the above
The Book of Knights of Blackgaard
Lodin's Discord - C3V Wave 5 - Evil of Blood River
The figures used for this unit are Aasimar Fighter #1 from the D&D War of the Dragon Queen set, Phalanx Soldier #7 from the D&D Unhallowed set, Axe Soldier #4 from the D&D War Drums set, and Royal Guard #28 from the D&D Underdark set.
Lodin's Discord - C3V Wave 5 - Evil of Blood River
The figures used for this unit are Aasimar Fighter #1 from the D&D War of the Dragon Queen set, Phalanx Soldier #7 from the D&D Unhallowed set, Axe Soldier #4 from the D&D War Drums set, and Royal Guard #28 from the D&D Underdark set.
Character Bio:
Not many forces have stood against the legendary Knights of Weston, fewer have matched them in combat. And even fewer than that, indeed only one force, has ever made the valiant knights know fear: the Knights of Blackgaard.
Though slow on the march, when the Knights of Blackgaard enter battle, they surge forward with deadly energy that only grows stronger as the battle heightens. A deadly force in and of themselves, the Knights of Blackgaard are even more relentless in battle when joined by those who share their rage.
Utgar has found an army of men who match his own ferocity, and now Valhalla trembles.
_________________________________________________________________BLACKGAARD SURGE
If no Knights of Blackgaard you control are engaged, you must subtract 3 from your initiative roll. If at least one Order Marker is on the Knights of Blackgaard, you may add 1 to your initiative roll for each engaged Knight of Blackgaard you control.
If every army card you control has a relentless personality, each Knight of Blackgaard receives one additional attack die.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Any questions? Post in the thread and I'll update as time goes on!
_________________________________________________________________-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD : Relentless Assault
As a figure with the relentless personality, Knights of Blaackgard may roll 1 extra die from Khosumet the Darklord's RELENTLESS ASSAULT enhancement bonus.
- CONCAN THE KYRIE WARRIOR: Knight and Sentinel Enhancement
As Knights, the Knights of Blaackgard roll 1 extra attack and defense die from Concan's KNIGHT AND SENTINEL ENHANCEMENT.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- SIR DUPUIS: Knight's Courage
As Knights, the Knights of Blaackgard contribute to Sir Dupuis' KNIGHT'S COURAGE attack bonus.
- RELENTLESS ARMY ATTACK BONUS : Relentless Personality Units
* Armoc Vipers
* Augamo
* Boreos
* Kon-Tar-Na
* Krug
* Marro Gnids
* Raelin (AOA)
* Skull Demon
* Sujoah
* Venoc Vipers
_________________________________________________________________-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking
A 4-figure squad with 4/4 stats is nothing to sniff at, even at this price. B
Unit Strategy Review
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