no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of Kato Katsuro
Defenders of Kinsland - Collection 8 - "Heroes of the Molten Sea"
If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.Defenders of Kinsland - Collection 8 - "Heroes of the Molten Sea"

Character Bio: The battle rages all around. Metal clangs against metal, harquebus howl in deafening explosions, men cry the agony of their mortal wounds.
Kato Katsuro's heart beats in his eyes. His senses grow painfully sharp. The bright red blood of fallen warriors screams out at him. The smell of sweat and gun powder fills his nose and mouth. This is what he lives for. The action swarming about him is a symphony of his composition.
Suddenly an enemy breaks through Katsuro's elite samurai guard, a note he did not compose. The screaming warrior bears down with his sword. Kato quickly blocks and kicks the man backwards.
A flash burns across Katsuro's peripheral. His heart jumps into his throat. In the split of an instant he feels death falling upon him.
In that same instant the sun blinks out of the sky. The thrumming sound of constant battle goes silent. Everything is suddenly still.
Kato turns his head slowly to his right. A sword hovers, frozen, inches from his face. He steps away from the blade's edge, bewildered as he scans the horizon.
Time itself has come to a halt. Everything, everyone, ever face, perfectly still in the dim light of the overcast sun.
Looking upward Kato Katsuro sees that, unlike everything under it, the sky does not stand still. A swirling tempest of black clouds churns violently above.
At the whirling center of the storm the sky suddenly breaks open and a blindingly bright light streams down, engulfing Kato in its glow.
Out of the break descends a bronze-skinned man with wings like a great hawk.
The man touches a hand to his temple and Kato feels the earth fall out from beneath his feet. He is being pulled upward, but the feeling does not frighten him, instead his heart is filled with an overwhelming peace.
Kato removes hi s helmet and mask, revealing his young and rugged face. He reaches out and takes hold of the winged-man's outstretched hand.
Together they fly upward, into the light, and into another world.(Hasbro)

(photos courtesy of Truth

-Rulings and Clarifications-
- KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND : Activating Ashigaru Squads
On Kato Katsuro's Order Marker, may I take a turn with two squads of Ashigaru Yari,
or two squads of Ashigaru Harquebus, rather than one of each?
No. A turn with the Ashigaru on Kato Katsuro's Order Marker must consist either of
a turn with one of each squad OR a turn with only one of the two. (Hasbro FAQ)
- KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND : Adjusting Figures Before Activation
Before taking a turn on Kato Katsuro's Order Marker, may I reposition figures
so that they are within line of sight of Kato, and then take a turn with them?
Yes. Hasbro's Advanced FAQ article states that on a player's turn, s/he may adjust
the positions of friendly figures. (Hasbro FAQ)
_________________________________________________________________On Kato Katsuro's Order Marker, may I take a turn with two squads of Ashigaru Yari,
or two squads of Ashigaru Harquebus, rather than one of each?
No. A turn with the Ashigaru on Kato Katsuro's Order Marker must consist either of
a turn with one of each squad OR a turn with only one of the two. (Hasbro FAQ)
- KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND : Adjusting Figures Before Activation
Before taking a turn on Kato Katsuro's Order Marker, may I reposition figures
so that they are within line of sight of Kato, and then take a turn with them?
Yes. Hasbro's Advanced FAQ article states that on a player's turn, s/he may adjust
the positions of friendly figures. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- N/A
Synergy Benefits Offered
KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND : Samurai and Ashigaru Units
Any Samurai or Ashigaru units may benefit from Kato Katsuro's,
KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND activation synergy.
Any Samurai or Ashigaru units may benefit from Kato Katsuro's,
KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND activation synergy.
* Ashigaru Harquebus
* Ashigaru Yari
* Hatamoto Taro
* Izumi Samurai
* Kaemon Awa
* Kozuke Samurai
* Tagawa Samurai
* Tagawa Samurai Archers
- SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, Kato Katsuro may aid the Sacred Band with
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.
C3V and SoV Custom SynergiesHaving a Disciplined personality, Kato Katsuro may aid the Sacred Band with
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Human who follows Einar, Kato Katsuro may benefit from Count Raymond's MANEUVER 9 ability.
As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Kato Katsuro's Army Card to replace Kato Katsuro upon his own destruction.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
General Discussion:
Army Ideas:
Counters to Kato Katsuro:
Power Ranking
Jexik: Kato Katsuro- Although extremely expensive, he does allow you to make an army that can get 8 attacks in one order marker. He seems more appropriate in gigantic games. B-
Cleon: Tier 5 (128/208)
dok (VC inclusive): B-
Unit Strategy Review
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