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The Book of Judge Mortis


Fan Fiction Prompt Master
The Book of Judge Mortis

C3G 2000AD WAVE 24


Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the INDY set.
Its model number and name are #115-117 / Judge Mortis.

Character Bio - Judge Mortis is in a perpetual state of disintegration, and his touch causes his victims to decay extremely rapidly. Like Fire and Fear, he spent his early years as a trainee Judge at Law School, Deadworld's equivalent to Mega-City One's Academy of Law, and graduated after Judge Death. He quickly developed an admiration for Sidney's methods and beliefs and became one of his three lieutenants, sharing his comrade's zeal for passing arbitrary death sentences. (From wikia)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As an Undead, Judge Mortis has these Undead Synergies.
  • As a Dark Judge, Judge Mortis may be moved by Judge Fire's Purge the Sinners special power.
Outgoing Synergy:_________________________________________________________________

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 165

After revealing an Order Marker on the Army Card of another Undead Unique Hero you control and immediately before attacking with that Hero, if Judge Mortis is engaged, he may attack an opponent's figure with his normal attack.

When Judge Mortis attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack, and at least one skull is rolled, the defending figure immediately receives one unblockable wound before defense dice are rolled, or two unblockable wounds if it is a destructible object.

At the end of each round, if Judge Mortis is on the battlefield and there are two or fewer Wound Markers on this card, you may place him on any empty space on the battlefield. When Judge Mortis is moved with Dimensional Teleport, he may not be placed adjacent to an opponent's figure and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
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Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Art ...
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Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

I think you missed a step. You forgot to PM the heroes :p
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Decaying touch seems like it should be limited to either each one of your numbered OMs revealed or one opponent, then it is maxed out at 3W per turn. As it stand now you it could be inflicting 6W per round in a 1 on 1 game, 9W per wound in a 3 player game, 12W per round in a 4 player game, etc.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

I like the look of it, for the most part.

I would drop the X OM restriction from The Shield. It's already "once per game", no need for the X.

Also, "instead of attacking" implies that an Attack phase must be eligible to be skipped, but I think it should be reworded to be more clear that the figure must be taking a turn. Otherwise, it could be read that it can be used anytime a DJ moves or is moved, including with Dimensional Teleport.

He'll be pretty swingy depending on the matchup. Melee squads will hate him, and melee heroes aren't a fan. On the other hand, heavily ranged armies will be delayed at best. Mortis could be super nasty with throwers though. Pair him with Magneto (II) and have the potential for 6 auto-wounds in a single turn.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Yeah. He may be better with Magneto then with the other Dark Judges.
I think Magneto(II), Blob and Mortis could be vicious, then you could squeeze in Judge Death or Fear or go with another static attack like War Machine(~shiver).

I could see dropping his Defense by one to lower his survivability.

I have to agree with you YK on the OM trigger. If it went off your opponent you could still get a ton in multi-player games, so limiting it to your OMs may be the way to go.

Lots of thanks on this one. I believe Margloth came up with Decaying Touch.
Viegon convinced me to make The Shield a glyph(instead of using the X OM).
Karat helped a ton on the wording for the glyph/power.
Throw Rug

So most people that can move figures have a range of 4ish allowing them to safely sit outside the shield and toss a dark judge off the glyph and it goes bye bye. Is this okay?

~Dysole, probably doing this out of order
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

I don't like Decaying Touch as is. It doesn't feel like decay at all at this point. To me, decay would do one of two things in a mechanical sense, erode at one's defense or erode at one's life. It could be argued that this does erode away one's life, but personally, I'd much rather see it tied to his normal attack than as a passive type of power :2cents:
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Ohh, I kind of like the idea of decaying touch eroding an adj. figures defense. The auto wounds from both decaying touch and the shield seem like double dipping, changing decaying touch to defense gives him two different tricks. Then you could leave it as written on the numbered OM reveal. Put him next to Superman and bring his defense down considerably. The race would be on to destroy Mortis before you get to the end of the round if you also had Blob locking him in place so you could not escape. If you can still move, take the LEA and move on to a new target. I don't know if this fits from a theme stand point though.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

My thoughts:
1) The Decaying Touch in the SP right now is too strong. Limiting it to your OMs only would work nicely, though I do like some of the other ideas being discussed.
2) I'd prefer to see his "The Shield" power limited so you can only use it when he takes a turn. It'd be simpler and also be interesting tactically because you'd have to put an OM on him when you wouldn't normally.
3) I like the glyph, but I worry that right now it'll be way too strong against certain match-ups (melee, particularly squads), but useless against others (range and any tossers). I don't have any ideas right now, but it'd be nice if we could level that out a little.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Generally looks good.

