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The Book of Klaw


Setting the Table for Super
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The Book of Klaw



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Avengers/Defenders War set.
Its model number and name are #059 / Klaw.


Character Bio - "Morality is the first step toward cowardice. Your cowardice has doomed your whole world. I will hunt down and kill everyone and everything you have ever loved. Listen for it...soon you will hear everyone you love scream. " - Klaw, Klaws of the Panther v1

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Figures with the Ambitious or Brilliant personality may allow Klaw to add 2 to his roll when activating his Sonic Disruption special power. Current Ambitious and Brilliant figures.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: IamBatman
  • Second playtest: Ericth74
  • Third playtest: MrNobody
  • Fourth Playtest: tcglkn
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by Dr. Jekyll
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Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 240

Range Special. Attack 5 + Special.
Choose 3 spaces in a straight line from Klaw. All figures other than Klaw on or within 1 space of the chosen spaces are affected by this special attack. Roll 1 fewer attack die for each space Klaw moved this turn. Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense die against this special attack.

After an enemy figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Klaw rolls defense dice against a normal attack from a figure you control, you may roll the 20-sided die. Add 2 to your roll if the enemy figure is a Symbiote or if the attacking figure has the Ambitious or Brilliant personality. If you roll 11 or higher; subtract one skull, shield, or blank from the enemy figure's defense roll.

Once per round, when Klaw is attacked by an enemy figure and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may ignore the attack. You may then either roll an unblockable attack die against a figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Klaw or remove 1 Wound Marker from this Army Card.


Original Version
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Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing




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Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

Comic pictures look a bit small. Strong podding potential with the second and third power, so that's probably the thing to look for in testing.

Got 250 on the calculator for him.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I'd prefer to see Sonic Disruption toned down a bit. It's very strong for a passive effect. (Also having to roll the d20 on every normal attack that happens within 4 spaces of Klaw could end up being a lot of extra rolling)
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

So we the Heroes really like this design, but we had some ideas/tweaks/concerns.

-There were some questions about Flying being present. SW mentioned that comics Klaw basically does what he wants as a weird sound dude.
-Sonic Disruption is pretty complex and potent. My advice would just be to drop the 20+ effect.

And some more personal notes from me.

-On class, not really sure where to go there? He's always had close ties to Wizard, so maybe Criminal? But the design doesn't really want what Wizard is handing out, and it generally seems like there's desire for a second Wizard at some point.
-Is the Immortal Klaw a specific title for the character? It feels oddly specific when something like Body of Sound would work just as well.
-I also want to toss out the idea of possibly doing a different effect there? The Go The Distance-style power just personally doesn't sell the sonic body thing as much as say...Unstoppable Resilience would.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

For ease of use, I'd say having his Range number and the range on Sonic Disruption both be the same makes a lot of sense (probably both 5, since that's also the special attack range).
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

So we the Heroes really like this design, but we had some ideas/tweaks/concerns.

-There were some questions about Flying being present. SW mentioned that comics Klaw basically does what he wants as a weird sound dude.
-Sonic Disruption is pretty complex and potent. My advice would just be to drop the 20+ effect.

Flying - Klaw has a flying/teleport type of power as SW said because he is made up of sound. Just using flying seemed to be easier. Flight is listed as a power on many of his bio's.

Sonic Disruption - dropping the 20+ effect would be fine.

And some more personal notes from me.

-On class, not really sure where to go there? He's always had close ties to Wizard, so maybe Criminal? But the design doesn't really want what Wizard is handing out, and it generally seems like there's desire for a second Wizard at some point.

I went back and forth on class as he covers a bunch of areas and has played many roles. He's a PhD in physics, so Scientist or Genus work. He's been a thief and assassin, which covers criminal. He's also worked with AIM, which hits both Terrorist and Mastermind. I went with Terrorist because I felt like that covered the most of what he really is.

-Is the Immortal Klaw a specific title for the character? It feels oddly specific when something like Body of Sound would work just as well.
-I also want to toss out the idea of possibly doing a different effect there? The Go The Distance-style power just personally doesn't sell the sonic body thing as much as say...Unstoppable Resilience would.

Every bio lists him as Immortal or possibly Immortal and also having healing powers. So I tried to cover that in making him hard to kill but still having 4 life. The name is a straight rip from the Marvel Champions game that I'm a fan of. I'm open to other ideas, that was my attempt at kind of reusing a current power with something added.


His power set is tough to narrow down but I feel like I hit the big ones. Here is just one of the lists of his power:

Blast Power
Energy Based Constructs
Force Field
Power Item
Shape Shifter
Size Manipulation
Sonic Scream
Super Hearing
Super Speed
Super Strength
Unarmed Combat
Vibration Wave
Willpower-Based Constructs
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

For ease of use, I'd say having his Range number and the range on Sonic Disruption both be the same makes a lot of sense (probably both 5, since that's also the special attack range).

