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The Book of Kita the Springrunner


Well-known member
The Book of Kita the Springrunner
Age of Annihilation - Battle for the Wellspring


Basic Side Army Card
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No PDF download for printing at this time.

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Renegade's Story Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Biography: It is said that upon her arrival, Ewashia petitioned Aquilla directly to summon the faithful Kita as well. This shy springrunner is easily frightened, and often employs her uncanny stealth to slip away from well-meaning wizards. Nevertheless, loyal Kita will stay with Ewashia and Onshu to the end. If the situation calls for it, she will give her all to save her friends.

Power Text:
Figures must be within two spaces of Kita the Springrunner to target her with a normal or special attack.

Kita can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving an engagement.

- Rulings and Clarifications -
  • TBA

- Combinations and Synergies -

Synergy Benefits Received:
  • ARROW GRUTS: Beast Bonding
    As a Beast, Kita the Springrunner may benefit from Arrow Gruts’ BEAST BONDING activation bonus.

  • EWASHIA, MASTER OF TIDES: Command Familiar
    As a Small Beast, Kita the Springrunner may benefit from Ewashia, Master of Tides’ COMMAND FAMILIAR activation bonus.

    As a Small Beast, Kita the Springrunner may benefit from Raakchott, Steward of Death’s COMMAND FAMILIAR activation bonus.

  • HALUSHIA, SCION OF THE WILD: Command Familiar
    As a Small Beast, Kita the Springrunner may benefit from Halushia, Scion of the Wild's’s COMMAND FAMILIAR activation bonus.

Disadvantages Against:

Advantages Against

  • WARDEN 816: Evisceraxe Special Attack
    As a small figure, the Kita the Springrunner is immune to Warden 816's EVISCERAXE SPECIAL ATTACK.

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Master Index

Unit Strategy Review

-2022 Haslab Campaign Version-
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Ewashia also bonds with Kita via Command Familiar, and this should get an update with the official card.