I like the idea of a decaying power but that current power doesn't feel like it's decaying. Here's 2 ideas, first one (my preference) to decay life, the second to decay attack (which could be swapped for defense).

Start the game with 5 grey decay markers. After revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card before taking a turn with Judge Mortis, if he is engaged with an opponent's hero figure you may place decay marker on that heroes card. At the end of each round all figures with a decay marker on their card gain one wound. Judge Mortis is not affected by this special power.

Start the game with 8 grey decay markers. After revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card before taking a turn with Judge Mortis, if he is engaged with an opponent's hero figure you may place decay marker on that heroes card. Figures subtract 1 from their attack value for each decay marker on their card. Judge Mortis is not affected by this special power.

I agree with the others about "The Shield" power triggering.

But the glyph doesn't feel like a shield but some sort of area trap. Apart from that I don't mind glyph (& disagree with Vigeon's concern about it) because the way it's worded at the moment once a figure has moved inside the shielded area they experience no other effect until they decide to move outside the area. So it's just a 50% chance of receiving a wound & stopping - same effect for all figures. Sure it's a 50% chance of dying if it's a common or squad figure but it's known risk before attempting it :shrug:. Having said that the thing I don't like about it, is that it has a generic name but is targeted to be used only by Dark Judges.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Thanks A3n. Your analysis is spot on.

The Shield is a trap! In the comics it is used to surround an entire building (like the one in the movie). This kept their victims in and kept the Judges out while they slaughtered. It is generic in name and apparently was a technology only used by the Dark Judges(but they most likely stole it from some victim). The radius of effect should actually be much more.

I think part of the problem is the power names do not reflect accurately what the powers do. Unfortunately it is exactly what the powers are called in the comics.
The Shield is called simply The S-S-Shield(they hiss their S's). I think perhaps we could change it to The Shield Trap or just Shield Trap.

Decaying Touch is the same way. The problem is when people think decay they think slow but in fact it is very fast. Death Touch would be more accurate but that is already taken.
When Mortis touches you, you are dead in mere moments. Once while hunting Rookie Judges holed up behind a security door, he simply touched the door that decayed away and he burst through. I think I would rather have a more deadly affect that happened less then something that happened more but did little or no damage.

I like the idea of Decay markers except for one major issue, it does not work on squads. Mortis would be more likely to go after weaker targets. I could never live with a Mortis design that could not use Decaying Touch on Civilians. That is his favorite thing.

I am not sure if lowering Defense is the way to go since that is the power we gave Fear and Fear's is written to work with Judge Death.

I would have no problem dropping The Shield if that makes it easier but I am less flexible on Decaying Touch. It does damage, instantly, with a touch.

Instead of taking a turn with Judge Mortis, you may choose one engaged figure to be affected by Decaying Touch. If the chosen figure has exactly one Life remaining, destroy it. If the chosen figure is not destroyed and is a Hero, you may reveal an X Order Marker on this card and roll two(3?) unblockable attack dice against the chosen Hero.

See if that sparks any ideas.

I can provide some comic images of The Shield and Decaying Touch in action if that would help.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

What about?

Instead of taking a turn normally with Judge Mortis, you may choose an adjacent figure and roll the 20-sided die. Add 1 to the roll for each Wound Marker that was on the chosen figure's card at the start of your turn. If you roll X or higher, the chosen figure receives 1 wound and you may roll again for Decaying Touch. You may continue rolling for Decaying Touch until you fail to roll X or higher or the chosen figure is destroyed.

I'd give it a fairly high roll like 18 or so.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

That would not be very effective against common heroes & squads though. After reading T's recap of the power as seen in the comics, I like his approach where he uses it on any figure with just 1 life left. Then he can be using it on common heroes and common squads all the time (and figures like Wasp), while only using it on the named heroes once they have already been beaten up and slowed down by injuries. He would be great at taking out the fully raged Hulk. You just would have to keep him alive and protected long enough for your opponents hardest to kill figures to get taken down.

