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The Book of Judge Death


Fan Fiction Prompt Master
The Book of Judge Death



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Indy set.
Its model number and name are #092 / Judge Death.

Character Bio -
(A twisted creature from another dimension, Judge Death reasoned that since all crime was committed by the living, that life itself was unlawful.
The turning point for Sydney was discovering the Sisters of Death. With their help he became the undead monster Judge Death, before repeating the procedure on three other Judges. They became Judge Fear, Fire, and Mortis - The Dark Judges.
Together they exterminated all life on their planet and renamed it Deadworld. When an dimensional traveler accidentally stumbled on Deadworld, Death killed him and took the technology for the Dark Judges. With it, he reasoned, they could eradicate life across other worlds and dimensions.) [comicvine]

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As an Undead, Judge Death has these Undead Synergies.
  • As a Dark Judge, Judge Death may be moved by Judge Fire's Purge the Sinners special power.
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Judge Death may activate an Undead Hero with his Death Sentence Special Attack. Current Undead.
  • When Judge Death is destroyed, you may place him on the card of any Unique Undead Hero you control with Death Never Dies special power. Current Unique Undead Heroes.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • As an Undead figure, Judge Death is vulnerable to certain abilities, such as Hawkman's Nth Metal Mace and Blade's Silver Weapons.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 295

Range 1. Attack 2.
Unique figures may not roll more than 1 defense die and Common figures may not roll defense dice against this special attack. Androids, Undead, and destructible objects roll defense dice normally. After revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card, if Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

When Judge Death is destroyed, you may remove all markers, including Order Markers, from this card and place him on the card of any Undead Unique Hero you control. After Judge Death has been destroyed, when a figure with Judge Death on its card attacks and destroys an opponent's figure that is not an Android, Undead, or destructible object, you may immediately replace the destroyed figure with Judge Death.

At the end of each round, if Judge Death is on the battlefield and there are two or fewer Wound Markers on this card, you may place him on any empty space on the battlefield. When Judge Death is moved with Dimensional Teleport, he may not be placed adjacent to an opponent's figure and will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

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Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)


Original design. Playtests 1&2
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2nd version
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Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I wonder if this can't be trimmed down a bit.

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique Heroes may not roll more than 1 defense die and Squad figures may not roll defense dice.Squad figures cannot roll defense dice when attacked with this special attack. Unique heroes attacked with this special attack cannot roll more than 1 defense die. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

For pasteability:

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique Heroes may not roll more than 1 defense die and Squad figures may not roll defense dice. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

Also, now that I'm thinking about it, what if Common or Uncommon Heroes are attacked by this Special? Perhaps we should address that.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Looking good T-Spinny!

Should Death Never Dies remove all markers, or just wound markers. Thanos, Doomsday, Grundy, all come back with other markers on them, seems like he should as well.

:Edit: good point Karat. Maybe it should be common instead of squads, and isn't uncommon the same as Unique when referred to on powers?
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I wonder if this can't be trimmed down a bit.

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique Heroes may not roll more than 1 defense die and Squad figures may not roll defense dice.Squad figures cannot roll defense dice when attacked with this special attack. Unique heroes attacked with this special attack cannot roll more than 1 defense die. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

For pasteability:

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique Heroes may not roll more than 1 defense die and Squad figures may not roll defense dice. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

Also, now that I'm thinking about it, what if Common or Uncommon Heroes are attacked by this Special? Perhaps we should address that.

Uncommon Heroes and Unique Heroes are treated the same under the rules, so the mention of Unique Heroes covers Uncommons. That said, Unique Squads and Common Heroes are not covered in the text. Event Heroes, presumably, are left out on purpose I'd break down the first line (I like the condensed version) based on Unique figures and Common figures instead of Unique Heroes and Squad figures.

