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The Book of Kaemon Awa


Well-known member
The Book of Kaemon Awa
Dawn of Darkness - Collection 6 - "Heroes of Durgeth"

Spoiler Alert!
If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: "Tensely drawn bow string,... Swift arrows release and soar,... Few are left standing
Hateful sword striking,... Kaemon Awa quickly draws,... Awa is faster"

- A pair of haiku writ of Kaemon Awa in battle.

Kaemon Awa fervently fighting on the field of battle is a thing of deadly beauty. It inspires allies to brave feats, and terrifies foes to shameful retreat. Arrows fly from his bow at an unbelievable pace. Enemies are not safe from afar, and less so from up close, for Awa is even more lethal with his sword drawn.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • - COUNTERSTRIKE : Who is affected by counterstrike
    Does Counter Strike work against other characters that have Counter Strike?
    Yes, the only time the Kaemon Awa’ Counter Strike is negated is against other Samurai. All other figures that have counterstrike can still be affected by it unless otherwise stated on their card. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • - HATAMOTO TARO : Heroic Defense Aura
    As Samurai, Kaemon Awa may benefit from Hatamoto Taro’s HEROIC DEFENSE AURA

    - KATO KATSURO : Kato Katsuro's Command
    As a Samurai Hero, Kaemon Awa may benefit from Kato Katsuro's KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND activation synergy.

Synergy Benefits Offered
  • - SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
    Having a Disciplined personality, Kaemon Awa may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY
    *NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

  • - TBA

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Kaemon Awa- A great late-game mop-up hero, Kaemon can single-handedly take out much of an opponent's army. A-


Cleon: Tier 9 (23/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A-

Master Index
MKSentinel said:

Unit Strategy Review
  • - TBA
Last edited by a moderator:
Homba said:
Reply on Kaemon Awa and Nilfheim's special attack followed by "may attack (x) additional time(s)." Can the "additional attack(s)" be normal or special attacks at the player's option?

Hasbro answer: No. The additonal attacks must be special attacks.

Response (Chris) 12/15/2006 08:19 AM
When you decide to use a Special Attack instead of a normal attack, you cannot attack with the normal attack that turn unless it specifically says so in the wording. In these 2 cases (Nilfheim and Kaemon Awa), you've begun with the Special Attack. Any subsequent attacks that round would also be with the Special Attack.
This may be a nice addition to the Rulings and Clarifications section?

Kaemon Awa is one of my favorited units and I thought of tips and tricks with him. I was going to post this as a seperate topic but figured it would just get deleted.

Kaemon Awa is powerful and with range and four attacks he can take out units with a defense of 3 or less easily. When dealing with more powerful units with more life or defense, don't bring him closer to the unit if it has no range. If it does have range go closer and use his special attack. He is best used as a mid- game hero to take out heavy hitters or powereful melee units. He can be used as melee or range depending on the situation. One problem is his life.

Units that work well against him would be units that have powerful ranged attacks like Syvarris and KMA, or AE. You could also use Nilfeim. In one game Nilfeim took out Kaemon Awa and Major Q9 in one turn with his special attack.

Units that work well with him would be ranged units that can last long like the KMA, Nakita Agents, or the Marro Warriors. Units to protect from powerful ranged attacks help too. Units like the Nakita Agents and Raelin would be helpful. To stop swarms of vipers and 4ht mass use the rats. They can tie up the units and then Kaemon Awa can get close enough to use his special attack without being engaged. He can also be usesd as a front line like Syvarris. Use theracas to get him to a passing point for enemies and get him height advantage. He can rain down some arrows as the enemy passes below. Here are some armies.

Kaemon Awa 120
Nakita Agents 120
Raelin 80
Rats 2 80

Stop the opponent with the rats and bring all the rest of your units into battle. Keep one Nakita Agent next to Kaemon Awa and Raelin. Use Kaemon Awa with his powerful attack and double attack to destroy the units engaged to the rats. Then wait for the rest of the enemy to come and destroy them with a head on battle. The problem with this army is it is just one big wave of attack. In most armies your sending unit after unit but not this army. For a 500pt. build I would just add the KMA. They can be the first wave and then the rats which would not be expected. You would tie up the enemies melee and maybe some range but you'd have an advantage. Okay, that's all I have to say.
GForce3062 said:
My favorite figure in the game. Nuf' said.
What isn't Kaemon good for? He has a sweet special attack, strong ranged attack, decent melee attack, and pretty good defense. Plus, he's disciplined.
ole Kaemon has the potential to whoop some toosh if given the chance! back him up with Brunak or Theracus and this guy can get some where in a hurry.

