that any chance you give me to take a swipe at Krug I am going to take it. If you want to dance around me giving me opportunities to take out one of those 8 lives I will go for it. When Krug is down to just a couple life left he is going to hurt and there is no getting around it. So if you let me get some of them removed I will take it and then on my turn start concentrating on him to get the pain over with.

If my opponent wanted to shoot his own guy for any reason I would have no problem with that.

My first two cents -

- Dwight
If you have a Kelda and a theracus, you can swoop her in and heal your boy just a little and start over again!

Welcome to the boards by the way. I'm sure some dude named Aldin will welcome you too.
Tholarthemag said:
If you have a Kelda and a theracus, you can swoop her in and heal your boy just a little and start over again!

Why exactly is Theracus needed for this?
Sorry, for the confusion. You don't need Theracus for Kelda. But what I do is us Theracus to tote in and take out like a MASH unit. Now of course T-bird can't carry krug but he can carry out any smaller troops.
Xaqery said:
lonewolf said:
Tholarthemag said:
If you really need Krug to be powered up, you can pound him with your own arrows before he attacks. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I have wasted many a hero and army doing this.

I've heard this strategy before and I guess that it is as silly as disengaging him to get wounds...although I didn't realize the passing swipe was optional, so it makes the disengage strategy useless.

I really don't like the idea of attacking your own figures. I know that the rules and FAQ's allow for it, but it doesn't seem like good sportsmanship to me. It would definitely be frowned upon at my game table, however if I was at someone else's house and they wanted to play that way, I would play along.

Hi all -

This is my first post here. I have been reading the forums for little more than a week now and every time I have gone to post about a question or thought I have I find some new little shiny gem on this site to distract me and take me off in a new direction. Anyway its a great site / community and I look forward to being trounced by you guys at GENCON.

I just bought Krug and instantly went to Bixbys spreadsheet (one of the many great gems here for newbs) to find the discuss link (since there is no search and I finally found the discussion about why).

Anyway, I think that any chance you give me to take a swipe at Krug I am going to take it. If you want to dance around me giving me opportunities to take out one of those 8 lives I will go for it. When Krug is down to just a couple life left he is going to hurt and there is no getting around it. So if you let me get some of them removed I will take it and then on my turn start concentrating on him to get the pain over with.

If my opponent wanted to shoot his own guy for any reason I would have no problem with that.

My first two cents -

- Dwight

Welcome to the Boards!

I can't say that I completely agee with you, but Welcome!

lonewolf said:
Welcome to the Boards!

I can't say that I completely agee with you, but Welcome!


I believe it is situation dependant. The stronger Krug is going to probably take out the guy that did the swiping or at least remove a life or two. If I can achieve life loss parity as a worse case and the guy that Krug is attacking isn’t key then I would sacrifice him.

And I had not thought about the healer (MASH unit). I feel though that actions are a valuable part of the game as a commodity and spending them to hurt your own and then another to heal may be valuable to me.

- Dwight
now, I wonder how krug wound fare against cyprien. Will cyprien surpass krug as teh most pt effecient unit in the game? (in hidsight isamu probably has that by a mile, but whatever)
gamjuven said:
now, I wonder how krug wound fare against cyprien. Will cyprien surpass krug as teh most pt effecient unit in the game? (in hidsight isamu probably has that by a mile, but whatever)

Krug would obliterate him in a one on one game. Every time he successfully uses 'Chilling Touch' Krug becomes stronger. For Cyprien to win, he'd have to put three wounds on Krug from 'Chilling Touch'/attacking and then get a lucky roll to inflict six wounds to kill him. Other than that, Cyprien doesn't stand a chance one on one.
Hey guys.

I have a question. Can you use both Double attack and wounded smash to attack an opponent? That's what I always do but I believe I am doing it wrong. Can someone answer this? :?:
Re: Hey guys.

brunakor said:
I have a question. Can you use both Double attack and wounded smash to attack an opponent? That's what I always do but I believe I am doing it wrong. Can someone answer this? :?:

Double attack is a special ability, not a special attack, so enhancements apply to both attacks.