Sure, makes sense.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I'd prefer to see Sonic Disruption toned down a bit. It's very strong for a passive effect. (Also having to roll the d20 on every normal attack that happens within 4 spaces of Klaw could end up being a lot of extra rolling)

Sure I can see that, but we do have figures that do that. Sharknado glyph and Spider-Girl are two of the top of my head that cause a lot of d20 rolls. War Machine too.

I think as MrNobody mentioned dropping the 20+ effect makes sense.

I'm open to suggestions, but he's supposed to be disruptive by nature.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

For reducing effectiveness of the disruption, I'd probably choose a lane. Do you want him to disrupt offensively or defensively? Doing both doubles both the effectiveness and the amount of game disruption.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

For reducing effectiveness of the disruption, I'd probably choose a lane. Do you want him to disrupt offensively or defensively? Doing both doubles both the effectiveness and the amount of game disruption.

If it's an eithe/or issue I think it would have to effect defense rolls of opponents. It's very thematic to be able to mess with Black Panther. It does make the power significantly weaker though.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I think the power needs to be significantly weaker. :2cents:

Definitely agree that messing with enemy defense would be the right move, over messing with enemy attack.

Besides Panther, I also like that that would let him cut through Songbird's defense boost - she uses tech stolen from Klaw and he shows her up pretty hard when they meet.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

Yeah, messing with enemy defense is my preference as well.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I think the power needs to be significantly weaker. :2cents:

Definitely agree that messing with enemy defense would be the right move, over messing with enemy attack.

Besides Panther, I also like that that would let him cut through Songbird's defense boost - she uses tech stolen from Klaw and he shows her up pretty hard when they meet.

I probably should of elaborated some more. I see Klaw as a strong villian in the 250 range or that's where I planned his design to be at that level. This may be my own inexperience as a designer. But if he's currently at the calculator at 250 and we keep reducing, do we need to think about pumping some other things up? He's taken the Thing down on multiple occasions so he's not a wimp.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

There's a good chance I also undervalued that power on the calculator. I'd get powers set first and then run the calculator on that version and see where it is before getting too worried. I think with the proposed change, he could still hit mid-200s.

Boosting his defense to 6 could help if you're concerned, though, as that'd at least help his own survivability.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

There's a good chance I also undervalued that power on the calculator. I'd get powers set first and then run the calculator on that version and see where it is before getting too worried. I think with the proposed change, he could still hit mid-200s.

Boosting his defense to 6 could help if you're concerned, though, as that'd at least help his own survivability.

Yeah we can do that.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

Fwiw, Body of Sound would be a pretty cool name for the Immortal Klaw power and keep it reusable in case we found somewhere else that it made sense. It does a nice job of explaining what's going on mechanically as well.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

But if he's currently at the calculator at 250 and we keep reducing, do we need to think about pumping some other things up?

My main concern is with how good he is at passively nerfing enemy attack rolls. I'm not so much worried about where he comes in points-wise, so fine by me if we fiddle with his durability or what have you to get him in a range that feels right.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

But if he's currently at the calculator at 250 and we keep reducing, do we need to think about pumping some other things up?

My main concern is with how good he is at passively nerfing enemy attack rolls. I'm not so much worried about where he comes in points-wise, so fine by me if we fiddle with his durability or what have you to get him in a range that feels right.

I do see your point. I think limiting it to defensive rolls does nerf it pretty good from the original.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I'm liking this design as well! I'll have to base my figure soon.
The only thing I'd note is I don't think he really flies, intangibility would make much more sense, but I know four powers can't often fit on the card. Maybe throw a line or two into the Immortal Klaw/Made of Solid Sound type power. But I'd rather he just didn't have Flying if it came down to having it off or on.
For me he is primarily a Black Panther villain who killed T'Chaka, iattacks Wakanda, and works with A.I.M., so I agree Terrorist is the best class for him.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

Random pipe dream idea - what if we gave him some sort of tie-in to Ambitious and Brilliant figures? That ties into AIM, but also Wizard, who as I said earlier is a big ally for him as well.

Maybe Sonic Disruption can get a boost if the figure is Ambitious/Brilliant?
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I could see the roll being boosted if he is around those figures as they might help him use the tech more tactically.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

A tie into to AIM would be pretty cool.
Re: The Book Of Klaw - Breathing

I'm liking this design as well! I'll have to base my figure soon.
The only thing I'd note is I don't think he really flies, intangibility would make much more sense, but I know four powers can't often fit on the card. Maybe throw a line or two into the Immortal Klaw/Made of Solid Sound type power. But I'd rather he just didn't have Flying if it came down to having it off or on.
For me he is primarily a Black Panther villain who killed T'Chaka, iattacks Wakanda, and works with A.I.M., so I agree Terrorist is the best class for him.

I've seen flying on a few bio's but I must admit I'm having a hard time finding an example. So maybe it's out.