Kaemon has got a good offense and defense that is rarely seen in any other fig. He's got a bow that can attack up to 2 times, plus if someone gets real close and attacks he can potentially harm them with counterstrike. He's probably my favorite character so far! :up:
Just got him today, and played a game with him. Very good unit, and was a great match for Cyprien, though he fell to Kee-Mo-shi when the two unholy warriors teamed up. But after the dust had cleared, Kaemon had earned his points and then some. Very solid; not very flashy, but he gets the job done.
I love him, although my experience with him vs cyprien is not to his advantage. Cyprien chilled him dead before he did anything.
Well, Cyprien was pretty banged up by some others by then, and was running around killing squaddies. Kaemon kept him around 4/5 damage, even after most of his archers were frozen/bitten. So while he'll fall to Cyprien head-to-head, he can keep him "Out of my Yard" so to speak.
Solid. He's reason enough to buy the Heroes of Durgeth. He's like Nilfheim without big annoying wings. He can also hit the same guy twice.
I see Kaemon Awa as being one of the best defenders, stick him behind a unit of samurai and they can take the brunt of enemy attacks while softens them up for close encounters
whenever my bro and me play he ALWAYS picks kaemon, well c'mon can u blame him? :D he is the coolest samurai out there, and he "owns" his little archer squad that helps him fight :)
My absolute favorite looking sculpt. Colorful, and just... well... cool looking. Always performed, too. Low health... but I find that no-one really gets to him. Very solid range with 4 attack. Works for me. If they get closer, just pelt them with the Quick Release. I pretty much always draft him in a 600 or so point army. Him, the Tagawa Samurai, and then pick around from there. Usually the commander of my army.
One thing I like to do is place Kaemon Awasome on a hilltop and see how many zombies he can destroy before he is eaten. Good fun.
Kaemon Awa is hands down the best all-round figure in the game. I think he also is one of the best sculpts/paints too.

It seems that most figures are situational, or are at their best when matched with others or used in a theme army. Kaemon Awa however is good in pretty much every situation, and his points are right on par with his abilities.
I got second at Tree Town Open 3 and in the first two games of the tournament kameon awa killed a unit every single attack. I'm talking about quick release special. So with two attacks of 4 every turn he killed A.E., 4th mass, aubriens, deathreavers, and marden hounds, he always killed someone. Both shots, every shot in the first two games. I love this Samurai.
Kaemon found his way into a full third of the Florida Frenzy armies...testament to his Awasomeness. :headbang:
Browncoat said:
It seems that most figures are situational, or are at their best when matched with others or used in a theme army. Kaemon Awa however is good in pretty much every situation, and his points are right on par with his abilities.

Absoutely. It's easy to find something for a third or fourth draft pick to counter a specific heavy hitter or a particular swarm, but not so easy to find a unit that's great for the first draft. Kaemon is a good one to pick when you have little or no information about the other side.
Comparing him to Agent Carr, who has the same amount of defense but two less ranged attack and one less range, but has phantom walk (disengage+Ghost walk) and 6 melee attack.
For 20 more points, you get a consistent (range+melee) 4 attack, one more range, counterstrike, and a double attack with 4 attack dice AND it's a special. However, I guess Awa isn't a phantom, but... Still. I find Awa's abilities much more useful and seen use more often than Carr's. Both have their uses, but for 20 more points Awa is a steal, much like Krug being a steal. 120 points? What could match Awa or Krug for 120 points? A squad of minions and isamu? Syvarris and wizzy elf (akk what's her name?! oak defense 1 lady!)? I don't think so.
Kaemon Awasome

One of the most painful things ever happened to me last night when I was forced to kill Kaemon Awa with Retairius. Seriously, I nearly cried. :cry: It was the first time I didn't play him in a game and obviously the first time I had to go up against him and it was the worst time of my heroscape life. Never again will I let him fall into anothers hands, he is far too precious :headbang:
Gah!:grrrr: I can't stand Awa! I have one friend who I play with and he always chooses Kaemon Awa and he is always my downfall. I don't dare send Cyprein after him, and most of the time I can't ever kill him. Pair him with Hatamoto Taro and he becomes unstoppable! Curse me for giving that flag guy to him for a birthday present.:duh:
Lord of the elves,

Try an army featuring Raelin (RotV) and the Krav Maga Agents. Kaemon isn't so tough when you outrange him and are hard to hit at a distance.

Conversely, try building an army around the Arrow Gruts with Krug and Mimring. Krug will devestate Kaemon Awa and Mimring does nicely if you maintain range.

~Aldin, who also likes 4th Mass/AE/10th Foot vs. Kaemon
Lord of the elves,

Try an army featuring Raelin (RotV) and the Krav Maga Agents. Kaemon isn't so tough when you outrange him and are hard to hit at a distance.

Conversely, try building an army around the Arrow Gruts with Krug and Mimring. Krug will devestate Kaemon Awa and Mimring does nicely if you maintain range.

~Aldin, who also likes 4th Mass/AE/10th Foot vs. Kaemon

Thanks, I'll try the Raelin/Krav Maga Agents idea. I can't find anywhere to get krug or arrow gruts, and when I do I have always just gotten new units :D But I'll try your idea.
Kaemon Awa is AWASOME!!!!! As soon as I can get my hands on some free time... Here comes AWA!!!!!:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

Has anyone tried a defensive army with him, the ninjas and Isamu. You'd need some range but after that...:twisted::twisted::twisted:

Hey... Does anyone know any good Awasome pics???