The other thing that caught my eye was the instant decaying of a door, the castle door has always been a bit of a pain to deal with. Perhaps the power should also extend out to DO's, so he can touch and remove from the board DO's at will? Some of the DO's, like the trees, have effects that kick in once destroyed that could be quite useful for his team. Instead of trying to go right at the 4-life Superman, drop a couple of trees on him and try to bring him down to 1 life so you can take him out with the decaying touch as well.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

A couple possibilities:

1) The simple approach:
Instead of attacking with Judge Mortis, you may choose a figure adjacent to Judge Mortis that has 1 Life remaining. Destroy the chosen figure.

2) The complex approach:
Instead of attacking with Judge Mortis, you may choose a figure adjacent to Judge Mortis. Roll X combat dice, where X equals the chosen figure's remaining Life number. If you roll a skull on every die, destroy the chosen figure.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Both of those are interesting powers, Viegon. :up: I'd be curious to see how they play.

Beyond that I think I'm good with it... The Shield could have some wonkiness with throwers but I think that's something we have to live with. Is it thematic, though? Could Magneto throw a guy through it?
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

2) The complex approach:
Instead of attacking with Judge Mortis, you may choose a figure adjacent to Judge Mortis. Roll X combat dice, where X equals the chosen figure's remaining Life number. If you roll a skull on every die, destroy the chosen figure.

I like this.
Re: Throw Rug

I like that also. I was thinking auto-destroy might be a little much.

The one problem is that I do not think it will work with JD's Death Never Dies power. The power is worded that you must "attack and destroy" a figure to bring back JD. That is why the second part of my power I had Mortis roll attack dice, so at least he could bring back JD when destroying heroes.
So if we could word it so it would work with Judge Death then I am all for it. Great power V!

Could we possibly tweak that so it works better on DOs?

The more I think about it the more I like it. Catwoman would be nearly Decay-proof.

So most people that can move figures have a range of 4ish allowing them to safely sit outside the shield and toss a dark judge off the glyph and it goes bye bye. Is this okay?

~Dysole, probably doing this out of order

I apologize for not answering yesterday.
Great question.
The answer: unfortunately yes.
It would not happen in the comic because The Shield was activated inside a Mega-structure, so Magneto would not be able to see the Dark Judges to throw. However if the DJs were foolish enough to activate The Shield in a more open setting I see no reason why Magneto could not toss them or anyone else inside The Shield, including in to it, forcing a roll.

In the comics, anyone who touched The Shield was instantly destroyed.
Only Anderson was able to get through unharmed(which leads me to believe that The Shield is psionic in nature, the DJs are also psionic, though this is never spelled out in the comics.)
Of course this could never be for C3G. I could see making the range bigger if everyone is OK with it.
I really have no problem with the weakness of being tossed off the glyph. It feels right. You could always draft Shadowcat to protect the glyph holder.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

If you want Decaying Touch to work with Judge Death, it will need to be an actual attack; a power that rolls combat dice wouldn't activate Death's power. Maybe make it something similar to the Apokoliptian Weaponry where a certain roll triggers an auto-wound?
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Out of curiosity, why is Death limited to attacks to revive, but the Orange constructs get to come out from any type of kill? Seems a little weird to me considering how similar the two powers are otherwise. Right now, none of the powers suggested would work with JD very well.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Took me a bit but here are the original posts.
Spoiler Alert!

Can we add a clause on to the end of Viegon's version that states "figures destroyed by this power are considered to have been attacked"?

I would still like to tweak it for DOs if possible.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Was I the only one who liked the original Decaying Touch? :p
Instead of attacking with Judge Mortis, you may choose a figure adjacent to Judge Mortis. Roll X combat dice, where X equals the chosen figure's remaining Life number. If you roll a skull on every die, destroy the chosen figure.

This works, but doesn't excite me much. I'm just not a fan of highly-swingy, auto-destroy powers.
Re: The Book of Judge Mortis - Brainstorming

Would something like this work for you T?

Range 1, Attack Special
Roll X combat dice, where X equals the targeted figure or objects remaining Life number. If you roll a skull on every die, the defending figure or object may not roll any defense dice. You may only use this Special Attack once per round.

Any figure or object with auto shields would not be instantly destroyed, but you would get the chance to inflict partial wounds. I limited it to once per round since he could be rolling 7-8 attack dice.