The reference to Destructible Objects is not needed because, like Event Heroes, there's nothing in the power that specifically affects them, so no exception needs to be made for them. Destructible Objects are not Squad figures or Unique Heroes. Nor are they Unique figures or Common figures.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Great points. We need to lump common heroes in with squads or unique heroes. I am leaning towards squads.

Removing all the markers was intended to limit how awesome the power is REJ. I am all for allowing OMs to stay on as long as it does not drive up his cost.
I like that all markers are removed in case there is a 'negative' marker on his card. I guess we could make it all markers except OMs.

EDIT: Thanks Bats. All squads are lumped together, regardless of Unique or Common. Nice call on the DOs.

We can just make it Unique and Common. That sounds straight forward enough.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Not sure there would be a good way to distinguish between all other markers and OMs. I'd say just remove all or just wound markers would be simpler.

Incorporating Bats' suggestion for you:

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique Heroesfigures may not roll more than 1 defense die and SquadCommon figures may not roll defense dice. Androids,and Undead, and Destructible Objectsfigures roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.

For pasteability:

Range 1. Attack 3.
When attacked by this special attack, Unique figures may not roll more than 1 defense die and Common figures may not roll defense dice. Android and Undead figures roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with this special attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

The current version doesn't cover Common Heroes at all; they would roll defense dice normally. That doesn't seem intentional.

Assuming Event Heroes being exempt is intentional, I would phrase it this way:

Range 1. Attack 3.
Common and Squad Figures do not roll defense dice, and Unique Heroes may not roll more than 1 defense die, when attacked by Death Sentence Special Attack. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with Death Sentence Special Attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.​

(You can make it "Unique and Event Heroes" if that wasn't intentional. Event Heroes have a lot of life, usually, so they're not terribly vulnerable to this attack either way.)

Test build:

290 JD
290 Solomon Grundy
320 Frankenstein

SG doesn't need OMs until Frank is dead, becuase both Frank and JD can activate him. JD can be put on Solomon Grundy so you can never really get him out of the game until everyone is dead.

The obvious weakness of the army is that it's three melee heroes, with no real protection against ranged attacks, only one special attack, no autowounders, and no ability to move opponent's figures. At higher point totals these are the things I would try to address. No need for more undead figures IMO.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Dok, see the wording edit above your post, it would cover Common-Unique Heroes and Squad figures. Just saying ;)
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Yeah, you ninja'ed me. Sorry, I was doing other things.

It's just a question of where you want unique squad figures to fall. If that's not a big deal, than sure, it gets simpler. I'd then go with:

Range 1. Attack 3.
Common figures do not roll defense dice, and Unique figures may not roll more than 1 defense die, when attacked by Death Sentence Special Attack. Androids, Undead, and Destructible Objects roll defense dice normally. If Judge Death destroys a figure with Death Sentence Special Attack, you may immediately take a turn with any other Undead Hero you control.​
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Thanks dok.

I playtested that army with the Vampire Minions against the F4 and did OK. It was no match for one of the better C3G builds, but it was a lot of fun with many multiple turns on both sides.
I would say it was one of the most fun playtests I have conducted.

The one I have not tried is Kirigi. He has the ability to get 'multi-attacks', which is rare for Undead.
I am a bit uneasy about not knowing how he will run with Crow and Gentleman Ghost. Hopefully that will be resolved in playtesting. :)
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Death Sentence was looking a bit clunky to me, but wording adjustments are improving that. :up:

I'd like to see his Life come down a bit... maybe to 4, just to keep him from getting TOO annoying, since he can heal AND come back from the dead.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Both of those powers are restricted.

He only can heal if he has two or fewer wounds and then only at the end of the round. In playtests I have inflicted three wounds on him in the first round negating Teleporting and Healing for the entire game.

He only can come back to life if he is destroyed and there is an Unique Undead Hero to place his figure on. Then that figure must destroy an enemy figure that is not Undead, Android, or DO.

