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The Book of Kantono Daishi


This is merely a joke.
The Book of Kantono Daishi

Soldiers of Valhalla



The figure used for this unit is League Assassin #004 Heroclix Brave and the Bold.

Character Bio:
Spoiler Alert!

When revealing an Order Marker on Kantono Daishi, after taking Kantono Daishi's turn, if Kantono Daishi is unengaged, you may take a turn with one of the following that you control:
• 1 Ninja Squad
• up to 2 Ninja Heroes
Any figure in the above list that is taking a turn with Dishonorable Leadership must be within clear sight of Kantono Daishi before moving.


Kantono Daishi can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving an engagement.


When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, all excess shields count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure. This power does not work against Samurai.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
DISHONORABLE LEADERSHIP : Adjusting Figures Before Activation Before taking a turn on Kantono Daishi's Order Marker, may I reposition figures so that they are within line of sight of Daishi, and then take a turn with them?
Yes. Hasbro's Advanced FAQ article states that on a player's turn, s/he may adjust
the positions of friendly figures. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
COMMAND COURIER : Command Dispatch
As a Medium Vydar Unique Hero,
Kantono Daishi may take a turn due to a Command Courier’s COMMAND DISPATCH ability.

Synergy Benefits Offered
SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, Kantono Daishi may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.

Any Ninja units may benefit from Kantono Daishi's, Dishonorable Leadership activation synergy.

Strategy, Tactics, and Tips

Power Ranking
Ninja Ulginesh is not so shabby. B


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Dashi and all the others ninjas are a really cool 500points army ! They are not the most competitive army, but can have quite a punch !

You can see them against Weston + Gilbert in this battle report , with a little analysis at the end

Thanks again QT for this superb design !
:woot: He ties all the Ninja's together into one team, way to go SOV! To the copy shop I must go, I'm looking forward to getting him and them all together on the battlefield very much!
I have found that Kumiko and especially Shiori are very effective with Daishi. Shiori gets to have a boost from all the order markers on her that she doesn't have to spend now to activate.

I really want to figure out the best combo of ninjas with the Sacred Band now.
A much needed addition and well executed design. I already have the figure too so now just need to get the card printed out.
When I attempt do download this card i get this message
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
I got to play two games with this guy the other day on Fulcrum. I had the 500 point "ninja" army and Hosey was using Omegacron, snipersx2, and repulsorsx3. I lost one, then won one. This guy really helps overcome the frail nature of the ninjas, leading to a fun and *somewhat* competitive army. I agree that Shiori gets the most benefit from him. Fun, well designed unit. Thanks.