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The Book of Klarion


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of Klarion



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the World's Finest set.
Its model number and name are #046 / Klarion the Witch Boy and Teekl.

Character Bio - Klarion the Witch-Boy is a young adventurer and magic-user. Born in the underground Limbo Town, he is a member of a divergent human race descended from the pilgrims. Despite his immense power, he is childish and naive. His familiar is an intelligent cat named Teekl who can communicate with him.
-DC Wiki

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • Figures chosen for Chaotic Antics can be within 6 clear sight spaces of a Teekl you control.
  • Klarion may have a wound removed from his card by Teekl's Magical Healing special power.
  • As a figure with the Magical Defense special power, Klarion has these Magical Defense Synergies.
Outgoing Synergy:
  • After revealing an Order Marker on Klarion's card and before taking a turn with Klarion, if you control Teekl, you may first take a turn with Teekl.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 235

Instead of attacking, choose 2 figures within 6 clear sight spaces of either Klarion or a Teekl figure you control, and roll 2 combat dice. If you roll:
• 2 skulls, place each chosen figure on any empty space within 4 spaces of its original placement; or
• 2 shields, switch the chosen figures; or
• 2 blanks, each figure receives 3 wounds; or
• a shield and a blank, switch the Wound Markers on the chosen figures' cards; or
• a skull and a blank, move up to one marker from each chosen figure's card to any other card in that figure's army that is in play, if possible; or
• a skull and a shield, move one Wound Marker from one of the chosen figures' Army Cards onto the other chosen figure's Army Card, if possible.
Figures moved by Chaotic Antics never take any leaving engagement attacks.

When Klarion is attacked by an opponent's figure that does not have the Magical Defense special power, the most wounds Klarion can take for this attack is one.
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Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

Shouldn't they have two different books since they will have two different cards?
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

Possibly. We’ve had combined books until completion before, no?

If it were possible, I’d love to find a way to make these guys a combined draft somehow. I don’t believe we’ve done that yet, but a combo draft feels like the most thematic approach here as I see no reason to draft them apart.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I believe we have spun out glyphs before after running them together in one thread. With how you have Teekl set up, I can't see any reason why anyone would draft him without Klarion, but Klarion could conceivably be drafted by himself. Doubtful it will happen often as Teekl is a pretty good add on, but it is a possibility. As for drafting them together and at the same time, I don't think we need any special rules for that. Just make that a house rule when you are drafting army cards.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I believe we have spun out glyphs before after running them together in one thread. With how you have Teekl set up, I can't see any reason why anyone would draft him without Klarion, but Klarion could conceivably be drafted by himself. Doubtful it will happen often as Teekl is a pretty good add on, but it is a possibility. As for drafting them together and at the same time, I don't think we need any special rules for that. Just make that a house rule when you are drafting army cards.
Yeah - my family and I when we used to do drafting in Classic always ruled that Iskra and the Retchets were one draft choice to limit aggressive denial drafting! :)
Also, as to the one vs. two threads thing, I noticed that Gert Yorkes and Old Lace were one thread until completion - seems a similar situation here. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I think it's perfectly acceptable to run these two in one thread and then break them out at the end.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I'd probably want to shuffle around Teekl's powers. Maybe move the clear sight bit to Familiar Bond and keep the movement stuff all together. I'd also consider dropping Defense to 2. 9 Life with healing could make him very annoying. Guess that's up to testing, though.

For Klarion - this isn't something we're 100% consistent with, but usually "X the Y" characters are titled as name only, with the title being the class. Ronan the Accuser is Name: Ronan, Class: Accuser, for example. So he would be name: Klarion, Class: Witch Boy. I don't really anticipate Witch having much synergy, so I don't think it makes a big difference.

Really love the designs even if they're going to be a headache to balance. Good luck. :p
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I figure might as well strike while we seem to have an influx in testing. :lol:
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

For Klarion - this isn't something we're 100% consistent with, but usually "X the Y" characters are titled as name only, with the title being the class. Ronan the Accuser is Name: Ronan, Class: Accuser, for example. So he would be name: Klarion, Class: Witch Boy. I don't really anticipate Witch having much synergy, so I don't think it makes a big difference.
I'll be frank... I know it is our aesthetic, but it's also one I really, really dislike. It feels weird to consciously remove parts of the name that characters are iconically known as and it becomes particularly weird if the name doesn't fit them as a class. I'd have been happier seeing Kraven as Kraven the Hunter rather than simply Kraven. In this case, 'Witch Boy' feels particularly weird as a class when simply 'Witch' would do if we weren't trying to stick to a weird aesthetic. (and it wouldn't entirely shock me if there were eventually some Witch synergy down the line).
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I'd definitely go Witch for class. Not clear on how he's typically referred to in-universe, but I'd probably drop 'the Witch Boy' from his name unless other characters really do tend to refer to him that way. If it's more of an editorial name, he definitely shouldn't get the whole thing.

I'd probably put Teekl's defense down to 1 or 2 as well. Right now he's tougher than Catman.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

Indeed Tornado, plus Reverand Stryker is the card title for that character. It's a tough call. We have secret identities in part to make some of this easier, but it doesn't always work out that way. Klarion, the Witch Boy is a really long name but just Klarion could be unrecognizable to some in the title of a Book or in an article or wherever else. For those reasons, I'd be in favor of keeping the full title. However, it would go against our precedent, and I am a big proponent of consistency. It seems I'm split.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I look at Judge Dreed, Captain Marvel, etc. as a title or rank (appears before the name), where Ronan the Accuser and Klarion the Witchboy seem more like nicknames (appears after the name), so they seem pretty different to me. I don't think Witchboy should be the class here though, Witch would be the class, with Witchboy being more of an endearing or disparaging (depending on if it is said by a fried or foe) reference to his age.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

That does not bode well for Howard (the Duck). :)
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I see what you mean, a book titled just 'Howard' would be confusing, he really needs 'the Duck' added on to ID him. I don't know anything at all about Klarion, never heard of him before, so if 'the Witchboy' defines him much like 'the Duck' defines Howard then we should include it in the title. I think Ronan doesn't need 'the Accuser' to be identified.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I would be perfectly okay with having the thread titled The Book of Klarion the Witch Boy and having the card just say Klarion, if that's the approach we decide to take.
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Breathing)

I would be perfectly okay with having the thread titled The Book of Klarion the Witch Boy and having the card just say Klarion, if that's the approach we decide to take.

This. I was about to suggest this very thing, but Scapey :ninja:'d me. (Heh, just like old times, huh, Scapester?) ;)
Re: The Book of Klarion and Teekl (Vote for Initial Playtest

About to go out of town and in trying to catch up everywhere, I missed this one. Abstain for now.