Yes he can heal and come back but both of those powers are more conditional than other powers of those types.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I playtested that army with the Vampire Minions against the F4 and did OK. It was no match for one of the better C3G builds, but it was a lot of fun with many multiple turns on both sides.
I would say it was one of the most fun playtests I have conducted.
Cool. Of course, Vampire Minions are really just filler there, and not particularly useful filler (more melee attackers in a powerful melee build, and they can't protect others from ranged attacks).

The one I have not tried is Kirigi. He has the ability to get 'multi-attacks', which is rare for Undead.
I am a bit uneasy about not knowing how he will run with Crow and Gentleman Ghost. Hopefully that will be resolved in playtesting. :)
Krigi's ability to move figures and autowound are definitely useful in this build, but he's a bit limited, as you would expect for those points.

Really, as I said, while the Frank/JD/Solomon trio makes a lot of sense together, they are very one-note and can get taken apart by opponents that can move figures, counter normal attacks, manipulate opponent's melee figures, etc. At the ~1000 point range, the better move is probably to leave out Frankenstein, and just pick 420 points of support figures that can solve the problems those figures have. Double turns could also be nice for speeding up the return of Solomon Grundy.

At 980 points, I could see playing Judge Death + Solomon Grundy + Magneto (310) + Mastermind. That gives you protection against range, a ranged attack of your own, the ability to inflict autowounds, the ability to move opponent's figures, and a more consistent way to take double turns. That's a much more balanced competitive build.

If I was playing a big 1500 point game, I'd be much more inclined to include Frankenstein as a third undead figure and a 1-2 punch with Grundy, but I'd look for complimentary figures after that rather than adding more undead.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Test build:

290 JD
290 Solomon Grundy
320 Frankenstein

SG doesn't need OMs until Frank is dead, becuase both Frank and JD can activate him. JD can be put on Solomon Grundy so you can never really get him out of the game until everyone is dead.

The obvious weakness of the army is that it's three melee heroes, with no real protection against ranged attacks, only one special attack, no autowounders, and no ability to move opponent's figures. At higher point totals these are the things I would try to address. No need for more undead figures IMO.

Throwing Weather Wizard in there helps with those weaknesses and gives you a nice even 1,000.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Nice Magneto/Mastermind build. I will have to try that. It might make JD worth 290. :)

Yeah the Vampire Minions were just to keep the Undead theme.
Something else could have made that a bit stronger.

Grundy with Death can be awesome if they both come back once or more.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

This is exactly why I waited on designing Drac. I wanted to test him with Death to make sure they wouldn't be too overpowered together.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Would it be thematic to keep the defense reduction on the SA to figures without Super Strength? It seems a bit weird to me that this guy has such potential to beat on heavy hitters like Superman and Thor.

Does he regularly face off against actual superheroes? Or more of just Judge Dredd caliber?
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

Margloth :woot:

He does not face heroes on the epic level.
He can insert his hand, almost phantom like, into his victim's chest.
I do not think SS would be a defense. In fact I think being a brawler would be a negative. Fast and nimble trumps Judge Death. That is why an Unique Hero receive one defense, so one shield defenders have a chance.

He really does not beat up on anyone with only three attack and range one, combined with a single attack.

After playtesting him, you find he is not nearly as bad ass as he seems.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I don't think he will regularly take down Thor on his own, but if he routinely shaves 5-6 life off of Thor by himself, well... That would drive his cost up quite a bit (especially since he's quite the team player).
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I have to disagree, based off my playtests.
If you can show that to be a fact I will listen.
He is not as strong as a team player as he may seem.
Wolverine owned him.

I addressed the Thor thing before. Thor has range and fly and should absolutely obliterate Judge Death every time. Once he inflicts three wounds on Death he cannot teleport or heal. Move 4, Range 1.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I got a chance to run him in a test or two a few months back and I didn't come away with any balance concerns, fwiw. :) I'd be reluctant to see major mechanical changes before an initial.
Re: The Book of Judge Death (Design Phase)

I like the edits & I like the Death never Dies power. I agree that the life should come down.